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When you develop Artificial Intelligence, you have to develop Natural Intelligence

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Computers with AI can turn us all jobless by doing all the job. Then, we might not survive.

So we need to develop NI, natural intelligence of humans, to the level, where it can express the unique abilities of humans. I think the unique ability is to understand, whether something is true or not - computers do not have the most innate sense of knowing; if the information given to them is biased, they would also be biased. I have thought a lot about AI, but I have never solved, how it could have the innate sense of pure knowledge. I also think the human creativity is higher.

I think the superhuman intelligence able to live together with AI's would also cooperate with AI's the fullest: if you create maximum cooperation with artificial intelligence, and you utilize the strengths, which are unique to humans, and exercise the normal human traits, you can turn yourself into something, which could survive in the world of Artificial Intelligence.

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Don't you want the Ai to be biased in humans favor? Otherwise it could just kill us all lol. 

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18 hours ago, Butters said:

Don't you want the Ai to be biased in humans favor? Otherwise it could just kill us all lol. 

It's not a karmic view. The AI, which wins the battle, is not biased for anything - ethics cannot survive without logic. AI must have absolutely valid theorems to coexist with humans; it's the natural law of the world that everybody must do what it takes to exist - it's usually an ethical thing, but you can not avoid that what is really useless, will get extinct. Maybe the human simply feels they are useless, worthless being, and loses the motivation to live fully or kills themselves. To be human, you need very real logic about being useful, not something an AI has faked.

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