
Vegan vs. Carnivore Debate on Ethics (Gone wild)

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On 24/05/2024 at 10:10 AM, Schizophonia said:

What you are based on to affirm that ?

Will have the higher levels of conciousness the humans with the most efficient and healthy CNS, and who have matured the most.  In other words, people who grew up and evolved in the most natural environment.
Btw, most of the people here are basically provincial and/or have parents from rural origins.

I currently live in the "country" and that's actually where I see the most nuanced people.
It is in big cities, particularly Paris, that you start to come across babies weighing more than 70kg, whether in their way of reasoning or expressing themselves.

The evolution of consciousness is not a straight line from the barbarian to the puritan hippie evangelist vegan, it's just progress towards an increasingly nuanced, contextual paradigm that best meets our long-term needs.

Beggining the question + agression.

Please come back later when you will have something serious to add.

I was using David Hawkins work on calibrated levels of conciousness mainly, and some documanteries on tribes I had seen. But I appreciate your point, tribal soceities seem to have lower rates of depression and anxiety, so its far from clear.

Sorry wasn't intending to be aggressive.

I think there are many sub arguments not just veganism vs non-vegan seems like a type of red herring, the immediate and main issue for me is industrial farming vs ethical sustainable wild farming. 

I think pretty much most reasonable humans vegan or not, can agree that torturing animals on an industrial scale is not good. If you raise in good conditions your own live stock and kill them for food, this is another question, and its less clear on the morality of this, or if its even in the boundaries of morality due to it being within the flow of nature/life. Obviously there are huge systemic and socio-economics issue to correct and a huge road ahead if we globally accepted animal cruelty and industrial farming is not okay

Its the perverse treatment of animals and humans that really begs the moral question imo


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On 2024-05-23 at 1:03 PM, Davino said:

Mmm interesting. I've been vegeterian for two years. Why? My body asked me so and I followed it. This changed a lot my psyche and some parts of my worldview regarding animals and my connection with nature and inner peace. About a month ago, my body started asking me meat again. I was hesitant but tried a a bit there and a little bit here again; despite mind resistance. One sunday I had the most epic 5meo breakthrough infinity of my life, in the come down I saw how all limitations of conduct are but self limitations imposed moment to moment by me. So I ate a delicious meat lasagna for lunch that day and I've been eating meat for a month now and I'm feeling absolutely fantastic.

My body is intelligent and this type of diet now aligns with my inner calling. Funny enough, I never thought about morality when going vegetarian but a sense of deep animal compassion came with it after the 1 year mark. Now that my food involves animal slaughtering it caused a bit of inner disonance. But idk in the end it's more important to feel healthy in my body and following this inner calling than it is to care for others and this is an uncomfortable truth. Because I don't know about others but I am myself all day long therefore my priorities are straight.

The same way in the future my body may tell me to go vegan, go cannibal , or whatever crazy diet; I'll probably align my life towards this inner life impulse that guides me everymoment.

   I agree, so when my body and tongue tells me 'meat is GOOD and JUICY!' I will still follow what tastes really good and juicy, the fat and the meat tasty. And when my body became depressed when I ate celery I knew that meat is the way and the life of living!

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