
Why God Is So Obsessed With Dreaming?

38 posts in this topic

5 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

A lot of psychedelics, but little taste of the Ultimate. Because if not you wouldn´t be writing those words....



5 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

There is just empty blissful freedom. Which blows out the water anything that you have tasted in life. All that you know about life including psychedelics is identification, not true You.

Go do 5MeO-DMT at least 10 times, reach the level I'm talking about and come back to have a conversation with me here.

For now, you have no idea what God is. 

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17 minutes ago, TheGod said:


Go do 5MeO-DMT at least 10 times, reach the level I'm talking about and come back to have a conversation with me here.

For now, you have no idea what God is. 

Warra baseline 24/7 state of bliss for you that is 😂😂😂

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7 hours ago, Oppositionless said:

To overcome solipsism. God in God's absolute sense is lonely. So he Dreams.

you could say there is a masculine polarity to Reality that desires autonomy, and a feminine polarity that desires multiplicity. Reality is a play of the two coming into balance.

Individualism IS Collectivism!!

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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5 hours ago, TheGod said:


Go do 5MeO-DMT at least 10 times, reach the level I'm talking about and come back to have a conversation with me here.

For now, you have no idea what God is. 

I already done it. Last time I plugged 55mg. Almost (physically) died. 

I know what the state of consciousness of 5-MeO Is. 

Not saying is not useful, i can definetely vote for the antidepressing and a sense of spaceness and freedom the following days after a dose too.

Im just warning, thinking 5-MeO is the 'truth' (or by any means any substance) or that you can get some kind of ultimate conclusion from it, is a deep mistake. 

One that you will pay years of lose time and not real growth if you fall into it. 


If you don´t want to listen to me, fine. Just see how deep are those conclusions and mental ideas taking you.

Are they making your life better or increasing your perception in any way? Are you more joyful? Life is more profound?

Whatever. You guys keep doing 'your thing'. 

You know... The wheel of samsara is big. Some people´s cycles are about failed marriages, others are about doing psychedelics and thinking they got it all. When in reality they are doing circles as anyone else.

Wheels of Samsara.jpg

5-MeO can create openings at at some point they can literally save your life.

Don´t think though, is not another thing within the cycle. 

You said yourself:

"I'm dreaming constantly without stopping."

The point of Spirituality is to stop the cycle. True You is outside the Circle. But since you are too identified with things, now you want to keep dreaming more dreams. What to do. 

What can I say? If you like dreaming so much i won´t stop you. You right. 

Edited by Javfly33

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7 hours ago, James123 said:



@James123 Then why you identify yourself with anything? Such as that Being is Boring?

Keep yourself free, do not entangle yourself with any conclusion or identification. You lose power and freedom.

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3 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

@James123 Then why you identify yourself with anything? Such as that Being is Boring?

Keep yourself free, do not entangle yourself with any conclusion or identification. You lose power and freedom.

Joking and Loving never does brother. I love you. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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15 hours ago, gettoefl said:

god knows nothing of silly mad dreaming, he is one here is two apparently

he is awaiting you to wake up any time you feel like it


Is it not strange that you believe to think you made the world you see is arrogance? ²God made it not. ³Of this you can be sure! ⁴What could He know of the ephemeral, the sinful and the guilty, the afraid, the suffering and lonely, and the mind which lives within a body that must die? ⁵You but accuse Him of insanity to think He made a world where such things seem to have reality. ⁶He is not mad. ⁷Yet only madness makes a world like this.


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12 hours ago, TheGod said:

Hhahahahha finally I found someone who shares my view on being. 
Being is boring as fuck for God. There is nothing to do in that state and everything looses the meaning. God loves drama so much and there is no drama in being. 

Immediately rename to TheEgo, thank you brother for playing 🙏 

Thread shows the dangers of people using psychedelics and not being ready for it. Who said you are mature enough for the truth? Your ego is running away with the truth, like it has just robbed the bank.

This is painfully obvious by all your comments. 

Take psychedellics? I dont ride on a tricicle aand tell others they are bad riders for falling. 




Edited by Dodo

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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3 hours ago, James123 said:

Joking and Loving never does brother. I love you. 

B| 🙏

3 hours ago, Dodo said:

Thread shows the dangers of people using psychedelics and not being ready for it. Who said you are mature enough for the truth? Your ego is running away with the truth, like it has just robbed the bank.

Nice one LoL. 

