
Breaking News: Donald J. Trump has been found guilty in hush money trial

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They irony is that Trump wanted to send Hillary to Jail. Shakespeare couldn't have written this better. 

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21 hours ago, strika said: forum user supporting a pedophile, can't say i'm suprised 😭😭😭




Why do Republicans continue to spew BS that Biden and all the Democrats are crooks, pedophiles, and are destroying the economy and America?


When will we see the Hard-Evidence of these accusations?


Seriously, Trump has claimed he has the greatest minds working for him!  He has the Supreme court stacked!  He has his own media platform, Fox, Newsmax, Alex Jones and Steve Banning working for him!   And “YET”……….?


Here is the truth, either Trump’s greatest minds and the Republican MAGA party are totally incompetent, or it’s all MAGA BS!      I vote for both!


Trump/MAGA has filed over 60 cases against the Democrats for stealing the elections in Republican friendly Courts, and failed each and every time to provide evidence, or win one Case.


Trump controls MAGA and the greatest minds in the House of Representatives that are trying to impeach Biden, jail his son, and close the Mexican Border!  How’s that going for them!   


He had 4 years in Office, and yet the Mexican Border is still a Republican talking point! Seriously?????  What the "F" did they do when they controller both the Senate and the House????

Are they that stupid that they can’t out smart the corrupt Democrats and are unable to convince the Republican MAGA Courts to close the Border or make one conviction?


The Republicans claim they are the “Party of Law and Order”!

Why is it that this "Law and Order" is only forced on Minorites, Woman, Democrats, Immigrants, Non-Christians etc……..

But hey, lets not force “Law and Order” on Trump or the Insurrection that occurred on Capital Hill!

Can you say “Double Standards” boys and girls!


If Biden had committed the crimes that Trump has committed, I would be the first to chant “Lock Him Up”!


But don’t give me the BS that Biden should be charged for having classified documents on his property like Trump!  There is a huge difference when someone is refusing to handover the documents and constantly lie to the authorities, compared to Biden willingly handing over the files and fully cooperating with "Republican investigators"!


In conclusion!


Let’s stop with the BS people and hold both sides accountable with “FACTS”, “EVIDENCE” and total “HONESTY and “TRUTH”!


Sorry for the rant!!!

Just getting tired of the BS...

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   Yo, donating to Trump is more popular than boobs. You know it's serious when something is more popular than boobs in google:


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Donate to Trump and boobs are synonymous. :)

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1 hour ago, ryandesreu said:

Donate to Trump and boobs are synonymous. :)

   No they're not, don't make a false equivalency there.

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Pleeeeeeease do not post Tim Pool in this forum. He's not spreading a conscious form of media and we don't want to give him any more internet traffic.  He serves the lowest common denominator and is not bringing anything profound to the table, and yet websites such as PragerU hosted him in a video.

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

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The real news is Trump has joined Tik Tok and has over 2 million followers within hours. 😂😂


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4 minutes ago, Merkabah Star said:

The real news is Trump has joined Tik Tok and has over 2 million followers within hours. 😂😂

I’m tempted to read up about that, but I ain’t falling for the shenanigans! 

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10 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

I’m tempted to read up about that, but I ain’t falling for the shenanigans! 

Im not a tik tok fan but i considered joining just to follow him and see what crap he posts.. 🤡

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Posted (edited)

A good analogy for my frustrations with how intellectually lazy this false equivalency between Trump and Biden is:

Let's say I have two candidates for a job opening in my small company 

Don and Joe both want the job, and unfortunately for me they're the only candidates available.

Joe has enough experience to be qualified for the job. He's far from exceptional, but I can at least rely on him to show up every day and do what I'm paying him to do. But he's quite old, and there's questions about if his health will hold up over the upcoming years.

Don is convicted felon with a history of fucking over every person he's ever worked with. He's primarily applying to the job is to enrich himself at the expense of the company, and leave someone else holding the bag when the shit hits the fan. He also has numerous sexual harassment allegations against him, and has a trial pending for inciting an armed mob against his previous employer when they fired him. 

"False Equivalency" Fred : " I dunno, not seeing much of a difference between these two candidates."

