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If your body was frozen and then revived 100 years later

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Would you get yanked from whatever place you went back into your body, or would a new consciousness inhabit it?

what if you had reincarnated already?

Edited by Oppositionless

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One things for sure.. you wouldn’t have a clue what was going on. It would be so vastly more developed technology wise that you’d be like a toddler attending university

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@Oppositionless Now that's a good question, I can't experientially confirm anything yet. There are many reincarnation models and one would wonder what exactly the condition for an NDE or actual death experience is. Does the brain have to be destroyed, what about all the distributed sensations in the body? If one is completely frozen, does that just freeze consciousness, so that no time would pass in the mean time and it would feel like a night of sleep instantly awakening to the future?

And then the nature of the self and probable other selves, in fact the distinction between yourself and an identical copy, the nature of consciousness. Leo once said in one of his videos that there is only one god playing the character and everything else is fake, later he changed that to the infinity of gods each controlling a character and then you'd have to wonder if god simulating characters doesn't simultaneously live all of them anyway.

And of course I'd kinda assume that there is a background god consciousness knowing exactly what happens to that individual soul of yours being frozen so I don't think you'd be taken out of the body just yet and get to experience the future personally. Many models talk about coming to Earth on a mission choosing all experiences beforehand, but that's just from what I heard/read, all speculation and I can't even confirm the reincarnational model, even though I believe it ties things together really nicely and am inclined to trust it, but that's still an subjective gut feeling/assumption I go by.

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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46 minutes ago, Oppositionless said:

Would you get yanked from whatever place you went back into your body, or would a new consciousness inhabit it?

what if you had reincarnated already?

This assumes death really happens to begin now you are going down that rabbit hole.  It also assumes there is one consciousness.  Or asks whether there is one or multiple.   So lets use this for now - If there is but one experience or consciousness at a time..then what would happen is you would die, or in other words awaken,  but so you would go on as Infinite Consciousness until you dreamed the time when your body was to be brought back.  Or you could dream that you become a butterfly- or a person that then is the one who unfreezes the body your consciousness previously inhabited.  It's a mind fuck for sure.  Nice one.  But you see all the assumptions that need to be made to answer and how they could differ resulting in a different answer...

Edited by Inliytened1


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you would be Aang the last air bender

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Coherency and survival of the CNS is sometimes played at a quantic level, it would be death. 

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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Maybe time is an illusion. Maybe there is no free will and the future is predetermined. There is no past and no future. Only the current moment exists.

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Once before Rupert Spira explained things in a certain way to demonstrate the difference in the paradigm. He said something like, consciousness is like outdoors and our selves are like houses. The "outdoors" is not different from inside the house, but erecting the walls of the house creates the sense of an outside vs an inside. It is difficult sometimes when inside our homes to remember that the spaciousness (the air) in our home is not distinct from the spaciousness outside of them.

In this paradigm, the real actual consciousness is like the "outdoors" and things like your human self are constructions happening inside of you. You could tear down a house and erect the same house 100 years later. The air has never "gone" anywhere nor has it come back in some way, only the house has gone and returned.

So I guess to the person it would be like teleporting 100 years forward. Or like that theory about the Star Trek transporter machine, that every time you transport the original body is technically destroyed, so the one that is beamed down on the planet is merely a clone with all your memories etc. But to the clone, it will seem like they have always been this person.

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But taking that paradigm to the extreme, a new self arises every instance and doesn't even exist long enough to be self-aware, right?

Unless of course there is a unique energy pattern that persists irregardless of bodily changes or materializes them in the first place.

Though with time it would change beyond recognition, but I did look into a mirror on psychedelic once being continuously reconstructed and remaining aware despite the constant flux of matter

Edited by Keryo Koffa

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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