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Is it normal to cringe at people’s relationship?

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I guess this depends on the couple, but sometimes when I see couples passing by doing couple’s stuff, I cringe. Like holding each other hands, doing lovey dovey stuff on public, it gets sometimes to the point that I analyze if the relationship will last forever or not. 

I know this criticism comes back and bite my ass cuz when I’m in a relationship, I try my best to not be too attached to my partner, but I guess that is something out of someone’s control to a degree, I think I’m judgemental of co-dependency. 

Has anyone felt the same way as me?

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25 minutes ago, Juan said:

I guess this depends on the couple, but sometimes when I see couples passing by doing couple’s stuff, I cringe. Like holding each other hands, doing lovey dovey stuff on public, it gets sometimes to the point that I analyze if the relationship will last forever or not. 

I know this criticism comes back and bite my ass cuz when I’m in a relationship, I try my best to not be too attached to my partner, but I guess that is something out of someone’s control to a degree, I think I’m judgemental of co-dependency. 

Has anyone felt the same way as me?

   Yes, it's normal when they're so 3d to interact with. Nothing like those clips or images of beautiful people to para socialize to.

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This is a simple reaction of your subconscious to your own feelings of fear. 

Owner of creatives community all around Canada as well as a business mastermind 

Follow me on Instagram @Kylegfall <3


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