
This Arthur Schopenhauer quote seems to be right about who created the world.

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Arthur Schopenhauer was a German Philosopher.

He once said “I was gripped by the misery of life as Buddha was in his youth when he saw sickness, old age, pain and death. The truth … was that this world could not have been the work of an all-loving Being, but rather that of a devil, who had brought creatures into existence in order to delight in the sight of their sufferings; to this the data pointed, and the belief that it is so won the upper hand.”

I truly believe he seems to be right in this belief. The facts do point to something much darker that created this world. There is so much evil, suffering and pain in the world. 

There are so many mass shooters, murders, rapists, terrorist and other evil people in this world. The thing about it is that these horrible things keep happening in our society. Humans continually hurt each other. It is a cycle that continually repeats itself. 

Here are some examples below of why I do feel like his belief might be right and that the facts do point to this world being created by an evil spirit. 

1. Nickolas Cruz the Parkland Shooter who killed 17 people and injured 17 more. 

2. Adam Lanza the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooter who shot and killed 26 people. Twenty of the victims were between six and seven years old. The other six were adult staff members. 

3. There are literally millions of people in prison right now for all types of bad things whether that be murder, rape, robbery, kidnapping, home invasion etc. 

4. All of the genocide, slavery and wrongdoing that has been done to millions of people in this world. 

5. Salvador Ramos the Robb Elementary School Shooter who shot and killed 19 students and two teachers. Also he injured 17 others. 

6. The Columbine High School Massacre where two students Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold murdered twelve students and one teacher. 

These horrible things that have happened in the world and continue to happen show how bad the world is. Also, this is evidence that shows that the world might have been created by an evil being rather than a loving God. 

The fact that these things continue to happen in the world and they don't stop is more evidence to the fact that this world could have been created by a devil.

Edited by NightHawkBuzz

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6 minutes ago, NightHawkBuzz said:

Arthur Schopenhauer was a German Philosopher.

He once said “I was gripped by the misery of life as Buddha was in his youth when he saw sickness, old age, pain and death. The truth … was that this world could not have been the work of an all-loving Being, but rather that of a devil, who had brought creatures into existence in order to delight in the sight of their sufferings; to this the data pointed, and the belief that it is so won the upper hand.”

I truly believe he seems to be right in this belief. The facts do point to something much darker that created this world. There is so much evil, suffering and pain in the world. 

There are so many mass shooters, murders, rapists, terrorist and other evil people in this world. The thing about it is that these horrible things keep happening in our society. Humans continually hurt each other. It is a cycle that continually repeats itself. 

Here are some examples below of why I do feel like his belief might be right and that the facts do point to this world being created by an evil spirit. 

1. Nickolas Cruz the Parkland Shooter who killed 17 people and injured 17 more. 

2. Adam Lanza the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooter who shot and killed 26 people. Twenty of the victims were between six and seven years old. The other six were adult staff members. 

3. There are literally millions of people in prison right now for all types of bad things whether that be murder, rape, robbery, kidnapping, home invasion etc. 

4. All of the genocide, slavery and wrongdoing that has been done to millions of people in this world. 

5. Salvador Ramos the Robb Elementary School Shooter who shot and killed 19 students and two teachers. Also he injured 17 others. 

6. The Columbine High School Massacre where two students Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold murdered twelve students and one teacher. 

These horrible things that have happened in the world and continue to happen show how bad the world is. Also, this is evidence that shows that the world might have been created by an evil being rather than a loving God. 

The fact that these things continue to happen in the world and they don't stop is more evidence to the fact that this world could have been created by a devil.

   That's a huge assumption that this world is created only by an evil god and no other gods but the Devil? How would you account for pantheism and multiple other deities besides the Devil, or even a monotheistic spiritual structure?

   And he's a German philosopher, is he also a Nazi German? Also why do you really think his belief is right?

   Taking your statement here 'There are so many mass shooters, murderers, rapists, terrorists and other evil people' why would you rank that list in that order? Why is mass shooters worse than a murderer? Why a murderer is worse than a rapist? Why a rapist is worse than a terrorist? Why a terrorist is worse than those other evil people? Why would you rank and order like this, but forget to prioritize this Devil as the most evil entity, but a mass shooter is much worse?

