
If Aliens Were TRULY Selfish…

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I think humans are so willing to give it up aliens have to go incognito mode. If they did this humans would just start offing themselves.

We aren't like other animals that will ignore something we don't know.

Edited by Hojo

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Mars Attacks? 


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura @Juan

On 2024-05-23 at 10:23 PM, Leo Gura said:

Mars Attacks? 


   Or this:

   Now Leo, is that an example of love, kindness, compassion, and higher alien intelligence, despite the horrific selfishness expressed here?

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Speaking of aliens, here is a big data dump 


You register and then you will have access for free to a bunch of declassified documents, witnesses, whistleblowers images, videos  (I have no clue which one is legit or whether any of it is legit, im just dropping it here if anyone interested to do research on this)


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When people get famous, they understand the blessing of anonymity, of being able to walk in public without being constantly looked at. We all want to be famous, but we don't often realize the downsides. I think there is a similar thing with aliens. Once we make contact, we will no longer be anonymous in the universe, and that might be a surprisingly terrifying realization.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Posted (edited)

Why do people think Aliens need to be necessarialy some Physical Beings that will come to earth? What if there already some sort of Aliens among us but not the way we think they are. We have for example in a Jungle Animals of all species, some are harmless others can eat you alive. Basicaly whereever there are some for of energy source the will be some creature to take avantage of it, for example inside your body there can be parasitses that loves to suck a bit of the energy source you feed your self.

So what if there can be energy parasites or Predators?

I used to ignore this hypotesis but second to many traditions there are many myths about asuras,demons and possesions. Yes possesions, and if you dont belive it I invite you to go to a shamanic healing session and see exorcisms happening rigth in front of you. You can call catharsis if you wish, but from my experience I already had see in visions Creatures that mimic themselfs into benevolent being but in fact are there just to such some energy or even create a symbiotic attachment to people to keep sucking their Auric Field.

Still in study of this phenomena but I was enogth to give it some credit :

There are a lot we dont know... yet ::



Edited by Rafael Thundercat

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