
Integrate Orange: +25 Practical Steps (R rated!)

8 posts in this topic

Here I go again. Lets get into the STEP by STEP of STAGE ORANGE.

Before you read this, I wrote these HUGE posts about beige, purple and red.

They resonated with a lot of people, so you may check them out:




Similar to red. This post is written from the male perspective and mostly for men.



       *   What is healthy orange in essence?

-Hard Word.



-Ability to make results happen no matter what. No excuses.


-Optimism. Im gonna make it brah - zyzz


-Unbreakable delusional confidence.


-Developing your OWN personality, frame.


-Competition. If you dont win, other will do it.

If you don't take the girl home, other man will.

If you don't closet the sale, other will do it.


In orange people can go wild, it can be a of a dog-eat-dog mentality.

In blue you just have a job or build a small business, leaving space for others.

In blue you have sex and relationship with one woman (monogamy), so is a 1-1 men/women ratio.


In orange, you build a business even if it fucks others.

In orange you get 1 woman, 2, 3, 4… even if there is a 30% incel rate.

Nobody cares.

Winner takes all.


A MISCONCEPTION is that Orange seems to be about the party, the success, the status, the luxury, the hot bitches and the yatchs...

Bur really in a healthy way, orange is about the GRIND.

Orange builds character thru hard work and and emotional challenge.

Builds a solid foundation in order to get into spirituality later on.


Build a system, execute working hard and get results.

Be the best you can be.

Thats orange.



Lets break it down in 3 main areas with simple action steps for each one.



*               BODY-HEALTH


First, you have to train your body.

Get a lean, strong, aesthetic and healthy physique. Boxer style.




- Just bite the bullet and go to the gym.

Hire a personal trainer if you want and tell him to teach you a full body routine, maybe a 5x5 by Mark Rippetoe. Thats ideal for beginners.

In 6 months you will be BAFFLED by your new physique.


Learn to eat properly.

Learn how to eat for gaining muscle (bulking) and for losing fat (cutting).

Learn how much protein and calorie intake you need per day.


Just learn basic nutrition and calisthenic/resistance training overall.


Captura de pantalla 2024-05-29 a las 19.28.40.png



Don't be like Guppy:




- Try some ‘diets’ like intermittent fasting and ketogenic diet, just for the sake of knowing your body better and becoming more adaptable, specially for fat burning and for not being so dependable on sugar  (if you have some kind of disease skip this part)


- If you want a healthy orange phase, quit alcohol and get a nice sleeping routine (red lights at night, no screens 1 hour before bed etc…)


Before we get into women/love/sex, one more thing.



-               Get a sense of STYLE- > Upgrade your wardrobe.  You are not a teen anymore.

Most people are fat or skinny-fat nowadays.

With 6 months of training you can be on top 10% of male physiques. Thats how low the barrier is.

But with style and clothing, the bar is even lower.

Just go around the block and pay close attention to men’s style.

I was like this for a lot of time, I didn’t care about clothing (because is superficial, right?) but now in my 30s I realized …… this is it.

Time for change.

If you are +30 you need to step up you clothing game. And if you are in your 20s… that will be even better.

What is this shit?

looser style.png



No need for luxury brands, just spend a bit more on high quality material.

Cheap becomes expensive.

-Prioritize: Cotton, linnen, wool.


- If you are on a budget focus on:



Accessories: watch, brazalet, collar…


- Check out youtube channels on male fashion.
Learn the basics of winter and summer style

- Get inspiration from Ig, of movies.


- Go shopping

It can take a few attempts to find your style, but just improve little by little.


If you have strong shoulders, nice traps, and wide back, a basic slim t-shirt/shirt, will fit great.

Having a great torso, is 50% of style.

So go train for at least 6 months.

Everything will fit better.


-Also you can check some hair, beard styles that fits you.

One change in style in hair/beard and be totally GAME CHANGER.


-Skincare routine is also interesting specially +30.


-- --


This is not just about looking good on the beach, or getting woman easier.

Is a about building discipline.

Feeling good about yourself.

Learning the foundations of health, and build a routine for a healthier, stronger and aesthetic body.


* So if you add:

3x training per week +

great nutrition +

great sleep +

no alcohol +                                        

new clothing +

new hair/beard style

you will be a diferente man in 6 months

And getting beautiful women will be way easier… crucial part in stage orange, so here we go:





*       WOMEN - PICK-UP


Stage orange with women, as cold as it may sound, I saw it as a funnel.