   What facts do you have that point to the world being created by a Devil?

   Looking through your examples, why are mass shooters far more frequent there than other types of evils and why are they evidence of an evil creator? Why is the prison point an argument for an evil creator god? Why is millions of people suffering worldwide, by itself, evidence of an evil god creator?

   Not to completely argue against you, here's my list of worldly evils that human beings are capable of:

1. The rape of Nanking by the Japanese imperialists.

2. Unit 731 and the reports of mass rape, tortures, killing of prisoners, experiments on men and women and children on biological warfare. A few members of unit 731 are still alive somewhere today.

3. WW1 and the fallout onto Germany, and WW2 and the Nazi Germany and the holocaust. Was so bad even the Nazis adopted the Qliphoth, inverted form of the Kabbalah.(perhaps a candidate of evidence pointing to existence of malevolent spirits) 

4. The Spanish conquistadors and the Aztec empire. Both are actually evil, the Aztecs practice live human sacrifices, the conquistadors ultimately destroyed them with help from other nearby tribes hunted by the Aztecs.

5. The Mongol empire and their war campaigns and conquests.

6. Islam, the caliphates, the massive slave trade they did, the castration of African slaves because a Eunuch sells higher. And of course, from their relative perspective, the Christian empires and Great Britain for fighting against the slave trade.

7. When any religion starts splintering into denominations, re-interpreting the scriptures and holy books.

8. You. 

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@NightHawkBuzz Or... you're just biased and God isn't.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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The guy was a buzzkill.

I'd not adopt a pessimistic philosophy and project it onto one's worldview.

Edited by UnbornTao

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

@NightHawkBuzz Or... you're just biased and God isn't.

@Leo Gura I don't know about that he died in 1860 and yet a lot of the things I mentioned happened not to long ago. The Parkland Shooter, The Sandy Hook Shooter, The Robb Elementary Shooter. 

He wrote these things in the 1800s and yet the same thing is still happening today.

Humans continually perpetrate monstrous suffering on one another. 

I think he might be right the evidence and data clearly point to another being besides a God who created the world. 

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48 minutes ago, NightHawkBuzz said:

data clearly point to another being besides a God who created the world. 

Well, when you find him take a pic and send it to us.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@NightHawkBuzz It breaks my heart that this idea has infected your mind.

It's so coloured by this idea of good and evil when the reality is these concepts are moral constructs built by culture to maintain stability. 

The world was created long before good and evil were ever invented, therefore the idea that a 'devil' created the world makes no sense. It's putting the cart before the horse.

God and I worked things out

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Good and evil is imaginary, a human bias


And let's say hypothetically that there's a devil, it's still part of god

I believe in the religion of Love
Whatever direction its caravans may take,
For love is my religion and my faith.

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12 hours ago, NightHawkBuzz said:

I think he might be right the evidence and data clearly point to another being besides a God who created the world. 

If there is, God still created the world via that being. Everything exists because God wills it.


16 hours ago, NightHawkBuzz said:

These horrible things that have happened in the world and continue to happen show how bad the world is. Also, this is evidence that shows that the world might have been created by an evil being rather than a loving God. 

The fact that these things continue to happen in the world and they don't stop is more evidence to the fact that this world could have been created by a devil.

The devil is God. God is devilish and bastardish, but also possesses mind-boggling intelligence and beauty.

To make it even more complicated, God is also an archangel. Think about the good things which exist in the world. It's also overwhelming if you're sensitive to it and know where to look.

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16 hours ago, NightHawkBuzz said:

Arthur Schopenhauer was a German Philosopher.

He once said “I was gripped by the misery of life as Buddha was in his youth when he saw sickness, old age, pain and death. The truth … was that this world could not have been the work of an all-loving Being, but rather that of a devil, who had brought creatures into existence in order to delight in the sight of their sufferings; to this the data pointed, and the belief that it is so won the upper hand.”

I truly believe he seems to be right in this belief. The facts do point to something much darker that created this world. There is so much evil, suffering and pain in the world. 

There are so many mass shooters, murders, rapists, terrorist and other evil people in this world. The thing about it is that these horrible things keep happening in our society. Humans continually hurt each other. It is a cycle that continually repeats itself. 

