
the blue pill, the red pill and the black pill

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in his last video leo talked about how the black pill and the blue pill are both wrong while the red pill is also wrong but less so. anyways let's define the black pill, red pill, and blue pill. and talk about their differences where they are right and where they are wrong. from what i've read so far the black pill seems legit to me, the blue pill seems also good, and the red pill also seems true. they all encapsulate certain truths but from different perspectives. 

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There is some truth in every perspective. The problem is when people take it too far.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura yes i agree, the problem is only taking one pill hhahaahha

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10 minutes ago, Majed said:

the problem is only taking one pill hhahaahha

Then take more :o


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Posted (edited)

From the perspective of a man all those pills holds no weight! they are made and has truth to the efeminite guys.

Why? Because center of all of the ideology is a woman,while mans ideology is focus on himself.. red pill-women are bad they will leave or cheat on you etc. black pill-if you are not 6 feet and up and dont have great genese there is no chance, blue pill-living in phantasy of how women are precious...

To a man red pill-holds no weight because red pill is focused on the end resault if you noticed ,she will leave you for another guy in the end,she will cheat on you,but there is never big picture analyzed,  the first step a guy made with a woman and steps in between that caused the end resault,so man will never look what happened to someone else and think this will happen to me ,because im not that guy so red pill is bs to a man.Man moves foward and dismisses a woman that shows signs of disrespect.

Black pill-holds no weight because a man doesnt move off of his looks but who he is and if his genes are not the best, he doesnt care he works with what he has and will embrace the challenge of going againts all odds which is sweeter than easy mode.

Blue pill-man doesnt live in that naive phantasy world because he is not passive and look at the sidelines thinking what if, so its pointless again.


Edited by NoSelfSelf

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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They are all rigid perspective. 

The “red pill”, which by the way I cringe writing, is in a way the most accurate because it does indeed encompass and account for uncertainty and hardships of dating and many ways women will make their own choices, pursuing what they believe is right for their life and their values. The thing is they then dump in a ton of animosity, blame and just really rigid thinking that is a recipe to a miserable life. Some in this space have built on it with self help stuff on discipline and hustling and whatnot but the original red pill was basically realizing women are their own ever changing person and will make choices that are in their own self interest like every person is doing on this planet. 

The black pill is just a straight up limiting, false belief that you need to be tall or handsome to whatever to get a girlfriend. It’s just a lie. Really a totally unhelpful belief to hold. Total victim mindset. 

The blue pill, I’m not even exactly sure what it is. I think its the belief that somehow because you love a woman or she loves you or you both love each other that life is now complete, all problems are gone, the relationship is perfect never needing any upkeep. Basically some false belief that life is on a pair of train tracks and real love will one day show up on your doorstep, happy ever after the end. Basically fantasy bullshit. 

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14 hours ago, Lyubov said:

They are all rigid perspective. 

The “red pill”, which by the way I cringe writing, is in a way the most accurate because it does indeed encompass and account for uncertainty and hardships of dating and many ways women will make their own choices, pursuing what they believe is right for their life and their values. The thing is they then dump in a ton of animosity, blame and just really rigid thinking that is a recipe to a miserable life. Some in this space have built on it with self help stuff on discipline and hustling and whatnot but the original red pill was basically realizing women are their own ever changing person and will make choices that are in their own self interest like every person is doing on this planet. 

The black pill is just a straight up limiting, false belief that you need to be tall or handsome to whatever to get a girlfriend. It’s just a lie. Really a totally unhelpful belief to hold. Total victim mindset. 

The blue pill, I’m not even exactly sure what it is. I think its the belief that somehow because you love a woman or she loves you or you both love each other that life is now complete, all problems are gone, the relationship is perfect never needing any upkeep. Basically some false belief that life is on a pair of train tracks and real love will one day show up on your doorstep, happy ever after the end. Basically fantasy bullshit. 

This is basically it.

Although, I would argue that there's a lot of validity in the black pill (well, the original more "scientific" definition of black pill, not the current depressing incel narrative from what I see these days lol)  In that looks matter A LOT.  Socially, we tend to sweep that under the rug to give everyone a shot and level the playing field -- but the game is running in the background at all times evolutionary speaking.

Even Leo recently came to the conclusion from an awakening insight that indeed, looks matter a bunch.  It's not the end all be all but it a pillar for sure.

You hit Red and Bluepills perfectly on the head though!  Good post bruddah!

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5 hours ago, hoodrow trillson said:

This is basically it.

Although, I would argue that there's a lot of validity in the black pill (well, the original more "scientific" definition of black pill, not the current depressing incel narrative from what I see these days lol)  In that looks matter A LOT.  Socially, we tend to sweep that under the rug to give everyone a shot and level the playing field -- but the game is running in the background at all times evolutionary speaking.

Even Leo recently came to the conclusion from an awakening insight that indeed, looks matter a bunch.  It's not the end all be all but it a pillar for sure.

You hit Red and Bluepills perfectly on the head though!  Good post bruddah!

Keep in mind I never said women don’t have physical preferences for their partners, that is a matter of choice.

It’s sort of a tricky topic since acknowledging it doesn’t really do anything for anyone, especially men. Notice how black pill will focus on in notion about this and all the guys who aren’t dating and that they see as physically ugly, but then they will simultaneously ignore all the examples that show that disprove their belief. 

So it’s sort of tricky to approach because any belief where one sort of postulates about “what ifs” (what if I was handsome? What if I was rich?) leads to nowhere. It literally does much of nothing for one’s development. 

So I don’t dent black pill are observing the differences in people and how everyone has strengths and weaknesses but they ten concoct a false belief and expectations that kills any growth. 

It’s why I say it’s absolutely a no go to ever compare yourself when dating to anyone else, other men or women. Just drop all comparisons and make the best of your situation. 

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1 hour ago, Lyubov said:

Keep in mind I never said women don’t have physical preferences for their partners, that is a matter of choice.

It’s sort of a tricky topic since acknowledging it doesn’t really do anything for anyone, especially men. Notice how black pill will focus on in notion about this and all the guys who aren’t dating and that they see as physically ugly, but then they will simultaneously ignore all the examples that show that disprove their belief. 

So it’s sort of tricky to approach because any belief where one sort of postulates about “what ifs” (what if I was handsome? What if I was rich?) leads to nowhere. It literally does much of nothing for one’s development. 

So I don’t dent black pill are observing the differences in people and how everyone has strengths and weaknesses but they ten concoct a false belief and expectations that kills any growth. 

It’s why I say it’s absolutely a no go to ever compare yourself when dating to anyone else, other men or women. Just drop all comparisons and make the best of your situation. 

You’re right 

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