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map of consiousness & attraction

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What are your thoughts on the map of consciousness?

Does it work in attracting better things in ur life?
How do you raise ur energetic log?

Does it work for dating and relationships?

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can someone delete this topic, wrong section

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@Nick5050 do you want this deleted or moved? 

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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I'm not sure about the map itself or what model you are considering, but I believe in these different "frequencies" and their power to affect yourself and reality.

Yes, it works amazingly for relationships.

I've done significant "shifts" in the past through psychedelics and other methods such as fasting and yoga. Today, I'm still open to investigating other methods. Changing significantly my "energy level" without drugs was very hard work in my experience.

But it is a fascinating thing to discover. Reality may change in ways that can surprise you. 

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