
Are there Psychedelics that are Not Stimulating/Exhausting to the Nervous System ?

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@What Am I I've experimented quite a bit with lower doses of 5-MeO and Meditation and don't like it. 

For myself it's not really that effective and at times very unpleasant. 

At other times also interesting. 

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18 minutes ago, Verg0 said:

@What Am I I've experimented quite a bit with lower doses of 5-MeO and Meditation and don't like it. 

For myself it's not really that effective and at times very unpleasant. 

At other times also interesting. 

It's possible meditation wouldn't be the best word to describe what I'm doing and how the 5-MeO-DMT helps me. I'm not performing a single-pointed concentration practice. It's more like an active witness state of presence and being where I'm releasing resistance into the moment and continuously feeling the activation of the subtle energetic body. That's a mouthful, but it's all done as a singular action, like how riding a bike is a non-conceptual kinesthetic skill that becomes mentally effortless despite all the coordination involved. It leads to some wild experiences far above what a lower dose would produce on its own.

Also to be clear, I use high doses as well. And as many of you know, that shit is crazy lol.

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15 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

go for one long hike every day for 3-5 hours, preferably up and down a mountain.

That's not something you should ever, ever recommend unless you know that the person you are talking to is male.

Think about what would happen if a female did that, for that long, on a road with 0 cameras or witnesses where DNA evidence would be easily lost, and encountered a male.

I think the chance of that male forgetting everything about PUA and "you are your own worst enemy" hopscotch and committing a felony is a little too high.

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3 minutes ago, numbersinarow said:

That's not something you should ever, ever recommend unless you know that the person you are talking to is male.

Think about what would happen if a female did that, for that long, on a road with 0 cameras or witnesses where DNA evidence would be easily lost, and encountered a male.

I think the chance of that male forgetting everything about PUA and "you are your own worst enemy" hopscotch and committing a felony is a little too high.

Wow is it really that bad in the US? Would be no issue here (Germany)

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22 minutes ago, numbersinarow said:

That's not something you should ever, ever recommend unless you know that the person you are talking to is male.

Think about what would happen if a female did that, for that long, on a road with 0 cameras or witnesses where DNA evidence would be easily lost, and encountered a male.

I think the chance of that male forgetting everything about PUA and "you are your own worst enemy" hopscotch and committing a felony is a little too high.

I said up and down a mountain, in nature, not in a concrete jungle.

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1 hour ago, nuwu said:

not sure if clueless about neurodivergence or covert abuse. please refrain from talking to me.

You gotta chill the fuck out 😂 All I've been giving you is advice.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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6 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

I said up and down a mountain, in nature, not in a concrete jungle.

Yeah that's sadly what I'm talking about.

Imagine a man carrying 100K on a desolate road and coming across someone else who knows they could get away with attacking him.

I'm not assuming you meant a completely and utterly obscure path since those are bad/awkward for running.

29 minutes ago, vibv said:

Wow is it really that bad in the US? Would be no issue here (Germany)

Not everyone would commit that kind of crime but there's no doubting the chance is too high.

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15 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

The logic behind the method is a sustained and subtle form of "disruptive processing" where you expose yourself to new impressions which pushes your brain into a new state and makes it more vulnerable to sudden deep transformations like spiritual awakening experiences.

This is a pretty cool idea. I've noticed in myself that I get stagnant and go on a type of autopilot when I'm too caught up in my routines. I agree that breaking it up and putting yourself in more novel situations is conducive to the opportunity for large changes.

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33 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

You gotta chill the fuck out 😂 All I've been giving you is advice.

Carl is gaslighting again :/.

Jokes aside, I think you are better off not interacting with her , because its gonna trigger her and you are going to be perceived as an abuser and your message wont come across anyway (of course this sentence itself could be perceived as a form of gaslighting or abuse)

Edited by zurew

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Are there Psychedelics that are Not Stimulating/Exhausting to the Nervous System ?

I've been contemplating on the issue lately and its taking more relevance with time. I have found that practices like do nothing meditation, zazen or expansive style meditations (like Michael Thaft) are great to balance the stimulating effects of psychedelics.

Psychedelics work more on the contraction side of the coin than on expansion, so having a good grasp of the letting go techniques can actually enhance psychedelic trips a lot (as well as kundalini practices, but that's another topic). 

The ability to unhook your mind, attention and consciousness from sensations and phenomena becomes very handy to reduce the overstimulation effects of psychedelics, particularly at higher doses. This means that you can trip deeper and more stable without feeling exhausted but this requires consciousness skills and a certain degree of mastery in navigating different states.

