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Today I had my first panic attack. Two years ago, I started gambling and lost a lot of money. After losing all my money, I got depressed and didn't want to leave the house, so I quit my job. The last time I left my house was 10 months ago to go to my brother's wedding. Since then, I've been inside my room, ignoring my family's requests to go outside, socialize, etc. I live with my parents, and they think I just don't want to go outside because I want to spend all day on the computer. Recently, I've discovered that I have agoraphobia, and I cry every time I search for this subject on the internet. My parents are old-school religious, and I am afraid to tell them that I am sick and need help. This panic attack episode was the worst thing that has ever happened to me. I didn't know that such a thing existed. It was horrible. The fear took over my body; I could not breathe, and I cried a lot during the whole thing. During this panic attack, I felt something really weird: a desire to tell my family that I love them and that I need them; a desire to tell them that I need help. It was almost like I surrendered to love. I felt humble at that moment, despite the fear. After the panic attack all I felt was shame, I know I need help, but I don't know how to tell my family.

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Hey man.. That sounds thought. I am sorry you are going through this right now. Its. strong from you to share that here with us and the first big step in getting better. I can imagine that it must be really hard to open up to your family about that. Do you have friends that you can open up to first or did you consider getting professional help? Psychologists are trained to deal with agoraphobia and its very treatable

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Thank you for the reply, I want to get treatment, but I'm scared to open up to my family. Despite all of that, I'm feeling confident.

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Man, im rooting for you. Im sure you gather the courage to talk to you family about it. Baby steps out of this hole your in right now you will be so much stronger afterwards

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Posted (edited)

When you are having a panic attack you are subconciously creating the symptoms of a panic attack. I dealt with them for a very long time. Basically you get a thought of just fear and then your breathing begins to change you enter fight or flight and then since your breathing is changing you get light headed and then since that is happening you think you are going to die or pass out. Breathe into a paper bag when this is happening it helps as it limits your air supply and slow your breathing down.

There is nothing there but fear nothing bad is happening there is just a massive fear entity in front of you but its not you. Watch the fear and let it pass and breath into paper bag if you have to. If you are mentally powerful you can stop this fear right now. Nothing will happen its just mind stuff.

One time i had one at work and freaked out and called the ambulance and it was very embarrassing but I dealt with this stuff without any help for 20 plus years. And I was paying attention to what was happening so I can reflect on what is happening during panic attack.

Most of the panic attack is dealt with by breathe control

Edited by Hojo

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