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What is your opinion about 4-AcO-DMT? 

Can fumarate be taken orally?

If yes, what is the dosage?

Can it be used for therapeutic purposes, or is it considered a recreational psychedelic?


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Fumarate can be taken orally. Dosages on PsychonautWiki seem accurate for people with normal tolerance. I've taken something like 90mg for a deep trip, don't do that though. 

It's solid for consciousness work. People say it's a lot like shrooms, but I think it's closer to 4-HO-MET, just more potent.

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It's great. A bit shorter than mushrooms but similar in the effects. Not quite the same.

Yes it can.

I couldn't recommend anything other than start low & see.

It's shockingly similar to mushrooms for me. Can probably do both.

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Just now, LambdaDelta said:

Fumarate can be taken orally. Dosages on PsychonautWiki seem accurate for people with normal tolerance. I've taken something like 90mg for a deep trip, don't do that though. 

It's solid for consciousness work. People say it's a lot like shrooms, but I think it's closer to 4-HO-MET, just more potent.

Whoa, interesting perspective. I have some 4-AcO-DMT that I plan to try at some point, but I was mentally preparing for it to be practically identical to shrooms. What are the similarities you've noticed that make it like 4-HO-MET? I've tried that one once.

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3 minutes ago, What Am I said:

Whoa, interesting perspective. I have some 4-AcO-DMT that I plan to try at some point, but I was mentally preparing for it to be practically identical to shrooms. What are the similarities you've noticed that make it like 4-HO-MET? I've tried that one once.

The headspace is what's more similar, and visuals too to some extent. It's not easy to put into words, as shrooms are also fairly similar to both of these, but there's subtle distinctions. IMO the 4-subs are less confusing, your chains of thoughts/insights are more coherent, while shrooms kinda throw you all over the place. Visuals are more colorful and 'warped' I guess? Your experience might be different. I believe part of the reason this comparison is not made as often is people treat 4-HO as almost purely recreational/visual substance, never having gone really deep with it. Much like 2C-B. My top 3 trip was with 2C-B, but on 120mg.

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Good to know, thanks.

11 minutes ago, LambdaDelta said:

IMO the 4-subs are less confusing, your chains of thoughts/insights are more coherent, while shrooms kinda throw you all over the place.

I like the sound of this. That was always a big drawback of shrooms for me.

12 minutes ago, LambdaDelta said:

Much like 2C-B. My top 3 trip was with 2C-B, but on 120mg.

lol that's madness.

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10 minutes ago, What Am I said:

lol that's madness.

Far from the most extreme thing I ever done, it was actually very manageable. A nice chill awakening to complete solipsism. But I'm wired in strange ways.

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It definitely depends on the dose, but 4-aco-dmt can be incredibly mind fucky.  Some of the weirdest experiences I have ever had were on 4-aco-dmt. It is very similar to shrooms but warps your sense of time and reality more significantly I’d say.

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2 hours ago, shree said:

Can fumarate be taken orally?

Of course.

But plugging it would be better.

4-AcO-DMT can be crazy powerful and very existential.

Edited by Leo Gura

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On 28/05/2024 at 10:27 PM, What Am I said:


4HO MET is weak by itself but amazing when combined with dissociatives.

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My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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I came back just to say thank you for the tips.


I took a threshold dose of 10-12mg and had a mild trip, but I can say:






I have 3 more questions:


1. Is there anything significant in the waves at the start of the trip, or is the real value in the trip after the waves? 


2. Should I go for 20mg next time or just increase the dose by 5mg next time?


3. I suppose 4-ACO-DMT has a cross tolerance with 1D-LSD?

Edited by shree

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11 hours ago, shree said:

I took a threshold dose of 10-12mg and had a mild trip, but I can say:



What are some highlights of the trip? I still haven't tried 4-AcO-DMT, and I'm wondering what I'm missing.

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I always get a little jealous reading that people able to trip on such low doses 😔

20mg should still be fine for you, it's much more of a linear increase compared to, say, some 2C-x

And it'll certainly have cross tolerance, just as any tryptamine does with any lysergamide

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On 14/06/2024 at 3:47 PM, What Am I said:

What are some highlights of the trip? I still haven't tried 4-AcO-DMT, and I'm wondering what I'm missing.

It was a low-dose, enjoyable, mild trip. Nothing serious. As I read about it, it's a typical mushrooms trip.

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Is more profound than recreational.

Start slow, maybe 20-25mg. 

Plugging It has low nausea 

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1 minute ago, Javfly33 said:

Start slow, maybe 20-25mg. 

This dose would send me to the moon and further. 15mg already gives me a really radical trip. 10mg is a sweet spot for an enjoyable trip in my case. 

27 minutes ago, PsychedelicEagle said:

Interesting. Never did 4-AcO-DMT. Now curious to try it out. 9_9

I love it! 

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@shree was there any kind of comedown or hangover? Anything you can say about it in comparison to mushrooms?

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8 minutes ago, What Am I said:

@shree was there any kind of comedown or hangover? Anything you can say about it in comparison to mushrooms?

I never did mushrooms so I cannot say, but as I was reading on internet they should be identical.


Comedown was beautiful, I felt like I came from a great vacation. My dose was 10-12mg.


EDIT: I felt slightly nauseous, but nothing what one ginger tea cannot fix.

Edited by shree

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