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Why does the average male overestimate the female sex drive by a factor of 90000%?

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If people were honest, there wouldn't be any dichotomy between sexually successful and sexually unsuccessful. Nobody is sexually successful outside of people who are in group's akin to Epstein's and have access to girls for free.

But since the discussion around sex is lower consciousness than discussions around anything almost anything else, the average man constantly thinks that in the next 4 months he will be getting laid, exactly as if the female sex drive was there. If it was there, girls would be cold approaching you on the street, period. A world where they don't is a world where closed off cult-like circles are the only people who ever have sex, or one where those girls will never experience anything sexual, in which chase, case in point. This is given the fact that girls are beyond incredibly difficult with guys they claim to be attracted to who are part of their circle.

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I used to think like you untill I got more experience with girls. You have no idea how horny girls are... it's actually insane. The only thing is that they have to be stimulated into it because their sexuality don't work the same way it does for men.

They are not explicit about It.. but if you know how to make a girl open up, you'll be shocked what you can evoke in them...

"Sometimes when it's dark - we have to be the light in our own tunnel"

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1 hour ago, SamC said:

I used to think like you untill I got more experience with girls. You have no idea how horny girls are... it's actually insane. The only thing is that they have to be stimulated into it because their sexuality don't work the same way it does for men.

They are not explicit about It.. but if you know how to make a girl open up, you'll be shocked what you can evoke in them...


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2 hours ago, SamC said:

I used to think like you untill I got more experience with girls. You have no idea how horny girls are... it's actually insane. The only thing is that they have to be stimulated into it because their sexuality don't work the same way it does for men.

They are not explicit about It.. but if you know how to make a girl open up, you'll be shocked what you can evoke in them...

Yeah it's next level compared to guys honestly 

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Dude, women are horny as shit.  They're just as much of a dog as men are lol, maybe even more

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3 hours ago, hoodrow trillson said:

Dude, women are horny as shit.  They're just as much of a dog as men are lol, maybe even more


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It's not so much overestimation but thinking it's the same as theirs.

In terms of "what starts it", "what breaks it" and "what sustains it".

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