Here are some examples below of why I do feel like his belief might be right and that the facts do point to this world being created by an evil spirit. 

1. Nickolas Cruz the Parkland Shooter who killed 17 people and injured 17 more. 

2. Adam Lanza the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooter who shot and killed 26 people. Twenty of the victims were between six and seven years old. The other six were adult staff members. 

3. There are literally millions of people in prison right now for all types of bad things whether that be murder, rape, robbery, kidnapping, home invasion etc. 

4. All of the genocide, slavery and wrongdoing that has been done to millions of people in this world. 

5. Salvador Ramos the Robb Elementary School Shooter who shot and killed 19 students and two teachers. Also he injured 17 others. 

6. The Columbine High School Massacre where two students Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold murdered twelve students and one teacher. 

These horrible things that have happened in the world and continue to happen show how bad the world is. Also, this is evidence that shows that the world might have been created by an evil being rather than a loving God. 

The fact that these things continue to happen in the world and they don't stop is more evidence to the fact that this world could have been created by a devil.

You could simply call the devil ego, or the seperative mechanism of identity. Ultimately God is pure love and freedom, and the seperative mechanism happens within God, a sub identity emerges which ultimately leads to deeper degrees of seperation of discconnect from God and love, and the energy disconnect, and deep degrees of unfullfilment, resentment, pain, self hatred, others hatred that this carries. All of the atrocities are comitted from more and more seperated entities and lower stages of Love and energy, Love and energy are synonymous. Seperation and selfishness ultimately are synonymous 

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Indeed, your examples are pretty strange. All that stuff is child's play compared to the individual and collective evils that have been and will be committed. And what's this about data? The data is neutral, it's your interpretation of it that makes it good or bad. This reminds me somewhat of the Cathar belief that the material world was created by a lesser, evil deity, and the true spiritual realm is that of the real all-powerful God, to which the soul can return upon death of the body, while everything earthly is inherently filthy. Might sound good on paper, but that's just more duality, judgment, and separation.

Whichever way you turn, there is the face of God

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that's quite misleading. his whole philosophy is based on the concept of will and representation. where the will is, what we would ordinarily call the „self“ and representation is the world as it appears, i.e. „samsara.“ representation is seen as the outward reflection, the mirror image of the will; whereby the will is paradoxically entangled in representation and "willing" is the denial of the world as is. the resolution for schopenhauer is what he calls "self-realization," of which he says:  


"The will is the strongest and most essential part of man. But true self-realization involves the quieting of the will, recognizing it as the source of suffering, and finding peace through its transcendence."

so he's not saying, "it's all gloom and doom;" "god is an evil bastard;" "it's all a failed experiment;" or any such thing. he's saying: shut the fuck up, stop wanting life to be different from what it is, and you will see clearly the love, tranquility and freedom that has always already been.

now what does that tell you about friedrich nietzsche who saw schopenhauer as his greatest teacher and talked of him in ways like:


"I thank heaven that I did not allow myself to be persuaded away from Schopenhauer by friends, enemies, or the prevailing trends of the time. In him, I found a teacher who had the strength to shape me into a philosopher and a human"

and would characterize what he learnt from his teacher as follows: 


“Everything that can be denied, deserves to be denied; and real sincerity means the belief in a state of things which cannot be denied, or in which there is no lie. The sincere man feels that his activity has a metaphysical meaning. It can only be explained by the laws of a different and a higher life; it is in the deepest sense an affirmation: even if everything that he does seem utterly opposed to the laws of our present life.”


“No one can build you the bridge on which you, and only you, must cross the river of life. There may be countless trails and bridges and demigods who would gladly carry you across; but only at the price of pawning and forgoing yourself. There is one path in the world that none can walk but you. Where does it lead? Don’t ask, walk!”


“For Nature needs the artist, as she needs the philosopher, for a metaphysical end, the explanation of herself, whereby she may have a clear and sharp picture of what she only saw dimly in the troubled period of transition, — and so may reach self-consciousness.”

it's true respect for your master to not just regurgitate the same old shit he has taught you, but to honor him by carrying the baton forward towards ever greater heights of human achievement.

next in line in this lineage of transmission is probably deleuze, who hasn't yet had a deserving student who saw the light shining through his work the way he saw it in nietzsche, and of which ken wilber, with all due respect, is only a crude caricature.

