
Are female pornstars stage red?

62 posts in this topic

1 hour ago, Carl-Richard said:

Aella, MrGirl.

Wow, she's smart.

She seems very aware of cultural indoctrination.


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14 hours ago, Girzo said:

From documentaries I have watched a lot of them is Red 

what makes you conclude they're red?

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16 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:


What you might be referring to about stage red porn, is the genre of domination types of fetishes and kinks revolving around violence/control/submission seeking and domination dynamics, which isn't the most common viewer but a good chunk of people do view domination types of porn. And I don't know why you've come to the conclusion that this type doesn't fit porn actresses? Have you heard of BDSM, Dominatrixes, nude wrestling where the female porn star and actress is choking on a porn actor?

In the stage red actualized video, it talks about 'violence/control/submission-domination dynamics' as a separate point, it first mentions strippers and pornstars, generally speaking, are stage red.

So I get how all of the violent porn is stage red, but I don't understand how normal pornstars / strippers would be stage red 

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@rd5555 Their values. Spiral Dynamics is a model that maps human values, what are their goals, goals = values, if their values are Red they are Red.

BDSM is not Red, they are Blue weirdos that treat the rules of the game like the Bible or some deviant Orange, who cares about the fun and is not that into the technicalities of the game. Red would rather simply be abusive, and not into BDSM.

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1 hour ago, Girzo said:

@rd5555 Their values. Spiral Dynamics is a model that maps human values, what are their goals, goals = values, if their values are Red they are Red.

BDSM is not Red, they are Blue weirdos that treat the rules of the game like the Bible or some deviant Orange, who cares about the fun and is not that into the technicalities of the game. Red would rather simply be abusive, and not into BDSM.

   Actually BDSM is a bit stage red, as the person getting the BDSM is tied up and restricted, and dominated by the male/female dom. You are just logically wrong in assume other parts as more predominant, albeit some values may overlap.

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4 hours ago, rd5555 said:

In the stage red actualized video, it talks about 'violence/control/submission-domination dynamics' as a separate point, it first mentions strippers and pornstars, generally speaking, are stage red.

So I get how all of the violent porn is stage red, but I don't understand how normal pornstars / strippers would be stage red 

 I'll have to check @Leo Gura stage red video first then. I assume he's just speaking generally about the porn industry. Historically the porn industry has been evolving, and if true Leo listed porn stars and strippers and lap dancers first, very likely he's talking about modern day porn industry, which IMO is mostly stage orange with some green lately, more stage blue values, and the less common rough sex and domination types, kinks, and fetishes of the porn industry. Also not the farther back in history you go with pornography, the more blue and more red stages they become as there was more limited simulated porn to masturbate to.

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18 hours ago, Girzo said:

From documentaries I have watched a lot of them is Red and develops into Blue when the time to quit their careers rings. I think the influencer ones, like porn couples, always the same partners might be stage Orange. Especially if they somewhat protect their face and stuff. But haven't seen any interviews with such guys to really hear what they value.

   Yeah it's worth more documentaries on not just female porn stars but male one too. Also worth noting the documentary's bias and where they are sourcing each porn star and what and which part of the porn industry are we dealing with. For Example @Leo Gura mentioned he watched porn documentaries, I'm curious as to the bias and which are they covering part of which porn industry. If that documentary is about the more darker stuff then it's reasonable to generalize it as mostly stage red, but other documentaries may cover at a different perspective to make it seem it's more stage orange/green.

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21 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:


   Yes, I have pioneered a Spiral Dynamics thread about pornography roughly 4 years ago. You can ask @OBEler and @Inliytened1 about it, and that other user who wasn't a mod then 4 years ago. In fact I think 3 users that turned mods weren't mods then and participated in that porn thread. Internet history for you!😂

Where is the thread at lol 

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." Shakespeare



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There is no activity in itself that relates to a particular stage of consciousness. It's just insecurity, and possibly self-destructive tendencies.


The devil is in the details.

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2 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

Actually BDSM is a bit stage red, as the person getting the BDSM is tied up and restricted, and dominated by the male/female dom. You are just logically wrong in assume other parts as more predominant, albeit some values may overlap.

I am not though. BDSM is not Red. If you take out all the fancy things that make BDSM BDSM, you end up with just an abusive relationship. Harsh sex without a safety valve and consent is rape and not domination relationship. Some people who value pure power, which can be ascribed to stage Red people, can use BDSM label to excuse their abusive behavior, but that doesn't make BDSM Red, nor them not-Red.

