
End of suffering?

76 posts in this topic

Just now, Breakingthewall said:

The crocodile is a universe itself, a total dimension of being, same than you. The dimension called crocodile is infinite, same than you. The main difference is that you are a more, let's say, noisy dimension. But both are absolute, the entire reality. There are no levels, just different forms

Slow down there buddy, I think crocodile week is already over xD

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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2 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

The crocodile is an universe itself, a total dimension of being, same than you. The dimension called crocodile is infinite, same than you. The main difference is that you are a more, let's say, noisy dimension. But both are absolute, the entire reality. There are no levels, just different forms

Right- there are different forms.  I think any form has some form of ego - but some egos are more intelligent than others.  Yet all forms are egos- they are one in the same.   Because every form must have some sort of will in order to continue to survive as that form.  Finite will is ego. 


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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In the Sisyphus myth (or maybe a commentary ABOUT the myth in some other fiction), Sisyphus learns to find joy in the act of pushing the boulder itself, without caring that the boulder will never reach the top. The act of pushing it gave him purpose.

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7 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

Slow down there buddy, I think crocodile week is already over xD

Lol.  We can shift to butterflies if it pleases you 😀

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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1 minute ago, OldManCorcoran said:

In the Sisyphus myth (or maybe a commentary ABOUT the myth in some other fiction), Sisyphus learns to find joy in the act of pushing the boulder itself, without caring that the boulder will never reach the top. The act of pushing it gave him purpose.


Samsara, or the separate-self suffering mechanism in a nutshell. 

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4 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

Right- there are different forms.  I think any form has some form of ego - but some egos are more intelligent than others.  Yet all forms are egos- they are one in the same.   Because every form must have some sort of will in order to continue to survive as that form.  Finite will is ego. 

An ego level 10 compared with an ego level 2 millions are nothing compared with the infinite depth of the being. Ego is nothing, you can let it go totally, is just a mirage, and hologram superimposed on the infinity. That's the source of suffering, btw, believing that the ego is something, but it's unavoidable since the ego is. Well, water by the river probably disagree. Maybe we should lock him 2 years in a dark room and then ask 

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14 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

An ego level 10 compared with an ego level 2 millions are nothing compared with the infinite depth of the being. Ego is nothing, you can let it go totally, is just a mirage, and hologram superimposed on the infinity. That's the source of suffering, btw, believing that the ego is something, but it's unavoidable since the ego is. Well, water by the river probably disagree. Maybe we should lock him 2 years in a dark room and then ask 

No you still are deeply indoctrined with ego and suffering being related due to all your spiritual teachings.   You believe due to your teachings that anything with ego must suffer.   This is true but not because of why you think it is.     The more intelligent you are the more you have a chance to fall into mental suffering.   And all suffering is mental.   It doesn't mean a lesser being doesn't have ego just because a lesser being doesn't suffer.  They're just too dumb to know the difference.   What you don't know can't hurt you.   Ever heard the phrase?  It rings true.

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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27 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

No you still are deeply indoctrined with ego and suffering being related due to all your spiritual teachings.   You believe due to your teachings that anything with ego must suffer.   This is true but not because of why you think it is.     The more intelligent you are the more you have a chance to fall into mental suffering.   And all suffering is is mental.   It doesn't mean a lesser being doesn't have ego just because a lesser being doesn't suffer.

Look, the idea here is: infinity. The reality is one and multiple. Infinite dimensions synchronized perfectly. A proton is a whole dimension, you are a whole dimension, the crocodile another, until infinity. All of them are just holograms, forms that arises due de absence of limitations, it's unavoidable, and all of them are just appearances, then, the suffering is just an appearance. You are just appearance, an me too. Under all the appearances, the absolute depth that exists is, and there all us are one. Then, all the levels of the ego, intelligence, etc, ultimately are just an appearance, are absolutely nothing. Only the total depth is real, and it's very easy to understand: total depth. That's it.

But another angle of vision is: every form is the total depth, then , it's everything.  I prefer the second, seems more rich and alive to me. 

