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Corruption in the US federal courts Examples Megathread

9 posts in this topic

I had to make this Megathread. The federal courts in the US, especially the US Supreme Court, has gotten so corrupt that we may not have a democracy anymore in a few years, especially if Trump and the MAGA Republican take back government of the whole government trifecta. I know that there have already been a number of threads made on here about the terrible, frightening, and unjust decisions made by SCOTUS and other courts at the national level. However, there are still A LOT MORE examples that haven't been highlighted about the unethical behavior, abuse of power, or illegal activities by judges, court staff, or other officials within the federal judicial system. 

Look, obviously there's nothing that I or most people like me can do about all of this. However, I believe there needs to be a discussion about how enough people in our country can be inspired to rally together in some kind of strong coalition or movement at the grassroots to address corruption in the federal courts. The exposure of the corruption and promotion of transparency by the left-wing, the mainstream media, and public awareness campaigns out there to try to bring attention to the issue and push for reform still hasn't been working well enough to motivate enough people out there to help generate the level of public demand needed to effectively pressure lawmakers and court officials to make good material changes to our federal judicial system. Nothing seems to be working at all so far. 

I wish enough people would wake up to grave danger our country is in and realize how much of why we are sleepwalking into an authoritarian regime in America is because of the how rotten and shaky our whole court system has gotten. I hope this big thread of examples on this issue will generate good, fruitful discussions on possible strategies that could work and on whether or not there is any hope out that this will fixed for the country before it becomes too late.

So, let the examples begin.

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Samuel Alito was recently found to have put up a "STOP THE STEAL!" symbol on display at his home.



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One of the most corrupt federal judges in the country that needs to pay a major price:


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Alito just stated that he will not recused himself from the January 6th case:


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Chief Justice Roberts declines meeting with Senate Democrats over Alito concerns:


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Clarence Thomas admits to having taken $4 MILLION IN GIFTS from rich donors!


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Judge Cannon is still aiding and abetting the former POTUS who is convicted felon and who could be POTUS again:


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Justice still delayed, justice still denied: 



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Another very sad day for American democracy: 


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