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@rd5555 I think some are stage red given the kind of partners they seek. The kind of women that would seek guys like Andrew Tate are stage red because it’s just so low down in terms of connection. Very status driven

Though it is unfair and a bit arrogant to assume they are all stage red. I would say many are definitely stage orange. Very materialistic but then the majority of people are actually  

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On 2024-05-27 at 7:28 PM, MsNobody said:

Where is the thread at lol 

   I think it's gone for whatever reason, I'll double check later but really it's literally the first thread that I used Spiral Dynamics to categories pornography into stages. I swear you'll recognize usernames in that thread that today are mods, and boy a few of them writing styles were different then, less pc!😂

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@Danioover9000 so curious!! I listened to this podcast of Lex interviewing Aella and wow she is a fascinating human being. Spirituality is the new religion, spiritual people never talk about sex. Osho was one of the few, love this quote from him:

"So really it happens that the more sexual a person is, the more inventive he can be. The more sexual a person is, the more intelligent. With less sex energy, less intelligence exists; with more sexual energy, more intelligence, because sex is a deep search to uncover, not only bodies, not only the opposite sex body, but everything that is hidden."

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." Shakespeare



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10 minutes ago, MsNobody said:

@Danioover9000 so curious!! I listened to this podcast of Lex interviewing Aella and wow she is a fascinating human being. Spirituality is the new religion, spiritual people never talk about sex. Osho was one of the few, love this quote from him:

"So really it happens that the more sexual a person is, the more inventive he can be. The more sexual a person is, the more intelligent. With less sex energy, less intelligence exists; with more sexual energy, more intelligence, because sex is a deep search to uncover, not only bodies, not only the opposite sex body, but everything that is hidden."

True but sexuality is the best when cultivated and used upwards not downwards, when used to transcend the physical 3D, basically when not used in physical sex, masturbation or for any survival-esque reason.

This guy is great, explains sexual traps like that well, the whole "sexual expression for the sake of spirituality" thingy:


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Posted (edited)

@strika yes the way one practices sex will of course be in accordance with one's level of consciousness. I like to think that everything that exists in reality has its place and its purpose. Saying this kind of sex is not good is the same as saying god is dumb. God wants to experience itself in all forms, tastes and sounds. Limiting sex to be only sacred, cute or only for transcendence is tricky, like Osho said, sex is not only uncovering the body, is uncovering what is hidden, to get to transcendence there is a long way of clearing out "the ugly, dirty and wrong", and big part of it is looking at the way we see sex nowadays in our society. 

To transcend something you first need to embody it. To exit the maze first you enter it and play it. To get out of the matrix first you need to dive into it. 

It's crazy how spiritual people love to talk about sex for transcendence but all the guys are desperate doing nofap, celibacy and denying the lower levels not knowing one builds on top of the other, like steps to get to the top, we can't skip steps, it's integration. 

Also the whole transcendence idea, are we unhappy here that we desperately need to get out? I think enlightening is seeing this precious life as sacred and unique, with all the sides of the prisma, not only one. Denying out body, the material and our humanity will get us nowhere. There is nothing wrong with sex. Maybe if we were having more sex we would not be spending so much time talking about it, but because its taboo it became the biggest distraction specially for men.  

Edited by MsNobody

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." Shakespeare



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12 hours ago, MsNobody said:

@strika yes the way one practices sex will of course be in accordance with one's level of consciousness. I like to think that everything that exists in reality has its place and its purpose. Saying this kind of sex is not good is the same as saying god is dumb. God wants to experience itself in all forms, tastes and sounds. Limiting sex to be only sacred, cute or only for transcendence is tricky, like Osho said, sex is not only uncovering the body, is uncovering what is hidden, to get to transcendence there is a long way of clearing out "the ugly, dirty and wrong", and big part of it is looking at the way we see sex nowadays in our society. 

To transcend something you first need to embody it. To exit the maze first you enter it and play it. To get out of the matrix first you need to dive into it. 

It's crazy how spiritual people love to talk about sex for transcendence but all the guys are desperate doing nofap, celibacy and denying the lower levels not knowing one builds on top of the other, like steps to get to the top, we can't skip steps, it's integration. 

Also the whole transcendence idea, are we unhappy here that we desperately need to get out? I think enlightening is seeing this precious life as sacred and unique, with all the sides of the prisma, not only one. Denying out body, the material and our humanity will get us nowhere. There is nothing wrong with sex. Maybe if we were having more sex we would not be spending so much time talking about it, but because its taboo it became the biggest distraction specially for men.  

All i'm saying is don't fall into the trap that most people fall into and stay stuck in it, of course we all need to go through these things and ultimately there is nothing wrong with them and they shouldn't be supressed because they can't be, especially not when it comes to sexual energy but still one shouldn't use all of this as an excuse to have physical sex for their entire life, at some point one shouls strive to let go of humans and have sex with God, assuming they are on a spiritual path, i'm not talking about the mainstream people, society is nowhere near transcending 3D sex as a whole

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