Edited by DocWatts

I'm writing a philosophy book! Check it out at :

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40 minutes ago, DocWatts said:

A good analogy for my frustrations with how intellectually lazy this false equivalency between Trump and Biden is:

Let's say I have two candidates for a job opening in my small company 

Don and Joe both want the job, and unfortunately for me they're the only candidates available.

Joe has enough experience to be qualified for the job. He's far from exceptional, but I can at least rely on him to show up every day and do what I'm paying him to do. But he's quite old, and there's questions about if he'll his health will hold up over the upcoming years.

Don is convicted felon with a history of fucking over every person he's ever worked with. He's primarily applying to the job is to enrich himself at the expense of the company, and leave someone else holding the bag when the shit hits the fan. He also has numerous sexual harassment allegations against him, and has a trial pending for inciting an armed mob against his previous employer when they fired him. 

"False Equivalency" Fred : " I dunno, not seeing much of a difference here."

Love how you mention Trump having sexual harassment allegations but don't mention Biden having pedophile and globalist allegations, such hypocrisy 😂😂😂

And now this is the part where you ask me to provide you with 4K footage of Biden with a child you non-intuitive fool, you guys really need everything on plate, can't connect two dots, what's the point of all that spirituality if you can't read energy of a person or notice a pattern...

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8 hours ago, strika said:

Love how you mention Trump having sexual harassment allegations but don't mention Biden having pedophile and globalist allegations, such hypocrisy 😂😂😂

And now this is the part where you ask me to provide you with 4K footage of Biden with a child you non-intuitive fool, you guys really need everything on plate, can't connect two dots, what's the point of all that spirituality if you can't read energy of a person or notice a pattern...

There's also this fun fact that Trump was on the Epstein pedophile island visitor list, something that Republicans like to have this selective amnesia, for some reason. Yeah, Bill Clinton and others too, of course.

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8 hours ago, strika said:

you non-intuitive fool, you guys really need everything on plate, can't connect two dots, what's the point of all that spirituality if you can't read energy of a person or notice a pattern...

Good one, broski.

I noticed a pattern in your writing, and I connected the dots together, and read your energy using my perfect , infallible intuitions and my conclusion is that all of your intuitions are wrong.

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Can't wait to put my vote in for Trump. He is better than Biden full stop 

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1 hour ago, nuwu said:

Objectively, financial structures operating on deliberative rule systems over-emphasis damage weight from declarative discrete states while oblivious to continuous topological bias, in which former licit space is constrained by smart-contracts such that deliberate falsifying business records is impossible by design while latter bias minimizing resource allocation is supported by formalism adjunction of metaphysics or similar as self-contained incentives structures where entities do not fear physical punishment over financial circumvention. Trumpf outlaws other principles nonetheless.

Do you initially compose in a standard manner and subsequently alter the sequence of the words, or is this indicative of a lapse in your medication regimen?






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4 hours ago, zurew said:

Good one, broski.

I noticed a pattern in your writing, and I connected the dots together, and read your energy using my perfect , infallible intuitions and my conclusion is that all of your intuitions are wrong.


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5 hours ago, zurew said:

Good one, broski.

I noticed a pattern in your writing, and I connected the dots together, and read your energy using my perfect , infallible intuitions and my conclusion is that all of your intuitions are wrong.

Just enjoy your scientific vaccine bro, try them anally too, smoke up some Pfizer in a pot 👊

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Posted (edited)

49 minutes ago, strika said:

Just enjoy your scientific vaccine bro, try them anally too, smoke up some Pfizer in a pot 👊

But I have a big problem though, and I want you to use your energy reading abilities to help me out, my broski.


My infallible intuitions told me to follow step by step whatever Joe Rogan and Alex Jones says. In fact, I bought all the products Alex Jones recommended to me, and now i have erectile dysfunction, I have parasites in my body, my piss is black due to my liver and kidneys not working anymore and I see reptilian humanoids everywhere.

I tried to use the famous, powerful horse dewormer (ivermectin) against the parasites (recommended by Joe) but it didn't work.

After using my highly reliable and sophisticated energy reading abilities (that I have learnt from you), I concluded that all those problems that I listed above were exclusively caused by those reptilian humanoids. I told this highly reliable and non-schizophrenic conclusion of mine to my psychiatrist, and to my surprise, she didn't see the patterns that I saw. I got very dissapointed in her bad pattern recognition ability and I used the last 2 psychiatric sessions of mine to teach her about your methods  - like the secret genius method of how to connect 2 dots together. She  still has a lot to learn (she is what you would call a non-intuitive fool), just the same way I still have a lot to learn from you.