If you want to get good with woman, you need VOLUME.

Talking to and meeting  LOTs of woman, so then it will be easier to find a quality gf (this also has its drawbacks, so take into consideration your lifestyle preferences).


You need to learn how to get:

1. Strangers into dates

2. Dates into sex

3. Sex into fuck-buddies/girlfriends


Is like a business funnel.

Strangers into leads, leads into clients, and clientes into brand ambassadors/repeating buyers


1. So first you have to learn how to APPROACH.

Nowadays it can be:

-Online (dating apps/IG…)

-Face to face 1-1 (daygame, nightgame)

-Social circle (group of friends, group activities…)

You need to know how to start a conversation from 0, small talk, spark attraction, get a number and set up a date.

Depending on your personality, availability and physique, you will prefer one or another.



2. Run a proper DATE.

You have to go from casual conversation to sex.

Doesn't have to be in 1 date, but nowadays….you better be quick with this.


There is a lot to it:

Venue selection, small talk, physical contact, being playfull and sexual, going for the kiss, the pull, ‘house logistics’ (having some wine or knowing how to prepare cocktails, having some great music ready, a nice bedroom, maybe some toys…)


There will be uncomfortable dates for sure. Is part of the game.

Check what your bottleneck is and improve.



3. And then… SEX.

The best way to keep a girl around, especially in the beginning, is with GREAT sex.

If you are not a creep and the sex is great, she will want to meet again.

One rule is this:

Just go one step slower than she wants.

If she wants you to kiss her mouth, just kiss her neck.

If she wants you to eat her pussy, just lick around it.

If she wants you fuck her, just play with your cock around her pussy.





- Don't be a desperate pussy hungry creep (or at least don't show it!). Enjoy her body slowly.

There is always a time for a quicky but err on the side or taking it slow.

She will be greatly surprised.


- When you leave don't say how amazing the sex was, dont plan the next date and dont say anything about meeting again. Leave a bit of uncertainty in her.

Make her wonder if you will text back. (HINT: She will probably text you within 24hours)


>Read ‘Sex God Method’

Cant stress this enough.


Learn how to eat pussy like a king, how to dirty talk, how to make a girl squirt (famous Leo video).




If you do this 3 steps properly (and the body-health part at the beginning) you can easily have a rotation of 3-4 girls.

Depending on your social skills it can take you 6 months to a year to become decent.

Again, if you have a great body, face, and style, it will be easier.


You can start TODAY.

Get on tinder now, go talk to some girls NOW, go out tonight to some bars, talk to that girl in class.


The best way to learn is to DO IT.

If you can go with some friend / wingman who is great with women, better.

But also, go for it alone sometimes.


You need to be competent in:

- Approaching girls (Strangers -> Dates)

- Running proper dates (Dates -> Sex)

- Being a fucking pornstar (Sex -> Fuck-buddies/Girlfriend)



Last tips:

> Unsuscribe from all the pessimistic black-red pill channels.

> Suscribe to optimistic and practical channels


>Research and read PRACTICAL information on the topic you need and APPLY it immediately until it works.

Learn - Act -Refine


> I’ll say it again: Unsubscribe from all the pesimistc black-red pill channels.

Focus on positivity. Be optimistic learn to appreciate female beauty.

Appreciate how dolled up your date showed up for you.

Appreciate how soft her skin is.

Enjoy the game of seduction. The flirting.

Appreciate and enjoy the adrenaline rush of the pull ‘hey, lets move to my place and have a glass of wine’. Grab her hand and LEAD.


You got this my man!




After you become competent in this 3 areas having a healthy relationship will be easier, although there is still a lot to learn about relationships ‘’game’’, but thats more Stage Green.


This will be emotionally challenging, for most, way more than losing fat or gaining muscle.

Women are going to test you like nothing you will ever see.

They will flake just before dates, you will have whisky-dick one night and they wont answer again.

The game is brutal.

But it is what it is.

Embrace it.

Or just let other man with a big pair of balls rawdog your dream girl while you keep watching porn at home.







The best way to move into Green-Yellow is to have some kind of financial freedom / passive income.



Call it the way you want.


Money = Freedom

There are many paths here.

-Building an online business.

-Having a high paying job.

-Having a normal job, but with little responsibility so you can enjoy your free time.


But realize being broke is not spiritual.

