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Veganism And Eating Disorders

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Hi all,

I have an issue. I tried to be a vegan and loose weight at the same time. Im 160 cm and 60 kilos but my weight disturbs me so much that i decided to have only one meal a day. only good stuff. As i am working on cruise ship and working extremely hard it's a task big enough but I thought it would be easier on my vacation. I am on holiday now for 6 weeks with would be enough time to pick up a new habit like that, but my stepdad has on overeating disorder. He sees all answers in food. I think we are so opposite, and after every fight he tries to show me his love with making me huge meals from stuff i don't even eat. If I say no, then he gets extremely offended and he takes it personally as I overly criticise him and nothing is good for me ( I never told him I only eat a meal day as he would go on and on about how unhealthy it is and I still don't hear the end of the fact that I need meat and milk in my life.but he sees it just decided to not care) I don't really know how to not et into fights and do what I want with my body and health.
Any suggestions?

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Hey, vegan of two years here, currently weighing in at 6'1, 140 lbs and am, by my measure, fairly healthy. Glad to see somebody making the transition, however there are a few things you should bear in mind the most. Going vegan will not effect your weight and health so much as eating mostly plant-based and largely unprocessed food. As for the nay-sayers, well, food is very personal and a great many people have tremendous misunderstandings about nutrition. Try reading Dr. Joel Fuhrman's, "Eat to Live". It's jammed packed with study after study of the benefits of a plant-based diet and the disadvantages of a processed, animal product heavy diet. Refute them with knowledge. I guarantee there is more than enough of it to shoot them down on nearly every matter. They'll still try to offer you animal products and junk and try to convince you that you're going to suffer eating vegan.

Let me share with you what I did to overcome both. For the first, you're going to have to just deny them effortlessly. Don't even really view the junk they're offering as food but as this odd sort of pseudo-organic vaguely edible material that isn't in resonance with your values( of course if they serve proper food don't reject it:D).  Second, make them provide evidence for their claims. Ask to see multiple sources for each claim they make, then ask to see how good the sources are. They'll tire of asking you these things and eventually only bother you every once in awhile about it. Hope this helps.

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On 14 February 2016 at 5:50 PM, J. M. Wigglesworth said:

Hey, vegan of two years here, currently weighing in at 6'1, 140 lbs and am, by my measure, fairly healthy. Glad to see somebody making the transition, however there are a few things you should bear in mind the most. Going vegan will not effect your weight and health so much as eating mostly plant-based and largely unprocessed food. As for the nay-sayers, well, food is very personal and a great many people have tremendous misunderstandings about nutrition. Try reading Dr. Joel Fuhrman's, "Eat to Live". It's jammed packed with study after study of the benefits of a plant-based diet and the disadvantages of a processed, animal product heavy diet. Refute them with knowledge. I guarantee there is more than enough of it to shoot them down on nearly every matter. They'll still try to offer you animal products and junk and try to convince you that you're going to suffer eating vegan.

Let me share with you what I did to overcome both. For the first, you're going to have to just deny them effortlessly. Don't even really view the junk they're offering as food but as this odd sort of pseudo-organic vaguely edible material that isn't in resonance with your values( of course if they serve proper food don't reject it:D).  Second, make them provide evidence for their claims. Ask to see multiple sources for each claim they make, then ask to see how good the sources are. They'll tire of asking you these things and eventually only bother you every once in awhile about it. Hope this helps.

Thank you so much:)

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