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, because The Sun shines through All: Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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13 minutes ago, Davino said:

I've been contemplating on the issue lately and its taking more relevance with time. I have found that practices like do nothing meditation, zazen or expansive style meditations (like Michael Thaft) are great to balance the stimulating effects of psychedelics.

Psychedelics work more on the contraction side of the coin than on expansion, so having a good grasp of the letting go techniques can actually enhance psychedelic trips a lot (as well as kundalini practices, but that's another topic). 

The ability to unhook your mind, attention and consciousness from sensations and phenomena becomes very handy to reduce the overstimulation effects of psychedelics, particularly at higher doses. This means that you can trip deeper and more stable without feeling exhausted but this requires consciousness skills and a certain degree of mastery in navigating different states.

Interesting I find energetic blockages are contraction, that is all contraction is tied to energetic knots and blockages in the system

Pscyhedelics dtend to find this and help expansion, I dont see them as contracting, perhaps after effects can


I notice the best use of pyschedelcis can be used to reset the context of your experience to higher levels, allowing more effective processing of content post-trip

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1 hour ago, zurew said:

Jokes aside, I think you are better off not interacting with her , because its gonna trigger her and you are going to be perceived as an abuser and your message wont come across anyway (of course this sentence itself could be perceived as a form of gaslighting or abuse)

I know.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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1 hour ago, bambi said:

Interesting I find energetic blockages are contraction, that is all contraction is tied to energetic knots and blockages in the system

Pscyhedelics dtend to find this and help expansion, I dont see them as contracting, perhaps after effects can

But have you noticed how the blokcages and contractions are usually released in Psychedelics?

By more contraction! By a such an intense contraction of energy that it breaks apart. If you practice sport you may understand. For example you have a tight neck and shoulders, you go to the gym and train and contract your shoulders till muscular failure. Next morning your neck feels relaxed af. Contrast that with getting a long soothing oil massage. Next morning you also wake up relaxed af.

Psychedelics work more on the contraction side and that's how they cause breakthroughs and peaks, after that your mind and consciousness expands big and wide and abides that new state/space. Do nothing meditations open the space wide and open, till the breakthrough precipitates.

It's the difference between burning and melting, regarding energetic blockages. That's why I recommended Kundalini in my message above. My point was more on the overstimulation of brain receptors, you can feel it, how they are open and are just binding non stop, like a river that broke all gates and is overflowing. With letting go techniques you can surf much better such spaces without being overstimulated. It's like a meta ability of consciousness to free itself out and flow in all directions in a stable and beautiful way. That's something I'm working on and has been reducing the overstimulating component of my trips.

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, because The Sun shines through All: Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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1 hour ago, numbersinarow said:

Yeah that's sadly what I'm talking about.

Imagine a man carrying 100K on a desolate road and coming across someone else who knows they could get away with attacking him.

I'm not assuming you meant a completely and utterly obscure path since those are bad/awkward for running.

Not everyone would commit that kind of crime but there's no doubting the chance is too high.

I guess the US is just fucked if you can't go on a mountain trail without fearing for your life.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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15 minutes ago, Davino said:

But have you noticed how the blokcages and contractions are usually released in Psychedelics?

By more contraction! By a such an intense contraction of energy that it breaks apart. If you practice sport you may understand. For example you have a tight neck and shoulders, you go to the gym and train and contract your shoulders till muscular failure. Next morning your neck feels relaxed af. Contrast that with getting a long soothing oil massage. Next morning you also wake up relaxed af.

Psychedelics work more on the contraction side and that's how they cause breakthroughs and peaks, after that your mind and consciousness expands big and wide and abides that new state/space. Do nothing meditations open the space wide and open, till the breakthrough precipitates.

It's the difference between burning and melting, regarding energetic blockages. That's why I recommended Kundalini in my message above. My point was more on the overstimulation of brain receptors, you can feel it, how they are open and are just binding non stop, like a river that broke all gates and is overflowing. With letting go techniques you can surf much better such spaces without being overstimulated. It's like a meta ability of consciousness to free itself out and flow in all directions in a stable and beautiful way. That's something I'm working on and has been reducing the overstimulating component of my trips.

Im not so convinced in my experiences, psychedelics seem to increase energy which give the capacity to see and feel the blockages in the meridiens and chakras

I didnt experience the direct casual contraction of psychedelics your talking about. Or at least it wouldnt be my main perspective. Sure they can cuase contraction in so far you can experience fear temporarily, which is a contracted state.

