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You can’t be judgmental anymore if you’re understand…

2 posts in this topic

That everything you see among the world and automatically others people is your mirror, and vice versa.

If you’re really smart and are secure about that, you will never see « dumb » people anywhere. Even if i present you a dude with Down syndrome or something like that, you will find it maybe weird, goofy, simple, boring etc etc but « dumb » will NEVER (or almost) come to your mind.

You’re favourite remarks, accusations : PROJECTIONS

The qualities you see the most in others people : PROJECTIONS 

You explain spiritually to others people all the time : PROJECTION, you’re the most insecure guy on spirituality !

You explain nutrition to others people all the time : PROJECTION, you’re the most lost guy on nutrition !

You explain women, men, dating to others people all the time : PROJECTION, you’re the most lost guy on that to !

You explain mental health to people e : PROJECTION, you’re this guy who will ruminate in alcohol while wanting explode the building tonight.


;) :)


Edited by Schizophonia

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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4 hours ago, Schizophonia said:

That everything you see among the world and automatically others people is your mirror, and vice versa.

If you’re really smart and are secure about that, you will never see « dumb » people anywhere. Even if i present you a dude with Down syndrome or something like that, you will find it maybe weird, goofy, simple, boring etc etc but « dumb » will NEVER (or almost) come to your mind.

You’re favourite remarks, accusations : PROJECTIONS

The qualities you see the most in others people : PROJECTIONS 

You explain spiritually to others people all the time : PROJECTION, you’re the most insecure guy on spirituality !

You explain nutrition to others people all the time : PROJECTION, you’re the most lost guy on nutrition !

You explain women, men, dating to others people all the time : PROJECTION, you’re the most lost guy on that to !

You explain mental health to people e : PROJECTION, you’re this guy who will ruminate in alcohol while wanting explode the building tonight.


;) :)



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