In fact, you will have to work one way or another…. So…

How are you going to go on a 10 day solo/meditation retreat if you have a normal job?

Are you going to spend your holidays on it?

Doubt it.


From my POV, the best way you can go about is:

- Build an online business.

What can you build of value that others will pay you for?

What problem people have, and what solution can I offer them?

Ask yourself these question.

Thats the basis of business.

What type of business?

Youtube cannel?
Personal Brand?
Marketing agency?
Tech startup and exit?
Physical product?

Is tough to say as there are so many paths to take but your first goal can be this:

My best tip for the money/business part is this:

1-     Create your dreamlife/day vision


2-      Learn deeply about the perennial fundamentals of old school marketing (John Carlton, Eugene Schwartz, Ogivly, Baron letters...)


3-      Research for good mentors that can teach you a model that resonate with your values and strenghts.


4-      Buy his program and GO HARD.


Research is very important here.

Business programs are expensive.

There are a lot of paths, and everyone is going to sell theirs as the best, the most profitable, the quickest and the easiest.

This people know how to market and sell.

Be careful, but at the end of the day you have to take the leap of faith.

Once you decide, GO FULL ON IT.

You maybe have to pivot 3 or 4 times or even start from scratch again.


This can even be harder than the dating stuff.

Entrepreneurship is hard.

Focusing in this area will force you to put on hold the other areas of your life: spirituality, gym, going out with friends, dating…

You need a lot of time investment, but it can pay off.


Not a lot things can feel better than having your first sale online.

It opens a new world of opportunity.







Thats it.

The 3 main areas of stage orange.

You have there 2-5 years of implementation. Enjoy ;)





Stage orange can be ruthless, but it develops character, so then when you move into Green, you will have a solid base in which you can relax and let go.

Stage Green people with unhealthy orange, become SJWs of woo woo broke hippies.

Thats lame.




The TRAP of orange is spending a 5th year at the gym, tracking macros and calories and your sleeptime just for 0.5 inch bigger arm.

Or just having sex with one more girl, and one more, and one more…

Or scaling your business once you are confortable with the money you are making.


Another traps are:



Especially that proud atheism Dawkins style.




Realize that stage orange is the water you swim in.

If you don't focus, things will go toxic real quick...


- The 2 extremes of the ORANGE PENDULUM:

1. Tattooed tough, roided up, 5 fake boobs ‘girlfriends’, 3 lambos, mansion and 1M followers



2. Shitty corporate job, going for drinks, playing videogames, smoking weed, watching netflix while eating a shitty pizza you order via Uber eats.



Both are Stage orange.

I will call the first one excessive.

The second one toxic.

The first sells ‘the dreamlife’ to the second one.


Find your sweet spot, and once you integrate and exhaust it, move on.

Theres much more to life.




Now blast some 50Cent hits and tell me.

Which steps are you going to take now?


And remember.

We are all going to make it brah!





Edited by koops

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High quality!! Amazing 

I believe in the religion of Love
Whatever direction its caravans may take,
For love is my religion and my faith.

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@koops Thank you very much for the work you do in helping us . This is good . 

Do you think blue would be done in the future ?

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Great post @koops 

I also have a doubt, so when one person having base in blue and due to meditation and psychedelics have some quality of green, yellow and turquoise. How does that person fully go orange from blue base state

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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Amazing post very great! This could be made into a video for a bigger audience also teaching basic spiral dynamics


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orange is fundamentally about the belief that the human mind can fully comprehend and manipulate reality through reason and technology.

this goes back to descartes and is perhaps best represented in the archetype of the alchemist or goethe’s faust – the individual who relentlessly organizes the material conditions of life, attempting to bring about the spiritual/transcendent.

this libertarian americanism you are characterizing is only one manifestation of this attitude towards life.

Edited by Nilsi

“Did you ever say Yes to a single joy? O my friends, then you said Yes to all woe as well. All things are chained and entwined together, all things are in love; if ever you wanted one moment twice, if ever you said: ‘You please me, happiness! Abide, moment!’ then you wanted everything to return!” - Friedrich Nietzsche

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The best way to integrate Orange is to watch 100+ hours of Gary Vee, and then work yourself to death.

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.

"Love is the realization that there no difference between anything. Love is a complete absence of all bias". -- Leo Gura

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@koops Enjoyed the fact you didn't 'intellectualize' it too much, which can be a trap for many fans of Actualized.org (myself included). It's time for me to integrate orange fully.

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