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Do star seeds directly follow from reincarnation theory?

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If reincarnation is real, and all or most souls are having many reincarnations, whereas others might have only one life or go to heaven or hell (personal insights are so different, as different people might have real insights and inner knowledge, maybe the different theories hold for different karmic consequence); then would the existence of something like star seeds follow? In quite infinity of the Universe, there must be a lots of life somewhere out there - beyond the barriers we can even see. This brings the probability that star seeds would directly follow from reincarnation theory? So if you see "light in the end of tunnel", or you simply remember or verify something from the past lives, you have an account of experience, which leads to probability of aliens reincarnating to Earth, which is almost as big as the plausibility of these experiences. A person, who believes in reincarnation, would think that reincarnated aliens are quite natural consequence.

Another thing - if there is real telepathy, would the psychic alien contact be very probable? If it's not limited by distance, I think it would almost be as probable as existence of aliens themselves. Then, with some telepathic experience, which seems to be unbound by distance, one would be inclined to think that alien contacts exist. If telepathy is somehow a perception of facts from natural world, which one perceives as strong feeling of something happening at distance, then would the evidence visible on Earth lead to perceptions of telepathic guts, which are complex brain calculations about the most probable alien cases, or would this "brain-emulated" telepathy not create probabilities of so different things?

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