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Are mystical experiences essential for growth?

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Is there a cap to this work we do if we do not have mystical experiences? 

Edited by Butters

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@Butters If by mystical you mean a profound moment in time I would say yes they are

For me these can be moments of deep connectedness with reality. They can also be challenging moments in time that lead to deep insights 

Edited by Chadders

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No.. Without a stable foundation established first You will end up like anyone doing psychedelics, unprepared on many levels for what You are about to experience, same with mystical experiences...

I think a huge problem is that ppl are looking too far ahead down the path, they have read too much about higher up experiences and want that first without the preparatory stages well established within them first taken up, its like trying to run before learning how to stand and maintain balance...

First establish Peacefulness within Yourself, no matter what is going on, then go from there, don't be concerned with Mystical Experiences and having deep insights without this being set up first, ppl discount basic experiences for grander ones but don't realize that the basic experiences are what Life is about!

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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No it is also possible through traumatic events and big changes in living situation (e.g. moving country or whatever big thing). I think it's because it's like a cow walking upstairs, where once you go up a step you can't go back down. You literally need to be shoved and fall down the stairs to then navigate them from the start, fresh, and do it better.

You really have to crumble and start new to get beyond your current situation sometimes... It may be easier to get fat and then become a fitness freak and get lean, than being slightly skinnyfat and trying to become shredded, because the motivation to make major effort is not there when you're just chubby, but IS there when you're obese and ugly... It's in desperate moments that we gain motivation to take huge actions.

Humans typically lack the drive to go from a 9  to a 10 in whatever endeavour. They need to be at a low point where they're suffering from it enough to be willing to make big changes.

Edited by OldManCorcoran

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9 hours ago, Ishanga said:

No.. Without a stable foundation established first You will end up like anyone doing psychedelics, unprepared on many levels for what You are about to experience, same with mystical experiences...

I think a huge problem is that ppl are looking too far ahead down the path, they have read too much about higher up experiences and want that first without the preparatory stages well established within them first taken up, its like trying to run before learning how to stand and maintain balance...

First establish Peacefulness within Yourself, no matter what is going on, then go from there, don't be concerned with Mystical Experiences and having deep insights without this being set up first, ppl discount basic experiences for grander ones but don't realize that the basic experiences are what Life is about!

Makes sense, similar to my experience. I had one real "mystical experience" years ago and now am just moving ahead in psychological growth and practical stuff. 

But would you say they are essential to go from Yellow to Turquoise? The reason I ask this is because I saw this lady on Youtube talking about all sorts of entities and I immediately discounted it as fantasy. But then I realized I should be open-minded and I could be blocking myself (not saying I'm stage yellow, just thought of this question). 

Edited by Butters

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10 hours ago, Butters said:

Is there a cap to this work we do if we do not have mystical experiences? 

I was addicted to mystical experiences. For beginners and middle stage people of spirituality, mystical experiences are great. However, if you are trying to recognize what enlightenment is, that's completely different story. Pychedelics must be stopped for enlightenment, because enlightenment can not be experienced, only can Be. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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Yes, if they keep re-occouring and you can identify that this phenomenon is repeating, it also subtly changes the idea ( increases the degree or ratio of which you think you are the body, emotions, memories, things you have or abilities you poses versus you nor being any of that). Profound spiritual experiences will lubricate the rest of your path, but you can't rely on them or wait for them to happen. The closest thing what you can do instead is to contemplate the Truths in ancient scriptures that express trough contemporary enlightenment scholars or masters. For example, contemplate the meaning of eternity, that you are spaceless, timeless, how would it express, how would it feel like, understand that at some point in your lifetimes in the eternity, you are bound to have enlightenment. This life(s) only destination is the space less, timeless, eternal bliss which encompasses everything and nothing, and you are all of that acctually. There are other things to contemplate like if you can will to be blissful and feel blissfully you are acctually God itself or whatever.

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