
I felt like I was wasting my time doing Leo's course

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I felt like I was wasting my time doing Leo's course.

I was wrong

The course is sorta genius

I have been working the "values" portion lately

and let me tell ya...

I find myself having to revise my values as I think more about them and reflect on my week

Reflect on what I dont like, struggles and so forth

And so I revise them my writing prompts for the course

Hence, I now have a pathway towards achieving it -- based on my personality, based on my personal experiences and reflections

So basically you are  priming your mind to seek out the solutions to your problems. To your life.

Problem being a life that does not align with your values

Call it a dream, yea sure, whatever... I would prefer a bit of a different dream ;)

Anyway, if you been thinking about buying the course...

What are you waiting for. For a small price of $249 you can start to reconfigure your mind towards the life that you want.

Fuck a "solution" based product teaching you how to do a specific thing.

Leo's program will aid your mind to create its own solutions specific to YOU

You dont need to pay 1000 for some guru business course.

That's like paying for a diamond for $1000 (like a dropshipping course)

versus paying $250 for the diamond factory (Leo's course)


Edited by PenguinPablo

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Even if the course was a 1-page text document that said "Thanks for your money fool!", I paid for the course as Leo had already provided more value than the course's price in his free content.

But to your response, the explicit reason I believe you are referring to is that Leo went Meta as far as the design for his course. (Hence: Values, Big Picture Vision, etc.)

Lastly (trying to refrain from being a hype man/salesman here lol), Leo's course is what I would consider worthy of the label "Course"; as unfortunately in our current toxic capitalistic internet environment, there are many "gurus" selling "courses" simply because the profit margins are f***ng ridiculous and the nature of the business is very susceptible to be scammy/deceiving/theft-like.

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The pricing is reasonable considering the quality of content and the fact it is a one time purchase. A lot of Business-in-a-box "courses" tend to be priced way higher than 250$ to create an artificial sense of value or have a recurring spending scheme.

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