I would say psychedelics open you up ultimately, by allowing you to process and see your contractions. The view that they contract your contractions or this is a main function doesnt ring true so far in my exerpience. Ill look for it next time

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17 minutes ago, bambi said:

Im not so convinced in my experiences, psychedelics seem to increase energy which give the capacity to see and feel the blockages in the meridiens and chakras

Yes I my experiences correlate with that also

17 minutes ago, bambi said:

I didnt experience the direct casual contraction of psychedelics your talking about. Or at least it wouldnt be my main perspective. Sure they can cuase contraction in so far you can experience fear temporarily, which is a contracted state.

I'm talking about contraction and expansion in a very existential way, for example in the mind contraction is concentration and expansion is relaxation. Are psychedelics more of a focused mind state or a relaxed soft mind state?

Other lenses can be as useful or even more for you, given your experiences. I'm sahring my own here and how I make sense of Psychedelics inside my Mind.

17 minutes ago, bambi said:

I would say psychedelics open you up ultimately, by allowing you to process and see your contractions.

Yes one leads to the other. 

17 minutes ago, bambi said:

The view that they contract your contractions or this is a main function doesnt ring true so far in my exerpience. Ill look for it next time

Have you experienced other methodologies for realeasing energetic blockages? Which ones? And how do those contrasts with your psychedelic experiences? I'm curious to know.

Maybe psychedelics are more prone to contract some facets of reality and expand others. Mind definitely expands although brain sensation may seem more contracted. In that case, I'll work on techniques that allow me to counter act the imbalances that each chemical create in my body

Edited by Davino

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, because The Sun shines through All: Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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2 hours ago, Davino said:

Yes I my experiences correlate with that also

I'm talking about contraction and expansion in a very existential way, for example in the mind contraction is concentration and expansion is relaxation. Are psychedelics more of a focused mind state or a relaxed soft mind state?

Other lenses can be as useful or even more for you, given your experiences. I'm sahring my own here and how I make sense of Psychedelics inside my Mind.

Yes one leads to the other. 

Have you experienced other methodologies for realeasing energetic blockages? Which ones? And how do those contrasts with your psychedelic experiences? I'm curious to know.

Maybe psychedelics are more prone to contract some facets of reality and expand others. Mind definitely expands although brain sensation may seem more contracted. In that case, I'll work on techniques that allow me to counter act the imbalances that each chemical create in my body

Yes you are using the shizen young paradigm. I dont really resonate with such nuances, as in dont see much utility. Theyre somewhat useful in meditaiton, do nothing, open awareness diffused relaxation, vs concentraiton practise. But this distinction isnt so pronounced for me, the duality is less then it used to be (ive been meditating 8 years 1-2 hrs a day, 5 years hardcore vipassana retreats and monk modes)

Yes I released 95% of my energetic blockages in 2021-22, after being celibate and semen retention msotly since 2018 (intermittent relapsing). I would have huge releases of liquid ecstacy pouring down thorugh this blockages as laying in bed at night, and would be so light and happy I couldnt sleep. 

Unfortunately, and tbh alot was ignroantly watching Leos burnign through karma video, I decided to relapse back into sexuality, promiscous (so so stupid), before I was 100% blockage free. and what happened over the next 12 months was immeditate return of blockages, which I stated drinking ketamine and cocaine to cope with, and resulted in 10x worse blockages in my forehead then ever experienced. I was in the lower astral hell realms by the end of the year, and had mostly torn alot of meridiens in my head and forhead beyond any descriptions I can find. I found one work that describes short circuiting meridiens/nadis but only in the most extreme cases: this was me.

Now im 5-6 months in, semen retention for most of this, I relapses 4 times a month ago, which causses immediate unbareable pain in all meridiens in forehad. 3 weeks semen retention now, and feel momentarily movement and rebalancing in my chakra/meridiens


My personal perspective after 1000+ trips over 15 years, is I use the experience to re-set the context, and let the blockages and contractions and contents dissolve post-trip integration. I use the trips for spirtual momentum and to help set the context of experience to Self and Love, making it easier to metabolize the content. Ultimately all blockages are related to ego, and ego-centric destructive behaviours, and in my experience theres no bypassing this. You have to clean up your act



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2 hours ago, bambi said:

Now im 5-6 months in, semen retention for most of this, I relapses 4 times a month ago, which causses immediate unbareable pain in all meridiens in forehad. 3 weeks semen retention now, and feel momentarily movement and rebalancing in my chakra/meridiens

What an incredibly difficult habit/addiction this is. Even more so because it has the backing of being a biological imperative. And worst of all, it's always sitting there attached to you. It'd be like being a crack addict with a permanent baggie of crack in your pocket lol.

I'm like you where I have had more and less success over the years, and both the benefits of maintaining it and the drawbacks of relapsing are extremely clear. Despite that, it remains a struggle. I guess the lucky ones would be those who were taught about the spiritual reality from birth, and never got caught in a sexual addiction to begin with.

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