
speed reading advice

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im doing a speed reading course rn, and ive reached a point where i need to reach 400wpm to continue. i've been struggling and only reached 300 max. Any advise on how to progress?

Edited by Pox

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It's one tool to get through a difficult work to get a grasp on it before doing the slower and ACTUAL reading but not more. If you want to improve on this, what you do is you accept that other parts of your brain don't catch up. You can also speed-skim the text instead if you're doing this technique.

I wouldn't worry much about it and wouldn't engage in it.

If you're doing 200 WPM+ you're likely, without exaggeration, literally missing out on the book that you are reading.

300 WPM+ is utterly missing out on the book, other parts of your brain just don't catch up, it's the definition of going into one ear and out the other.

Let alone if it's an especially difficult work.

If it's a fiction book that isn't that dense and you are feeling like going faster, then 160 or so is acceptable.

When someone says "I read 20 books this year." the chances are they didn't. They got a reading list and wanted to tick things off because this made them feel like a successful, educated individual. But this doesn't avail anything in the end.

"Jesus in His love and mercy for me let me know who He really was. He is God who is born to be the Man, Jesus. Jesus was specifically born so that He could die because God is eternal and He cannot die, He had no beginning and He has no end. We have been separated from a relationship with God because of our sin."

This person here is misguided, but at least not a repressed sadistic killer trying to let out his frustrations by attempting murder through psychological torture the way that is characteristic specifically of the decrepit and completely incurable of those who believe in non-duality and Christianity. But don't be fooled, man is sinless by default. You are thrown into this reality without being told anything, that much can never be taken away by any ideologue.

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slow reading > fast reading
You should be reading books as much as possible 
take notes, jot down insights, highlight, think, contemplate, summarize.


The only way information can transform your thinking is through connections, I do this with a Zettelkasten system but that's complicated and you probably don't need that.

So read quality over quantity of books, here is something i find helpful: keep self-help books as audiobooks, because they are usually very repetitive, and don't need much attention, listen while at the gym, driving, etc.

And actual reading would go to difficult books.

I believe in the religion of Love
Whatever direction its caravans may take,
For love is my religion and my faith.

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Posted (edited)

6 hours ago, numbersinarow said:

It's one tool to get through a difficult work to get a grasp on it before doing the slower and ACTUAL reading but not more. If you want to improve on this, what you do is you accept that other parts of your brain don't catch up. You can also speed-skim the text instead if you're doing this technique.

I wouldn't worry much about it and wouldn't engage in it.

If you're doing 200 WPM+ you're likely, without exaggeration, literally missing out on the book that you are reading.

300 WPM+ is utterly missing out on the book, other parts of your brain just don't catch up, it's the definition of going into one ear and out the other.

Let alone if it's an especially difficult work.

If it's a fiction book that isn't that dense and you are feeling like going faster, then 160 or so is acceptable.

When someone says "I read 20 books this year." the chances are they didn't. They got a reading list and wanted to tick things off because this made them feel like a successful, educated individual. But this doesn't avail anything in the end.

The course I'm following teaches comprehension while being as fast as possible. Also, i heard some people say that effective speed reading will have effective comprehension because you're 100% focused on the reading and therefore won't get distracted by thoughts. Just like when you're racing, you'll be more focused on the driving vs being on traffic and scrolling on your phone or something.

Edited by Pox

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