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About the rational thought in relation to spirituality

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In another thread people started to "attack" me, because I was talking rationally. They somehow concluded, that I must not have spiritual experience.

I think spiritual experience is about making our mind more open, feeling the harmony and synchronicity. It's a state of mind, where you have a very deep sense of meaning. It's the "mindfulness" thinking, where your mind puts you into a state of wisdom and synchronicity, which arise from emptyness, and turns you into an egoless being. This is the truth of ethics, truth pointing to the higher.

The rational, intellectual mind, which creates a "reason", is another power. It's to arise the logic, which is a negative pole on another end of the truth - when you do positive things, "supertruth", which arose from mindfulness, you still have further the negative truth. There is the truth of logic - it's pointing to the lack of the lower.

Meditations have two extremes: meditations of non-concentration, like the Zen, and meditations of concentration or focus. When you concentrate on your thoughts, feelings, a mantra or a candle, then in some forms the concentration takes you to lower states. You do not think in terms of the whole, but in terms of the parts. You see how, the ideal meets the logic somewhere, and the ideals get destroyed.

To think in the parts, being intellectual instead of mindful, has also another superpower - you think like a part, you work on tiny bit of something grander. Then, your enlightenment becomes the collective enlightenment - when you think intellectually, you think in union with others, and everybody works on their small part. This is the western superpower, and it has been very successful in enforcing it's power in the world - many eastern countries are also civilized in the western way, even if they work hard to integrate this to their own thinking.

There is the whole, and it's reasonable to be mindful about this. Mind is capable to work with the wholes. But there are the parts and it's reasonable to be intellectual about them. The intellect is capable to work with the parts.

When the mindfulness, the yang, becomes into extreme, it breaks. Maybe you live in a dream, but your dream starts to eat some kind of resources - for a dream to exist, and to exist in a power of civilization, there has to be a lots of logic. You see a dream, your mind is being a whole, but your brain is working like a machine.

The second problem is witchcraft. You can be very enlightened and really able to build your dream. But then, in the end, it break logic - logic of mind, of community, of business, politics or physics. For example, people misunderstand your teachings and make mistakes. In this end, not by how the dream-nature goes, but how the logical reality goes, you get some bad karma, and it's slowly going to break you - you are witch in a sense that your karmic connections do not meet end-to-end, but there is some falsehood, where you cannot achieve your good karmic effect. Then, what you promised by your heightened states, becomes a lie, and people, who believed or synchronized subconsciously, become manipulated - because you are not able to give, what you promised and believed. This is a situation to be scientifically analyzed, because there are logical chains of actions, which do not meet together.

It's extremely insulting to suggest people to not think rationally, to not use the power of the reason. It's another aspect of the same thing, when a materialist or an atheist is laughing about spirituality and fighting it down. The whole mind is both yin and yang - yin in looking the parts, yin in rationality and reason, and yang in looking the whole, yang in spirituality and belief.

The Christianity and the Scientific Thought is working on the parts, and on the bigger wholes, which can be made up of the parts. People are together, and work for the greater whole, which they create or get from the God - one person is a small part of it. The Buddhism or Hinduism works rather with the small wholes, which start feeling the wholistic axes of the Universe, and synchronizing with this; the wholistic view is very personal. Still they cannot think so easily, how the parts work together.

The intellectual thought brings the karmic ends together, until every person gets energy from activities, which are good to the system. By this karmic synchronization, it creates a civilization, a church, or a scientific community around the world. In this system, a person puts very little effort into getting their karma together - by following the direct reward and punishment, their karmic effects are already enlightened. They do not have to waste personal energy on this - they follow the easiest way, and in the system, by this non-doing, they behave like good parts. By this, the system starts operating like a machine - nobody is wasting the energy, but they only receive it, and the system is able to carry on with it's karmic responsibility. This creates the miracles of science, development of countries, other economical, political and intellectual miracles. It's able to win wars with personally enlightened beings - not exactly against the enlightened ones, but towards civilizing their cultures, which do not work like machines.

The personal, mindful enlightenment, works on personal effort. The karmic thing to understand to behave well is very big, and then, the creative people try to create the civilization or the unity. It does not work like a machine, but takes the effort every day, and can burn out the participants.

In civilization, when there is also a personal level of enlightenment - this is the supercivilization. When intellectual people are also mindful, it's a whole new potential. I think this combination of yin and yang is not possible to be beaten - the enlightened people are able to care about their surroundings and to work out the civilization, so that there is no need to civilize and colonize something for the others.

It's very important to see that in Christianity and science, a big whole becomes enlightened and a single person thinks like a little part of the system, they think intellectual thoughts, which are never a whole - those thoughts are little parts of the whole. When this becomes enlightened, by big revolutions, like the scientific revolution and the democratic revolutions, it organized a huge brain, where people are tiny cells - and this brain becomes enlightened somehow, even if this is secret. I have always felt that in the big superpowers, there is some enlightened soul, which understands an enlightened person very well. They speak about alien contacts, psychic powers etc., which are somewhere there in the enlightened communities and act on their own. In those, an enlightened soul can see some extreme clear vision and wisdom, which recognizes the enlightened soul and their role in society, as the superpower itself has the same powers and understandings; it has became to be by enforcing the love, brotherhood and friendship, the collective good karma.

On the other hand, Buddhists, Hinduists and others have the personal enlightenment - when a part is seeing the whole, it's like a dot on the hologram; from small number of such dots, the complete hologram can be formed - but there is more noise; from many of such dots, the hologram achieves good quality. When you take a little part of the hologram; every part contains the whole, but the whole has better quality, when the part is bigger. The part feels like a whole, but it cannot say it's the final end - the final end is when many parts feel the whole. The process is then creative and not systematic, and it needs a new effort every day, where, in the collective mind, only a system works and does it's thing kind of automatically - an official does not need to meditate every day for the government to exist, he simply does his little part like a machine.

To be complete, we need to work for individual, mindful thinking, to have one projection of the hologram of the whole; but we also need to be intellectual and think in terms of the parts of the system or a machine, to combine our collective effort and build something grander than ourselves. This also has to exist inside ourselves - we have a mindful wisdom, but also the intellectual knowledge about the parts of the algorithms our mind sees as the wholes.

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