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A simple drawing of Infinity

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Photo from tigour7777 (1).jpg


  1. The horizontal line is the singular one consciousness all creation comes from.
  2. The bodies that come out of it are memory bags of consciousness that form singular bodies and singular minds, they are completely united with the singular consciousness, but since they are creating a certain form they are bound to a certain physical limitation/boundary.


The process of consciousness to slowly dissolve this memory, to a point where it dissolves completely with the horizontal infinite line again.

When all beings (or better said, all individual memory bags of consciousness) merge back to the infinite line, the process of this creation is finished, no more form. 


Warning, once you merge with the infinite truly there´s no more recreation for you of any bag of memory. 

When all bags are dissolved (you are a bag of memory within infinite, not a separate being) we say the creation is finished.


Everyone got a piece of the puzzle, you can play some time with this piece, but you will have end up giving it back, so infinity has all of their pieces reunited again. 

We all walking ourselves to the Infinite Reunion, (or the Infinite Dissolution, however is more funny to you) 

Aren´t you excited. 

Edited by Javfly33

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