
should i change my life phylosophy from george leonard to napoleon hill

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@Leo Gura how did u come to the conclusion that mastery by george leonard is the best book. What was your reasoning

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Bob proctor is healthy , wealthy and died rich

He read think and grow rich everyday for 60 years


I am broke and poor even though i focused on mastery by george leonard for 10 years



But if u ask me 7 habits is better book than think and grow rich

7 habits > think and grow rich 



Bob proctor is rich. Got from the bottom of the pyramid to the top , coz he read think and grow rich everyday ,his enitre life




The main reason i am broke and poor is because  I mixed george leonard with mastery by robert greene

And I fall to the bottom of the pyramid


Edited by Ramanujan

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@Ramanujan What exactly does focussing on Mastery by George Leonard for 10 years look like?

Edited by quantumspiral

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Philosophies do not make anybody rich. What makes people rich is following a process which has the potential to make them rich.

The results you seek are best obtained by taking your focus off the results and developing a focus on your process. If you treated the process of getting rich with the same intensity and immediacy that an elite athlete treats their sport, do you think you could get rich? In my opinion, this 'elite athlete' analogy is one of the best conceptualizations of healthy stage orange. Staying present to the moment and focussing on enjoying the process. Immersing yourself so much in the process that you almost forget about the results because you've found so much fulfilment in playing at your highest potential each and every day.

It's very easy to lose the connection to the present and your immediate actions when you're stuck behind a computer screen alone. Easy to drift into fantasizing about the results you want, escaping into doom scrolling social media or video games.

I'd encourage you to really think about what the real issue is here- I do not think you've found the root of the problem yet. Like most things, it's probably linked to avoiding emotional labour- which paradoxically leads to a much more painful life overall.

Edited by quantumspiral

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On 20/6/2024 at 0:34 AM, quantumspiral said:

@Ramanujan What exactly does focussing on Mastery by George Leonard for 10 years look like?

i learned things that look  impossible  10 years ago . the journey was owsome .  i learned many things . i got my share of bumps and bruises

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On 20/6/2024 at 0:44 AM, quantumspiral said:

Philosophies do not make anybody rich. What makes people rich is following a process which has the potential to make them rich.


bob proctor became rich by following think and grow rich



On 20/6/2024 at 0:44 AM, quantumspiral said:


The results you seek are best obtained by taking your focus off the results and developing a focus on your process. If you treated the process of getting rich with the same intensity and immediacy that an elite athlete treats their sport, do you think you could get rich? In my opinion, this 'elite athlete' analogy is one of the best conceptualizations of healthy stage orange. Staying present to the moment and focussing on enjoying the process. Immersing yourself so much in the process that you almost forget about the results because you've found so much fulfilment in playing at your highest potential each and every day.




On 20/6/2024 at 0:44 AM, quantumspiral said:

It's very easy to lose the connection to the present and your immediate actions when you're stuck behind a computer screen alone. Easy to drift into fantasizing about the results you want, escaping into doom scrolling social media or video games.






On 20/6/2024 at 0:44 AM, quantumspiral said:

I'd encourage you to really think about what the real issue is here- I do not think you've found the root of the problem yet. Like most things, it's probably linked to avoiding emotional labour- which paradoxically leads to a much more painful life overall.

the root of the problem is that i got sucked into " follow your passion and find your passion and purpose " ideologies and i used mastery by george leonard to find my passion. that is how i got fucked. i got delusional with all those " find your passion" ideologies.

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What if, instead of trying to find the "right" or "best" personal development book or ideology, you sat alone with yourself and thought deeply about what you really want out of life. 

Not just settling for something simple and obvious like "programming jobs." 

get as specific as you can stomach with what you want, physically, materially, psychologically, mindset and worldview, consciousness-wise, etc..

from there, you may have a little bit of direction, enough to take a little action and research what the most applicable books are FOR YOU.

That will lead you to a new level of life purpose where you can then ask again, (or never stop asking,) what you really want out of life, and do that over and over again, TAKING ACTION Along the way.

in practice, actually living that, what would that create for you?



Waking Call The Inspiration, Music and Perspective for an Authentic Life.

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On 6/28/2024 at 11:38 AM, Ramanujan said:

ok bro



according to you , which is the best self improvement book

On 6/28/2024 at 11:38 AM, Ramanujan said:


Well there are too many books and subjects to learn. 

Different people need to study and improve in wide array of area. For example, some people should study philosophy, psychology, communication, mindset and self help topics etc. 

Then there are those who refuse to learn anything new believing that they already know a lot. Then they should read 'Ego is the enemy'.


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