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Encountering with radical stage blue people

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Want to share an experience, will not go into details where, but went on a business trip, somewhere in US and spent a day and met truly stage blue community. Not mentioning what religion they were or what town but it’s more of a concept than nuance. And so you should know in that particular small community, is where people carry Bible with them wherever they go, and if for example on a college campus you will hear students say F word in every sentence, those people use the word Satan and Hell in almost every sentence. At first I was warned not to interact with them, but I remember watching Leo’s two part serious of understanding Liberal and Conservative mind and myself being back then in a modern state of Bible community, of course nothing as radical as this, I decided that they are also humans, probably not as developed but then again who says we are better than them, we should allow everyone in as the higher in stages you go the more open minded you should be. 

So they first ask you whether you believe in God, and I feel that instead of finding a common ground, they are initially looking for differences. Again, I’m not saying all of them are like this or stage blue people are, it was just my personal experience at that particular place in that particular time. I told him that I used to study Bible, but I found other ways to live life and to be happier, so right from the get-go they already told me that my path will only lead me to hell. Especially there was one individual who sort of wanted to communicate with me, or should I say wanted to re-educate me. It’s interesting to note, that I approached him with questions, while he tried to re-educate me, and again used Satan and hell, in every sentence. Then he asked me bluntly, whether I believe in God, and, of course, I told him a very unpopular answer that there is a unity and you and God is one, to which he quickly backed up from me, call me a devil or devils protégé, and told others the distance away from me as I will lead all of them to sin. I spoke to another individual and asked him if he ever heard of psychedelics, to which he was surprised, never heard, and being in the religious community, I told him that this may bring close to God. In the reply the person repeated what the first one said and stated if it’s not in Bible it must be from Devil, no other way. 

That day I spoke to a few individuals, but unfortunately, the conversation did not go well, so I wonder, should we even bother communicating with such people or it’s a waste of time? Or maybe it’s our ego that things were better and we should try to understand them? Or we should totally ignore them and called them ignoramuses? To be truly honest, some answers made me giggle, but I tried to hold my laugh, but other answers made me realize that while we live in the same country, we look like two different species. But those people are your neighbors? Should we get into any dialogue?

oh, and to conclude, there was already a rumor in the small town that I practice Satanism and I should be excommunicated. Again, I didn’t come there to change their mind, not at all I just wanted to see them as human to human how much in common we have, but what I learned is that there is no common grounds. You say I could bend, and be flexible but they do not band. It’s their way or the highway. Does anyone have any idea or input? What would you do, is there even a point in doing anything.

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Posted (edited)

I don't know what to say.. coz you know I'd prob get called a "devil" too for claiming to be Second Coming of Jesus, for one; or approaching them with another channeled text that's not the bible (which I have tried once or twice with no success of course). 

In any case I would just let them be. Some of them have what I think the "right reasons" to not just trust anyone that comes along as there are much "misinformation" out there. 

Until someone wakes up enough (to whatever level) they are just not going to get it. The only thing you can do is demonstrate by example rather than debating them (if they aren't even close).

Also keep in mind the possibility that they could be right on some things while you're actually not right on some things, or also in a similar position of not having found everything there is to find yet.

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ❣ Warning: nobody here has reached the true God.

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪ 星空のディスタンス ♫┆彡 what are you dreaming today?

                           天国が来る | 私は道であり、真実であり、命であり。

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