Is so weird this topics man. And I don´t want to be harsh on the OP because I myself sometimes also fall into those ego traps.

The Being that we are, is completely Free, is ultimate Freedom. Putting on oneself statements such as 'I am stuck in a dream' is just not right, is not being truthful to Oneself. 

Although, the OP is free to do what It wants, as any of us. 

But is important to ask oneself in the path, Does one want freedom or does one want bondage?

If one wants bondage, there´s a lot of things out there to anchor oneself too. But if one is on this path, is supposed because One is seeking the Liberation. 5-MeO is a step on the staircase, which tells me, someone is looking for freedom. When I see that person is putting itself the bondage again, I call him out. 

But is for pure compassion, because I am in the path too. I don´t want anyone to set itself to any chain, as beautiful, godly, or attractive it might seem. 

Edited by Javfly33

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56 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

B| 🙏

Nice one LoL. 

Is so weird this topics man. And I don´t want to be harsh on the OP because I myself sometimes also fall into those ego traps.

The Being that we are, is completely Free, is ultimate Freedom. Putting on oneself statements such as 'I am stuck in a dream' is just not right, is not being truthful to Oneself. 

Although, the OP is free to do what It wants, as any of us. 

But is important to ask oneself in the path, Does one want freedom or does one want bondage?

If one wants bondage, there´s a lot of things out there to anchor oneself too. But if one is on this path, is supposed because One is seeking the Liberation. 5-MeO is a step on the staircase, which tells me, someone is looking for freedom. When I see that person is putting itself the bondage again, I call him out. 

But is for pure compassion, because I am in the path too. I don´t want anyone to set itself to any chain, as beautiful, godly, or attractive it might seem. 

I just think you can do the most important thing, being aware of awareness, while not taking psychedellics as well? 

We all store our own private DMT, Some activate it through meditation, I think meditation needs to be the most promited thing. Its free, legal, your own space. 

Some just cant take psychedellics, its illegal in many places. 

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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7 hours ago, Dodo said:

Some just cant take psychedellics, its illegal in many places. 

Even if it is legal you can find excuses not to explore them.

I AM reborn

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14 hours ago, tuku747 said:

Individualism IS Collectivism!!

When I used to smoke weed I would become super attuned , basically feeling telepathic. (It wasn't ever fun), but this is precisely the insight. At higher dimensions communication becomes ever more powerful 

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1 hour ago, Yimpa said:

Even if it is legal you can find excuses not to explore them.

I was addicted to pychedelics lol. What can be better than daily 2 gr shrooms with weed or night 6 or up to 10 gr dried shrooms to go before big bang. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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Thanks guys for all your comments here. You’re making the illusion more solid. 
In the God mode there is no one to argue with 😄

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40 minutes ago, James123 said:

What can be better than daily 2 gr shrooms with weed or night 6 or up to 10 gr dried shrooms to go before big bang. 

Going to the grocery store and browsing the hot meat section.

I AM reborn

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4 hours ago, Yimpa said:

Even if it is legal you can find excuses not to explore them.

Read the guidelines of this forum, it extensively talks about the dangers of psychedellics. Have to be taken with great care and not for everyone. Read it

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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The tiny instant you would keep and make eternal, passed away in Heaven too soon for anything to notice it had come. What disappeared too quickly to affect the simple knowledge of the Son of God can hardly still be there, for you to choose to be your teacher. Only in the past,– an ancient past, too short to make a world in answer to creation, – did this world appear to rise. So very long ago, for such a tiny interval of time, that not one note in Heaven’s song was missed.

Yet in each unforgiving act or thought, in every judgement, and in all belief in sin, is that one instant still called back, as if it could be made again in time. You keep an ancient memory before your eyes. And he who lives in memories alone is unaware of where he is. Is this a HINDRANCE to the place whereon he stands? Is any echo from the past that he may hear a fact in what is there to hear where he is now? And how much can his own delusions about time and place affect a change in where he really is?

The unforgiven is a voice that calls from out a past forever more gone by. And everything which points to it as real is but a wish that what is gone could be made real again, and seen as here and now, in place of what is REALLY now and here. Is this a hindrance to the truth the past is gone, and cannot be returned to you? And do you WANT that fearful instant kept, when Heaven seemed to disappear, and God was feared and made a symbol of your hate?


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23 hours ago, Dodo said:


Yeah i think the same.


14 hours ago, James123 said:

 to 10 gr dried shrooms to go before big bang. 

@James123 LOL 😂

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