Edited by Nilsi

“Did you ever say Yes to a single joy? O my friends, then you said Yes to all woe as well. All things are chained and entwined together, all things are in love; if ever you wanted one moment twice, if ever you said: ‘You please me, happiness! Abide, moment!’ then you wanted everything to return!” - Friedrich Nietzsche

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On 2024-05-28 at 6:43 PM, Nilsi said:

that's quite misleading. his whole philosophy is based on the concept of will and representation. where the will is, what we would ordinarily call the „self“ and representation is the world as it appears, i.e. „samsara.“ representation is seen as the outward reflection, the mirror image of the will; whereby the will is paradoxically entangled in representation and "willing" is the denial of the world as is. the resolution for schopenhauer is what he calls "self-realization," of which he says:  

so he's not saying, "it's all gloom and doom;" "god is an evil bastard;" "it's all a failed experiment;" or any such thing. he's saying: shut the fuck up, stop wanting life to be different from what it is, and you will see clearly the love, tranquility and freedom that has always already been.

now what does that tell you about friedrich nietzsche who saw schopenhauer as his greatest teacher and talked of him in ways like:

and would characterize what he learnt from his teacher as follows: 

it's true respect for your master to not just regurgitate the same old shit he has taught you, but to honor him by carrying the baton forward towards ever greater heights of human achievement.

next in line in this lineage of transmission is probably deleuze, who hasn't yet had a deserving student who saw the light shining through his work the way he saw it in nietzsche, and of which ken wilber, with all due respect, is only a crude caricature.

   I disagree about Ken Wilbur. He's accomplished quite a bit and has a very good mind to be able to create the Integral Theory modal. A real gifted mind.

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On 5/28/2024 at 0:39 PM, LambdaDelta said:

Indeed, your examples are pretty strange. All that stuff is child's play compared to the individual and collective evils that have been and will be committed. And what's this about data? The data is neutral, it's your interpretation of it that makes it good or bad. This reminds me somewhat of the Cathar belief that the material world was created by a lesser, evil deity, and the true spiritual realm is that of the real all-powerful God, to which the soul can return upon death of the body, while everything earthly is inherently filthy. Might sound good on paper, but that's just more duality, judgment, and separation.

@LambdaDelta That's not true as the data isn't neutral. If a Parkland Shooter murders 17 people at a high school that isn't neutral that is proof and data of something very horrible happening. 

Your completely downplaying horrible and lessening horrible tragedies that have happening. Someone going inside of a high school and murdering 17 people is not "Childs play" that's one of the most evil things one can do. 

You are completely lessening and lowering major things that have happened by calling them "Child's play". You need to understand the seriousness of mass shootings like someone killing 17 people. That is nothing to take lightly. 

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On 5/27/2024 at 10:02 PM, Leo Gura said:

Well, when you find him take a pic and send it to us.

@Leo Gura I mean think about it this world is completely fucked. 

For example the Parkland Shooter Nickolas Cruz killed 17 people. If he could go back he probably would do it all over again.

The quote that I heard from one of the School of Life videos is true which is "However sad death might be it would take a foolhardy adult to magically return to five in order to start all over again" 

Think about it how would those people who were killed start all over again Nickolas Cruz would still want to commit a horrible mass murder and hurt them all over again. Those innocent people who still be murdered again. 

You have major killings and tragedies that happen everyday in the world like that. 

Not to mention Police Shootings, Accidents, Diseases there are so many ways a person can get screwed in this world. 

That's why I like really feel like this quote is so true by Peter Zapffe which is "“To bear children into this world is like carrying wood to a burning house.”

That's exactly what you are doing when you have children this world is completely screwed and you are just bringing another person into a world that's already fucked. 

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On 5/28/2024 at 0:20 PM, Danioover9000 said:

@NightHawkBuzz  Are you ok? I take it this silence is you recovering from my argument?

@Danioover9000 I'm fine I just had to take in what you said. 

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On 5/27/2024 at 5:58 PM, Danioover9000 said:


   That's a huge assumption that this world is created only by an evil god and no other gods but the Devil? How would you account for pantheism and multiple other deities besides the Devil, or even a monotheistic spiritual structure?

