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Chris versus Hamza.

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   Based on their body language Hamza actually came off as more humble than Chris, who came off as lecturing in desperation to Hamza. Also for argument's sake, if what Chris says is true, then we also should take his words with buckets of salt and doubt him as much as we should doubt and question Hamza. Sorry but this was IMO a bad look for Chris to project and give his take onto Hamza's situation and life events when he knows very little:

   Although I will say it's funny how Hamza's leg is occupying Chris's leg space which made him cross legged to begin with. I will also say that Chris for most part clasped his hands with moments of heightened aggression when emphasizing and 'lecturing' Hamza.

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Hamza is the most insecure guy i've never seen on YouTube.


Nothing will prevent Willy.

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I watched a bit the end.

Actually Hamza is pretty right, and Chris seems resonate almost like someone who have a PPD. Like, he overestimates his abilities to manipulate a person and by extension underestimates a woman's abilities to see him "holistically".

Except no, if you date/are in a relationship with a women "who is always in full makeup to hide that she is ugly" you probably already know that she does that...because she is ugly. If you are with her, it is because this is established and does not pose much of a problem.
People are not devoid of neo-cortex lol.

Afterwards obviously, it requires a certain degree of daily effort, but it's like anything and everything.
If I spend my time masturbating and shooting heroin, there's no reason why I'd end up anywhere other than under a bridge.


Nothing will prevent Willy.

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40 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

I watched a bit the end.

Actually Hamza is pretty right, and Chris seems resonate almost like someone who have a PPD. Like, he overestimates his abilities to manipulate a person and by extension underestimates a woman's abilities to see him "holistically".

Except no, if you date/are in a relationship with a women "who is always in full makeup to hide that she is ugly" you probably already know that she does that...because she is ugly. If you are with her, it is because this is established and does not pose much of a problem.
People are not devoid of neo-cortex lol.

Afterwards obviously, it requires a certain degree of daily effort, but it's like anything and everything.
If I spend my time masturbating and shooting heroin, there's no reason why I'd end up anywhere other than under a bridge.


   What do you mean Chris seems to have PPD? You mean BPD?

   I might be wrong with Hamza, but I do like he at least says more how he doesn't know, and how he even doesn't know himself, meanwhile Chris just seems desperate to lecture him on responsibility and him being a public figure and comments as if he knows more about Hamza's life situations. Like Chris do you have the self awareness to know you might be more wrong than Hamza at that moment? Also are you saying that Chris overestimates how he manipulates and underestimates a woman's ability to see him 'holistically'?

   On the dating point, are you more criticizing Hamza or Chris?

   Also on the body language again, look at 15:25 to 15:30 when Hamza asks him back what questions would I ask myself, on the topic of personal development, and you see Chris's torso activate, lots of shuffling in his neck/shoulders/arms and posture shifting. In body language we call this modal shifting because this indicates the person's so discomfort that he/she has to move to shift out of their mood a bit, and to prepare themselves for a loaded statement. I'll keep saying this again, so far throughout Chris's energy was just too tense and hyper in comparison to Hamza's. 

   I mostly disagree with Chris here on that honesty and authenticity. Most people in society have to 'fake it till they make it', white lies, and forced politeness. Some degree of honesty is nice, but any more on the extreme end of honesty isn't helpful Chris. If Hamza took your idiotic advice of be more authentic and honest, and Hamza dates a woman and is honest about his rape fantasies to her, and he ends up in trouble for your selfish advice onto him, who's more responsible in that moment CHRIS?! For Christ sake...


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2 hours ago, Schizophonia said:

Hamza is the most insecure guy i've never seen on YouTube.



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