So,what do you recommend me to do? Should I try to communicate with the reptilian humanoids or should I use my psychic abilities to make them go away?

Edited by zurew

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17 hours ago, DocWatts said:

A good analogy for my frustrations with how intellectually lazy this false equivalency between Trump and Biden is:

Let's say I have two candidates for a job opening in my small company 

Don and Joe both want the job, and unfortunately for me they're the only candidates available.

Joe has enough experience to be qualified for the job. He's far from exceptional, but I can at least rely on him to show up every day and do what I'm paying him to do. But he's quite old, and there's questions about if his health will hold up over the upcoming years.

Don is convicted felon with a history of fucking over every person he's ever worked with. He's primarily applying to the job is to enrich himself at the expense of the company, and leave someone else holding the bag when the shit hits the fan. He also has numerous sexual harassment allegations against him, and has a trial pending for inciting an armed mob against his previous employer when they fired him. 

"False Equivalency" Fred : " I dunno, not seeing much of a difference between these two candidates."

   The one thing both have in common, is that both are racists still.😂

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Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, zurew said:

But I have a big problem though, and I want you to use your energy reading abilities to help me out, my broski.


My infallible intuitions told me to follow step by step whatever Joe Rogan and Alex Jones says. In fact, I bought all the products Alex Jones recommended to me, and now i have erectile dysfunction, I have parasites in my body, my piss is black due to my liver and kidneys not working anymore and I see reptilian humanoids everywhere.

I tried to use the famous, powerful horse dewormer (ivermectin) against the parasites (recommended by Joe) but it didn't work.

After using my highly reliable and sophisticated energy reading abilities (that I have learnt from you), I concluded that all those problems that I listed above were exclusively caused by those reptilian humanoids. I told this highly reliable and non-schizophrenic conclusion of mine to my psychiatrist, and to my surprise, she didn't see the patterns that I saw. I got very dissapointed in her bad pattern recognition ability and I used the last 2 psychiatric sessions of mine to teach her about your methods  - like the secret genius method of how to connect 2 dots together. She  still has a lot to learn (she is what you would call a non-intuitive fool), just the same way I still have a lot to learn from you.

So,what do you recommend me to do? Should I try to communicate with the reptilian humanoids or should I use my psychic abilities to make them go away?

You got too much time on your hands for a troll post man, wrong stereotype, i'm not some JRE/Alex Jones fan even tho i do think Alex Jones is correct on most things but i confirmed that to myself from multiple sources through the years, i didn't only watch Alex, if anything i watched Alex afterwards after already watching others before him.

If you have erectile dysfunction do brahmacharya and you'll be good.

If you have parasites and pee black do breatharianism.

If you see repitilian humanoids this could be the case of dimensions merging, in this case the 3D merging with 5D which will make you see both the good and bad spirits, reptilian humanoids are the bad ones because when you manifest bad spirits they will come in any form you imagine, they can appear as anything really, good spirits don't do this.

I don't know how you learned energy reading from me cause i haven't taught it but i will make a thread on it in the future, by the end of 2024 probably, it will be a thread on "superpowers" in general, not just reading energy, things like flying, telekinesis, teleportation, materialization, healing, basically white magic, and i'm unironically excited by this, i think it can be really helpful and transforming spiritually.

The thing is i know you're joking but in a way all problems are basically caused by reptilian humanoids, of course i personally wouldn't call them that, i would call them low consciousness entities from other dimensions but you're still correct even if you're trolling.

Talking to a psychiatrist is pointless, they don't understand these things (different dimensions) the same way scientists don't understand God, you shouldn't be suprised.

Anyway as i said i will make a thread in the future about a problem like this but it basically boils down to these 3 things: brahmacharya, breatharianism and removing deep sleep out of life.

But that's just in a nutshell, there is much to be said about this topic, about developing abilities, cleaning oneself of negative entities and basically doing "white magic" so don't do anything i said for now, be open but don't blindly attempt anything.

Edited by strika

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