   And he's a German philosopher, is he also a Nazi German? Also why do you really think his belief is right?

   Taking your statement here 'There are so many mass shooters, murderers, rapists, terrorists and other evil people' why would you rank that list in that order? Why is mass shooters worse than a murderer? Why a murderer is worse than a rapist? Why a rapist is worse than a terrorist? Why a terrorist is worse than those other evil people? Why would you rank and order like this, but forget to prioritize this Devil as the most evil entity, but a mass shooter is much worse?

   What facts do you have that point to the world being created by a Devil?

   Looking through your examples, why are mass shooters far more frequent there than other types of evils and why are they evidence of an evil creator? Why is the prison point an argument for an evil creator god? Why is millions of people suffering worldwide, by itself, evidence of an evil god creator?

   Not to completely argue against you, here's my list of worldly evils that human beings are capable of:

1. The rape of Nanking by the Japanese imperialists.

2. Unit 731 and the reports of mass rape, tortures, killing of prisoners, experiments on men and women and children on biological warfare. A few members of unit 731 are still alive somewhere today.

3. WW1 and the fallout onto Germany, and WW2 and the Nazi Germany and the holocaust. Was so bad even the Nazis adopted the Qliphoth, inverted form of the Kabbalah.(perhaps a candidate of evidence pointing to existence of malevolent spirits) 

4. The Spanish conquistadors and the Aztec empire. Both are actually evil, the Aztecs practice live human sacrifices, the conquistadors ultimately destroyed them with help from other nearby tribes hunted by the Aztecs.

5. The Mongol empire and their war campaigns and conquests.

6. Islam, the caliphates, the massive slave trade they did, the castration of African slaves because a Eunuch sells higher. And of course, from their relative perspective, the Christian empires and Great Britain for fighting against the slave trade.

7. When any religion starts splintering into denominations, re-interpreting the scriptures and holy books.

8. You. 


@Danioover9000 You asked what facts do I have of the world being created by a devil. Those are my facts all of the evil, horrible things that I have mentioned are my proof of a world being created by a devil.

I listed many Mass Shooter but just to pick out one of them I mentioned the Parkland Shooter who murder 17 people. That is my proof of horrible and awful suffering happening to others. There are TONS of other mass shooters as well I just picked him out.

Also Police Shootings, Fights, Rapes, Robberies, Murders etc the list goes on and on. I don't truly believe a God would have created such an awful horrible world it just doesn't make any sense. 

If the Parkland Shooter Nickolas Cruz could go back he probably would still do the exact same thing he did before. Those innocent people would still die a very painful death and they would still be screwed in the second life. 

The facts of life point to tragedy, disaster, suffering and misery which all point to an evil being that created the world not a loving God. Life is so bad for some people they even end their own lives themselves.  The proof is there that a devil or evil being created the world. 

Edited by NightHawkBuzz

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On 5/27/2024 at 10:32 PM, Staples said:

@NightHawkBuzz It breaks my heart that this idea has infected your mind.

It's so coloured by this idea of good and evil when the reality is these concepts are moral constructs built by culture to maintain stability. 

The world was created long before good and evil were ever invented, therefore the idea that a 'devil' created the world makes no sense. It's putting the cart before the horse.

@Staples Deathness, Murder, Sickness, Mass Killings, Rapes, Genocide, Police Shootings etc. Are not moral constructs built by culture. 

They are sad tragedies that are facts of life that occur which clearly point to a devil or evil spirit that created the world. 

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3 minutes ago, NightHawkBuzz said:


@Staples Deathness, Murder, Sickness, Mass Killings, Rapes, Genocide, Police Shootings etc. Are not moral constructs built by culture. 

They are sad tragedies that are facts of life that occur which clearly point to a devil or evil spirit that created the world. 

   True, in the animal kingdom most of that occurs naturally. Death, orcas killing a Seal by first playing with it, then killing it. Sickness can happen a lot. Mass killings and genocide happens, just look at Hornets killing bees or ant colonies fighting another ant colony or going through the forest floor killing other insects. Tasmanian devils and desert chameleons do have rough mating paterns and rape. Cuckoo birds also from birth committ infanticide and trick the mother to continue feeding it.

   Police shooting isn't what the animal kingdom can do though.

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