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How to make male friends?

3 posts in this topic

Hello everyone,

Currently I'm going through a difficult time with my girl. This made me realise that if she leaves me, I have nobody. Like no close group of friends and people who want to hang out with me. She made me realise this, because recently she has been making friends. Especially one friend who consistently, almost everyday, asks her to hang out. I wish I could have something like that. A friend who wants to train with me, hang out with me, go out to dinner with me, walk through nature with me. Somebody I can have a lot of laughs with. I'll be honest, the fact she got this and I don't has made me very depressed and suicidal lately. I feel like I will never have friends the same way other people do and it brings out the worst thoughts in me.

Today is a different day however. I want to be more proactive instead of pitying myself and contemplating death because I can't make friends. I have no trouble approaching women. I don't have that kind of social anxiety if you know what I mean. I'm not afraid to walk up to someone and ask them something. I would just like to know how I approach men in a friendly way. In way that which they could sense a potential friendship forming. Where does one approach potential friends?

So far I have taken some actions myself. I started a new job as a waiter at a sushi restaurant. The job self sucks and doesn't earn much, but I applied for it because I want to become friends with the co-workers there. I have also once complimented a guy in the tram. We talked a bit and seemed to get along, so I asked his number. Yet, I haven't contacted him ever since. It felt too much like pick up. A bit too off. Fake almost. 

I'm turning 20 soon. I want to meet people of my age. Any suggestions are welcome. 

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