
Breaking News: Donald J. Trump has been found guilty in hush money trial

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26 minutes ago, strika said:

You got too much time on your hands for a troll post man, wrong stereotype, i'm not some JRE/Alex Jones fan even tho i do think Alex Jones is correct on most things but i confirmed that to myself from multiple sources through the years, i didn't only watch Alex, if anything i watched Alex afterwards after already watching others before him.

If you have erectile dysfunction do brahmacharya and you'll be good.

If you have parasites and pee black do breatharianism.

If you see repitilian humanoids this could be the case of dimensions merging, in this case the 3D merging with 5D which will make you see both the good and bad spirits, reptilian humanoids are the bad ones because when you manifest bad spirits they will come in any form you imagine, they can appear as anything really, good spirits don't do this.

I don't know how you learned energy reading from me cause i haven't taught it but i will make a thread on it in the future, by the end of 2024 probably, it will be a thread on "superpowers" in general, not just reading energy, things like flying, telekinesis, teleportation, materialization, healing, basically white magic, and i'm unironically excited by this, i think it can be really helpful and transforming spiritually.

The thing is i know you're joking but in a way all problems are basically caused by reptilian humanoids, of course i personally wouldn't call them that, i would call them low consciousness entities from other dimensions but you're still correct even if you're trolling.

Talking to a psychiatrist is pointless, they don't understand these things (different dimensions) the same way scientists don't understand God, you shouldn't be suprised.

Anyway as i said i will make a thread in the future about a problem like this but it basically boils down to these 3 things: brahmacharya, breatharianism and removing deep sleep out of life.

But that's just in a nutshell, there is much to be said about this topic, about developing abilities, cleaning oneself of negative entities and basically doing "white magic" so don't do anything i said for now, be open but don't blindly attempt anything.

   Are you a Witcher fan?

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Posted (edited)

6 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:


   Are you a Witcher fan?

I heard about that but no, why?

Edited by strika

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2 minutes ago, strika said:

I heard about that but no, why?

   Because you kind knowledgeable with Reptilian people, aliens, spirits, paranormal stuff, like a Striga...😂

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9 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:
9 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:


   Because you kind knowledgeable with Reptilian people, aliens, spirits, paranormal stuff, like a Striga...😂

Honestly i didn't even care about paranormal stuff, my goal was always happiness/bliss and that is in my opinion most effectively gained with the approach i mentioned in my previous post but all the "paranormal" superpowers are just consequences of that approach, and it's not that we develop new abilities, these abilities and this understanding and this bliss is our default state of being that we sabotage with distortion of sexual energy, eating and deep sleeping (and many other things, but these 3 i would consider the biggest sabotages)

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أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

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Posted (edited)


There's plenty more of this on their channel

Edited by Hardkill

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It also looks Trump has already been losing voters from his conviction:


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I hear some Trumpists complaining that this is some kind of persecution that he has been convicted for something as petty as falsifying hush money payments to hide an affair with a porn star. Okay, although what he did is illegal, I can admit it's not the most important case in the world. What I can't buy is those Republicans playing innocent, because many of us remember the Monica Lewinsky case, in which they went with all they got against Bill Clinton, he was impeached for lying under oath, if I remember right, which is illegal too. So basically Republicans are fine about giving punches, but when they receive them back, they cry like the babies they are.

They are also trying to get President Biden and his son Hunter Biden with anything they can find. Hunter Biden has indeed been processed for owning an unregistered gun that was seen in his laptop pictures and evading taxes. For the rest, they all have been unproven accusations and talks about whistleblowers who haven't provided anything. One supposed proof was a phone call between a son with his father without any illegal substance in it. The way the son-in-law of Trump multiplied his wealth while serving in office as a supposed public servant smells worse, if you ask me.

There are more important cases pending, like falsifying the value of his properties to evade taxes, using his own hotels with highly increased prices for public purposes, with public money of course, hiding and not giving back confidential documents when asked, trying to commit election fraud, there's a phone call where he asks an official to find 11.000 votes, the exact number he needed to win in that state, or conspiracy to commit a cue, he did ask Mike Pence not to certify Joe Biden, which was a requirement in the process.

I also don't buy that this is happening because he is a candidate. He would have been prosecuted the same for all this even if he wasn't. In fact, he has probably been treated better than any other citizen, no judge would have allowed comments about the jury like he has been doing, who usually take that kind of behavior way more seriously and are put in prison for the duration of the process. But I understand they didn't do it for the sake of this loony country that has lost its way.

However, Trump has a good chance to win. Joe Biden needed every vote he could get, but his Palestine situation could be too much for many, I'm afraid, even if Trump is worse in that matter and others.

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It looks like the justice system is working


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أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

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