My Life Purpose - Inspiration for ya'll (Journal)

By Miguel1 in Life Purpose, Career, Entrepreneurship, Finance,
Since I spent a lot of time writing an answer to a question from @BlessedLion , I decided to copy-paste the answer here as well.

Original question: From:  My answer:
  Thanks for asking.

This will be a more in-depth answer, simply because I am very passionate about it + I am not fully 100% clear and articulate about it, so I will probably be analyzing somewhat as I write.

Short version:

I can't, at least yet, put it into a short sentence. But it is something to do with the combination of art, dance, beauty, film (including acting), story-telling, insights, deeper thoughts, philosophy, writing & speaking.


Long version with examples:

I want to touch people deeply on an emotional level. Inspire them like nothing else. And get them to FEEL deeply & contemplate deep stuff about life. For now, I want to keep it relatively relatable for the mass, so that I can get traction & traffic - but later as I am financially well off, I will go hard into the deepest stuff (as well).

The vision is such that I will be at my peak in like 20-30 years, perhaps even later. My dancing might not be as good then anymore but I believe my peak level dancing will be in my 40s, so in a bit over 10 years - so maybe in my 40s and 50s, I will be doing my best work, since dancing will be a huge part of it (as I see it now at least, because that's the unique thing about me that separates me from the rest. More on it later)

Here are some examples to get an idea: For some reason, the music is out of sync when you listen with headphones on phone, but on computer it works fine. On phone, if you don't use headphones, it is better in sync. I hate adding the music on the Instagram app but I have no choice if I want to use copyrighted music.
  Notice how on Instagram I can use pretty much any song I want without being copyright struck (Instagram music library, which is pretty much Spotify). And I can also write in the caption somewhat in-depth.
  On YouTube, music usage is very limited (which is probably 50% of my art lol. Need to think more about how much it really is). Plus, writing on description box / comments just doesn't have the same feel as writing on Instagram post captions.
Here are some other raw stuff I shot lately: Watch these cuz they will probably be taken down here soon (copyright music)
  These raw stuff (emotionally & no edits wise) don't have anything else but dancing and they're shot inside. Shooting outside is probably my main thing, that's where probably my best work will be shot (altho I can def see that there's a ton of beauty to be created inside where you have more control over the environment - just require more budget). One problem with shooting inside, especially in my living room lol, is the limited space. As a dancer, the space I have is way too little before I run out of the camera frame.
  But just to give an idea what my dancing and music choice alone can affect in this vision. Include the rest ''the combination of art, dance, beauty, film (including acting), story-telling, insights, deeper thoughts, philosophy, writing & speaking.'' - And I believe at my peak in a couple of decades, I can create something so hella beautiful, I can't even put it into words... -- Also, I wanted to share these cuz they were shot the other day so they are my most recent dances recorded. Listen to the music carefully, while watching me dance, otherwise you miss a lot of beauty. use headphones & watch full screen, ideally on a bigger screen than phone like laptop & 4k  - my dancing style is very subtle and has a lot of details (I wish I had a couple proper moving videographes to catch all the details of my dance), unlike breakdance which is all about big, power moves:

''And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music - Friedrich Nietzsche''
  Keep in mind that my dancing & art is a very different side of me that I have not shown on this forum at all really. (I'm glad you asked me the question so that I got the chance to show this side of me as well, which is where I feel most at home... With philosophy & art.
  My dancing is mostly freestyling / improvisation (more about it later). And it's definitely a bit rusty, since I haven't dance much the past years (more about it later) but I still think it's very good. I can't wait to get to my peak form and especially to my peak dancing abilities.

The next one is RAW. Might require some attention span, depending on who watches, but if you want to see me RAW... it has a proper, slow build-up (like any good stories) - and isn't this Instagram straight to the crazy high energy hooky kinda thing.
This next one I love so much simply because of the song being called Line of Sight (by Odesza). And look at that damn line of light / sight in my window! So much fucking meaning and beauty in that connection.
Last one. This song always makes me emotional. Not that the other ones doesn't. This one has a softness in it.
The first, third and fourth videos are music by Odesza. The second one is by a smaller artist called BleedingXHeart.


As I become more successful, I will have more resources (money) to increase the production level, by a lot! CRAZILY A LOT!

Some key points about dancing: My dancing is a style that I've developed my whole life. It is unique to me. The style is very subtle. It's not like breakdance where you have all these big, power moves. My dance is all about the details. It has a bigger picture to it of course but the details are what makes it. I mostly do freestyling. I find it most raw. That's how I can express the most raw emotions. I hate choreographies because after repeating the same ol moves a hundred times, it has completely sucked the emotion out of it. Heck, even repeating it 3 times gets dry.

But I do often have like a structure / idea / outline in my freestyles. And definitely something / some message / some emotion that I want to express.
  Finally, dancing is extremely effortless for me. All these clips were taken in an 1 hour freestyling session. Meaning, I didn't spent any time preparing any choreos for it. And keep in mind, my dancing is rusty, since I've been busy experimenting with other stuff the past years (more below). And I am also nowhere near my peak dancing ability. Perhaps in 10 years.

This is why I would say that this is my most unique strength. Or an unfair advantage if you may. It also doesn't hurt that I look beautiful 
The Instagram post that I shared first is definitely much closer to the vision than these raw dances. Since it has elements of the other parts as well like speaking, writing (both in the video but also in the caption), an insight that I'm sharing, somewhat deeper thoughts in the caption, editing, story etc... But it lacks for example film and acting, and it's very short..

This vision / life purpose is in a way fresh / new for me as I have been spending the past years exploring other stuff like coaching, public speaking, teaching, pure philosophy (too much influence by my past teachers like Osho, Owen Cook, Rupert Spira, Leo etc. & honestly just a lot of spiritual & self-help brainwashing

But I've always been deep into this ''fresh'' vision of mine, as you can see in my dancing skills. I have always been into film and beauty as well. Ever since I was a teenager. I just took a break from all of it for the past 3 years to explore the above mentioned. Now I have been able to deconstruct (thanks Leo) so much spiritual & self-help brainwashing that I'm fully ready to get back into it. Feels like I am finally going back home.

For example, I used to think that my emotional side was wrong because of spiritual brainwashing. So much beauty and depth was taken away because of it, especially as I am a very emotional being. I used to think that my ambitious side is wrong because desire is suffering!! I didn't even realize how creative I truly am until recently because of all that.

Sorry about all the neglecting... my life purpose. My heart is with you fully this time!

Don't get me wrong tho, I have learned a ton of wisdom and grown (to a level I would have never been able to without the teachings) from all of the teachings, that I'm going to be using in my vision and life purpose. The issue was that I took the traps of the teachings to my heart as well.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to write all these and share it with ya'll. I have wanted to but I haven't been sure where - also just haven't been this clear about the vision as well. Honestly, I kinda want to copy-paste this and make a whole new post sharing it somewhere so as many people sees, but I don't know if I can really do it anywhere. Perhaps in the Life Purpose sub-forum. Maybe as an Inspiration (excuse ) for others. But actually, it kinda can be very inspiring!


I'll be updating ya'll in this post as I get more material & thoughts!

I guess I'll turn this into my Life Purpose Journal!
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