At the end the important point is realizing the total depth, your true nature. Are you lost in the form, or are you one with your true nature? That would be the question 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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To accept suffering completely is to ultimately transcend the limitations of your human form. You will suffer as long as you stay human

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12 minutes ago, Chadders said:

To accept suffering completely is to ultimately transcend the limitations of your human form. You will suffer as long as you stay human

Why would You equate being Human with Suffering? Why not equate being Human with Love, Compassion, Creativity, Passion, Intelligence and a million other things? Only those that have no idea of what it means to be Human would say that to be Human is too Suffer...

To Be Human means two things, first You have almost unlimited Potential, Second You have access to Free Will and determination of Your destiny in Life, whether or not You choose to exercise these two is up to You!

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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3 hours ago, Water by the River said:


Samsara, or the separate-self suffering mechanism in a nutshell. 

It might be my favorite myth, there's a lot to it as a message. The suffering doesn't end by getting the boulder to the top of the mountain, it ends by finding happiness in the current moment of pushing.

Edited by OldManCorcoran

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@Ishanga I say that because the transcendent dimension goes beyond the limitation of form. When you are stuck in form you suffer. This is my direct experience of it

To be human is a concept

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We are fine as crocodiles, but not yet well adjusted as humans, and it's fine, part of the journey..

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6 hours ago, Fernanda said:

We are fine as crocodiles, but not yet well adjusted as humans, and it's fine, part of the journey..

Yeah, because being human is imbalance by definition. It is a configuration that has as standard inevitable psychological buttons that lead to war, both internal and external. To think that this is some mistake that humans have made out of immaturity is to deny the obvious: war is our nature. genocide, torture, depression and madness. party!

It is the most efficient formula that reality has found to optimize the movement of evolution of a new being that has freed itself from matter and grows at an exponential rate: the matrix, the collective ego. nothing living evolves without the material support of the gene, except the matrix. Humans are simple supports of that matrix, serial processors that lend strength and evolutionary drive to that being.

What we call enlightenment is leaving that matrix and existing autonomously, like a crocodile. abandon the mental parasite that we give power to with our neurotic energy. In short, something unnatural, since what is natural is neuroticism, imbalance and war

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On 28/05/2024 at 4:08 AM, Breakingthewall said:

Yeah, because being human is imbalance by definition. It is a configuration that has as standard inevitable psychological buttons that lead to war, both internal and external. To think that this is some mistake that humans have made out of immaturity is to deny the obvious: war is our nature. genocide, torture, depression and madness. party!

It is the most efficient formula that reality has found to optimize the movement of evolution of a new being that has freed itself from matter and grows at an exponential rate: the matrix, the collective ego. nothing living evolves without the material support of the gene, except the matrix. Humans are simple supports of that matrix, serial processors that lend strength and evolutionary drive to that being.

What we call enlightenment is leaving that matrix and existing autonomously, like a crocodile. abandon the mental parasite that we give power to with our neurotic energy. In short, something unnatural, since what is natural is neuroticism, imbalance and war

Perfect! Enlightment comes, genes change, pain is a fact, suffering preeceds understanding, then one can observe the matrix as a setup, even your hormones are designed to serve it, one does not want to, pain is, terror is, it touches you without grabbing. Hang on, stay there, maybe relationships can feel real, a ditch in the matrix? Unnatural, unknown.

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On 5/27/2024 at 7:23 PM, Chadders said:

@Ishanga I say that because the transcendent dimension goes beyond the limitation of form. When you are stuck in form you suffer. This is my direct experience of it

To be human is a concept

Of course, there is no individuality, no body or mind when in the Transcendent dimension so agreed, but this is like saying life is better in heaven or some other realm, how do you know that this is not that place and your making a hell out of it? Ask that question to yourself, maybe we are already in that transcendent place and still making a mess out of it, as they say even when the body dies, there is still some feeling, whatever you were feeling at the moment of death is amplified in the afterlife very much so, that is why ppl should not fear bodily death, if they do they will feel that fear after passing over...

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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On 30/5/2024 at 1:44 AM, Fernanda said:

Enlightment comes, genes change,

On 30/5/2024 at 1:44 AM, Fernanda said:


On 30/5/2024 at 1:44 AM, Fernanda said:


Is that true? Could it be that a change in perception modifies the entire structure of the subject? maybe.

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On 31/05/2024 at 0:41 PM, Breakingthewall said:

Is that true? Could it be that a change in perception modifies the entire structure of the subject? maybe.

A gentler way to say it, Yes.

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