
Question for creatives

7 posts in this topic

Whenever I write, I can only do it for so long. After a while, this pressure I feel while creating becomes too overwhelming and I have to take a break. I want to work more, but I don't quite know how to deal with this pressure. The whole project overwhelms me and I feel this immense responsibility to do those God-given ideas I have been granted justice. To disappoint the ideas and not translate their full potential onto my medium feels like one of the most terrible things in the world. I know I have a long way to go to become the writer I can be and that's what makes it so difficult now. I can see the potential, but the discrepancy between that place and where I am now really troubles me. The ideas are so clear and beautiful in my mind, but the tools I have right now are not sufficient to fully express their splendour.

I was wondering if there are other people here that have come across similar problems on their journey and might be able to help me with offering some advice or thoughts on the matter.

All the best,


Edited by Max_V

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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What you have to do is stop yourself thinking. Just work without thinking these things.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Max_V I felt those thoughts and insecurities earlier in my creative journey, but the more experience I get, the more I realize that the best art is made from a point of just trying to have some fun.

I literally told myself yesterday "Stop this fantasy of thinking of art as your Divine Spiritual Destiny, Gotta learn to be a stupid fucking kid and have fun"

Of course, having good finances help too, a lot of my art worries came down to worrying about making money. And I still have progress to make there.

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Definitely feel you with this.

With my own work, (Awe-Inspiring Music and cinematic life documentation,) I have a vision for what it could be, it gets clearer by he month, and yet, my skill level is inadequate to bring it into being. 

I keep wondering what my work will evolve into, how amazing it will be, how many people it will impact, how enjoyable it will be to do it, how dep ill be able to go. And yet, that's not where I am at. in fact I can only create for 1.5 hour chunks for now, and even then, on a good day, I will get two ish chunks in. 

In relation to working on a big project with a lot of "weight" to it, I haven't ever considered myself an overthinker, but, last night I started to realize how hyperactive my mind is. I was repetitively having many different thoughts run through my mind about how good my current project will be, what could go wrong, how it could go right, whether or not it will work, whether or not I will be able to do it, and more, my skill level, lack thereof, etc..

Big picture, I want to practice more, and use the practice as a sort of mycelium to grow my mushrooms (songs) out of. I want to focus on a really healthy, fertile growing space for songs to sprout out of instead of trying to create. 



Waking Call The Inspiration, Music and Perspective for an Authentic Life.

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As others have mentioned, my best dancing is when I totally let go of thinking and get taken over by the dance.

I am a freestyle dancer - but then there is also a state of total let go freestyle dancing.

In this state I also get tired much slower.

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Why do you chose to create overwhelm? Start self inquiry from there. I would drop any limiting beliefs that come up and expectations you have.  

You know what you love to do which is great.

Just do it and know with certainty that if you continue on this it will lead you to higher and higher places. 

where thoughts go, energy goes. Don’t disturb yourself. Continue to write. 

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Pressure to perform is very normal and real for many people, myself included. I've learnt from experience that making a project "enjoyable" isn't just important for not burning out, but necessary. At least for myself personally, I can't turn art into a grind. Sometimes you need to take a break as well so listen to your body. I've had many breaks, some out of sheer sense of fatigue from making art. I'm teaching myself to always ask "how can I make this project more enjoyable.

When it comes to the disparity between your current skill and vision, the solution is to just keep at it. It is a numbers game. I view every finished product as a stepping stone towards where my vision lies for the kind of art I want to make. And I don't want to let go of that in some sort of Buddhist sense because that vision is glorious.

I have a OneNote journal dedicated to my art, where I compile all my finished creation in order of date of creation, each section showcasing a year. This allows me to look back at how my art changes with time. I can clearly and quickly see how I get better as time passes. Seeing my growth displayed this way is encourages me to keep going. It really is a numbers game given that you earnestly try to improve and work on projects that you find enjoyable.

One day you'll suddenly realize that you are "getting there". That feeling is worth it.

I'm still learning to turn my mind off and surrender more to the process.

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