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Martial arts trap!

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   Great lessons on ignorance, delusion and even if you're both intelligent and wise, you can be trapped:

   I will say on BJJ specifically he's right, and in other commentaries he does on western martial arts watered down for American consumers, he's mostly right. HOWEVER! Notice that he has a Islam caliphate bias, black American bias, sociology bias, and Ghetto bias, leans mostly left wing with some right wing bias and ideology. Notice all his biases distorting and shaping his observation of Israel/Palestinian conflict as if it's 100% Israel's and the Zionists Likud party's fault this all happened. He did not bother wondering why Gaza/West Bank is in this situation to begin with, why HAMMAs took over quickly, where are the Palestinian military units and police to manage terrorism within Palestine, and many more points he's glossing over those finer points that shows how SYSTEMIC this issue really is!

   Exact same problem with Khabib and other fighters like him, most people think it's Islam as the major factor. NO! He grew up in a mountainous region of many inclines and declines, lower levels of oxygen, and a culture of Sambo or folk style wrestling!! It's got NOTHING to do with Islam or Jihad, it's got way more to do with culture and environment, and maybe even genetics!

   Leo, go make an NLP video quick before he does!😂

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   Finally the video that shows the biggest blind spot, he's shadow of spirituality on fighting and his view on BJJ. Biggest oversight and ignorance of developmental factors!

   This man who preaches Islam as a peaceful religion, yet discounts the spiritual aspect of it. OF COURSE! You'd have to disregard the spiritual aspects and mystical aspects in tradeoff of being more realistic and practical if you want violence and fighting! I don't see how a hardcore Sufi practicing the non-duality Sufism would ever see or even allow oneself to love violence and fighting and disregard the spirituality!

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   Once again proving my point how this is  a trap. After 15 years of complaining about BJJ, sees a white guy echo very similar takes, celebrates egotistically!


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   a better explanation of the traps he's in:


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   This is a great example of sunk cost fallacy and dogmatism. Even when asked why he doesn't have a friendly conversation or dialogue with some of the BJJ guys, he deflects and is defensive.


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   Not quite martial arts trap, but a trap of ideology and bias. This YT is reacting to Martin's travel video, meeting up with Pakistani strongmen, getting a feel for how they do lifts differently. This YT thinks he's so superior and in his hubris projects his western bias and objectivity, a consensus reality from his western worldview, onto the Pakistani people of strongmen, as if to insinuate they're incorrect and them using simple scales like that is inferior. That's what a modernist liberal materialist dogmatic ideologue looks like, and reactionary YT Channels in general:

   Don't be like this guy, blind to your biases and ideological beliefs.

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   Sorry but Lomachencko or however the hell his name is, is truly overrated. Also saying that because I do lead with my right and refuse to believe some Slav guy is better at boxing than me!😜


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   Yes I can say something about Islam, not all Islam is peaceful especially given the first caliphates. I will keep saying this cuz you black folks keep getting into this Islam trap despite not knowing what their ancestors did during the Arabic slave trade, castrating black slaves and even more severely mistreating slaves than even the Europeans! Christianity is way more peaceful than Islam, and objectively both Taoism and Jainism and yes even Buddhism, am not ashamed to admit, are WAY MORE PEACEFUL THAN THE ABRAHAMIC RELIGIONS! And I'll still even say that Judeo-Christian values have been the bedrock of most western countries to develop from and eventually they did go more atheism and secularism, which is OK but always remember that it's Christian values that allowed that flourishing to start!

   I can't believe at around 8:20 to 8:30 he's bringing up a 'direct correlation' between attention span and IQ! Firstly where's the evidence, and second proclaiming you a sociologist is insufficient. For example, and I do hate to bring him up but Destiny is a remarkable example of intelligence and multi tasking done right, even if he's neuro divergent he's quite intelligent and smart in debating whilst playing online games and doing other things:



Also, these other videos undermine S.Carmen's take far more:



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   Another trap he's fallen into, dug himself into. Let's break it down like it's an argument:

1. Teddy Atlas is a fraud. I say it still depends on many other factors, developmental factors, especially the marketing and promotion from Americans. Here I'm more inclined to agree that Teddy Atlas has, just like Joe Rogan, been given more credit than he earned for himself, and just like Joe Rogan been given credit for 'training'. Unlike Joe Rogan though Joe is more humble and a comedian, Teddy is just a bit more rough than that

2. Also agree on the Gypsy king and that other guy, yep most white folks and others been propping them up, but they are not that impressive.

3. ABSOLUTELY HARD DISAGREE here! I would never claim I'm envious or jealous of a religion and race, from caliphates 1-2-3-4, from Persia to the Ottomans, I would NEVER claim I'm jealous or envious of a group that had castrated my ancestors if I was a black person. Hell no! Screw that, I'd be mad and angry at them for doing that! But here we are, I guess due to our many developmental factors like SD stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, 9 stages of ego development, shadows aspects of our psyche, other lines of development in several areas of life and societal domain, information intake and the media we consume, misinformation, propaganda, and narratives being told here and there, also especially our biases and preferences we lean to and are indoctrinated into believing. Yes, pre islamic world was far worse, but even after the spread of islam in that region, their culture was always normalized having multiple slaves from other cultures, so screw that noise. 

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   In this video I kind of agree with him on the generation point, but not so with how reductionist and simplified it is like that:

   There's more to why 2 generations ago there were greats like that, 1 generation ago there were greats like that, and there's more to why we have greats that we have in this generation, based on many developmental factors like Spiral  Dynamics stages, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits per person and collective, 9 stages of ego development, Integral Theory's other lines of development in life and societal domains, the information ecology each society in each Era has and the upbringing and indoctrination of ideologies, ideas, notions, and how controlled media was then by companies in how they educated through videos, books, news papers, TV shows, Radio, even face to face and community activities there's some influencing going on, and biases and preferences each person has at each time period, in each nation/country they're brought up under. There were also circumstances and environmental factors at play too. For example, during the dark Ear of America's 400 years of black slavery, the whites practiced selective breeding, or artificially breeding certain black folks for desired traits for working labor intensive work and out in the farmer's fields. That went on for generations, which led to some having the physical traits and attributes for athleticism that made a certain percentage of black boxers 2 gens and 1 gens ago great, and even today they have that genetic advantage. 

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   Another, IMO, obvious trap:

   Predictable to me what kind of character Sean Strickland is. Be careful who you cheerlead for!

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