Guest Annetta


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What are your opinions/beliefs on/about reincarnation?

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I think it's a metaphor. I see the illusion of individual awareness (aka egoic experience) to be the universe/existence/consciousness becoming self-aware/awakening. So each egoic experience (aka individual) is a portal or appendage into a process of awakening. So in this framework, reincarnation is a singular but complex consciousness acting through different portals with the potential of awakening in the world of form. 

What I am reading now: Smile at Fear, Chögyam Trungpa

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I'm not sure about it. I also don't think it is required to have a belief about it.
Perhaps my brain/body would be comforted having some certainty it exists. But if trying to embrace no-self, or being, then what is the purpose of comforting the self. So i'll just let my brain/body fear death, and i'll wander of without it.

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Consciousness came into existence out of nothing (and as far as enlightened people tell us, literally nothing) and goes into nothingness each time you are in deep sleep. If consciousness can come into existence once, it can do it as many times as it wants, can't it?

In other words, if you were born once, there is no reason for you not to be born twice, or infinitely. I think the belief of eternal death is more of coming from the egoic possessing. "My consciousness! If I am dead, consciousness is dead!"

From what it seems to me it's more like consciousness is the TV, and the life that is happening within it simply runs on it. Once it's over, another movie will take the place. Why wouldn't it?

Ask yourself. Why are you you, why is "your" consciousness living that specific life, and not one of the trillions of others that exist or have existed? Would it make sense for consciousness to let one life appear within it, and then never again? How then, does it decide which life to choose?


It's quite ironic if you think about. People who are alive seem to be convinced that if they die, consciousness dies. But then, people who are dead (ego-death) seem to be absolutely certain that consciousness is eternal. Maybe it requires death to see that.

Edited by Scholar

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It seems pretty clear that time is a construct, because it is uneven. Also, there is a part of you that feels as though it never ages. Also, it is always the same moment, with different content. What type of being experiences a perpetual now and never ages? Who knows about reincarnation. It seems like a wish of the me. Who cares when you are immortal?

Meditation is the mind training itself. You are just along for the ride.

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Most people would say: NO. "You" don't exist. Your ego is an illusion in an illusion called "life". Death is also an illusion.

But who knows whether you'll go back to your Source? Who knows if you're not thrown back to another illusion based on the actions in this illusion?

When you experience ego death, you understand your true nature (=infinity) and understand the illusion your in.

This experience actually really humbled me. I know my true nature. But have no fucking clue what's waiting for this finite expression (=me) of the infinite (=also me) after death.

Edited by Visionary

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@Annetta THe one infinite creator (the ultimate nothingness/void, not the nothingness most refer to, that which cannot be experienced for it is beyond consciousness and experience) gave birth to infinite love/awareness, which was divided into "clumps" of light, which created the universe, galaxies, planets, and smaller and smaller units, allways dividing into smaller portions of consciousness/love/light/awareness. You are right now experiencing 3D expression of consciousness, which is purposefully imposed by limitations. 

Enlightenment = you merge with higher portion of yourself, you have always been that, only now it is allowed in your experience, so limitations such as time/suffering vanish, for you have outgrown them.

But that is not the end. You as a consciousness have always more infinity to merge with, and to allow the one infinite to know itself on a completely unique new level. To explore more of the mystery that it is. With less limitations and more freedom every step of the way (all limitations being self-imposed, ulimately all is the Self, only you experience it in chunks)

The chunks that you experience is what you would call soul/spirit/higher-self experiences "at a time".

Ultimately you are the higher self, which has already merged with the whole universe, but right now its experiencing itself in time. In its childhood.

This is projected into whatever experience it chooses, to explore a certain theme, and that is your life. Once you die veil of forgetfulness will be lifted. Once you die, unless you have completed the lessons you wished to experience and learn from, you will go "omfg I love it gotta go again" and you incarnate.


Edited by Martin123

Follow me on Instagram for quantum and energetic healing.

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@Annetta i belive. Yes. I in ego do not want to reincarnation form of being. Based on karma i value my journey noe this being present to accend. 

I feel its a path of evolution/revolution. 

If we have choice and act on our free will. Can one transcend time infinite love/vibration. 

4th density 5th dimension being.

Ok yes subject my words or see my positive journey now.

I love mycellf. I love you.

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I am confused with this topic. There seem to be the more "feel good" concepts about death and reincarnation like we can choose our next Incarnation and basically can do what we want after death. And that this life is a school that our soul has chosen to grow and experience even "higher" realms/experiences. That life is a eternal journey because the potential for growth is infinte. 

But then there are the tibetan buddhists for example who are well respected for their research and knowledge about death. In their understanding, we die as we have lived. And our whole life is basically a preparation for death. In the process of dying and death we pass through different Bardo states, and it is said that it's very difficult to maintain consciousness in these Bardos. That's why they prepare in this life (the natural bardo) for those so it's possible to escape Samsara.

"If we cannot carry our practice into sleep," Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche writes. "If we lose ourselves every night, what chance do we have to be aware when death comes? Look to your experience in dreams to know how you will fare in death. Look to your experience of sleep to discover whether or not you are truly awake."

What do you say? Is it possible to reconcile these concepts somehow?

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@Martin123 I love that pic, where did you find it, what school/teachings/teacher is it from?

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Here is a heartwarming tale about a piece of dog shit that gets reincarnated into a dandelion.

Some reviews from Youtube:
"Good job you peice of crap, you caused a weed to spread. I hope you're happy."

"I was inspired to go mow the grass."

Edited by Annetta

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Dolores Cannon has written books on reincarnation, she had 40 years experience in hypnosis.

Edited by Soulbass

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On 4/18/2017 at 5:31 AM, Annetta said:

What are your opinions/beliefs on/about reincarnation?

Way back, at the beginning of my spiritual search and studies...I joined a weekly meditation group.  They were also interested in healing and so they got into past life regression.  I explored many of my own (in relation to current blocks).  Outside of regressions, I have had memories of past lives come to me as well.

One experience in particular I will share.  A friend from the meditation group introduced me to an old friend of his.  This friend took an instant dislike to me and was actively mean to me whenever he had the chance.  I thought the reaction was too strong to be something of this life, and I suspected a past life connection.  The topic of past lives did come up, and this friend did not believe in it or that he has ever lived before.  So I knew I could not work in any way with him directly.  That night I decided to delve into past lives between us that might result in this instant hatred.  I found two.  I knew we are all connected on "higher levels" and so I decided to reach out to him on a higher level.  I saw him before me in my mind's eye and I explained that i figured out the problem between us.  I said I did not remember, but know I do and I was totally at fault.  I asked his forgiveness and he seemed to nod.  A year later, I met this friend of my friend again and his attitude was totally neutral.  Eventually, he warmed up.  Years later, as good friends, we were talking about how we met and he said he could never figure out why he disliked me so much when we met.  He also said, he couldn't figure out why it was different the next time we met.

I have had many experiences of past lives (that I remembered or had to look into to remember) that had effects and when I worked on it, the situation changed.  So I would have to say, from my own experience - past lives exist and reincarnation exists.

Nonduality does not exclude the happening of reincarnation, but I would say it just means there are dreams within dreams.  I haven't had anything to do with past lives though in over a decade.  Yeah, it happens...but it is just another trap and distraction.  Now is more important.

Eric Putkonen - stopped blogging and now do videos on YouTube -

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