Buck Edwards

Why are so many Indians angry with Sadhguru and is he legit?

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Watch these videos at your own peril. They're generating some skepticism in me. I'm not sure what to say. After watching these I'm not sure if Sadhguru is legit. Not trying to be overly skeptical but just putting it out there. I have gained a lot of value from Sadhguru nevertheless. 




My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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Posted (edited)

Indian and Hindu philosophy has a tradition of atheism and materialism through the Charvaks, and this has seen a revival in recent times. There had been debates and dialogues between the Charvaks and other Indian philosophical sects in ancient times.

Scientific materialism and rationalism is also on the upswing in India denying anything outside of sensory perception. I used to adhere to these philosophies myself till I read, heard and even witnessed events refuting the same.

I am not against these philosophies myself as they help in creating a rational and scientific temperament which is necessary in religion and spirituality too, and helps to get rid of superstitions. 

There are some who consider Sadhguru's teachings on consciousness and spirituality as unscientific and irrational, and seek to debate and harass Sadhguru on such points.

However science and technology are not in itself capable of creating a utopia on its own. 

Imho, modern science and technology can even become an evil when it is handled by the wrong state of consciousness.

As Wervner von Braun stated, "Science does not have a moral dimension. It is like a knife. If you give it to a surgeon or a murderer, each will use it differently."

The problem lies not with science but with its handler's state of consciousness, and thus it should be given the relevant emphasis and importance it warrants instead of hiding it under the carpet.

Edited by Ajay0

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@Buck Edwards when I started to get some gains and understanding while doing my yoga practices I started to understand what sadhguru actually is trying to say. It's so simple yet the average person cannot grock it.

Isha foundation is huge and probably has its own problems which every organization has.

By the way you don't need to search if a guru is flawed or not, everyone is and will be flawed to a degree.

Also notice how a couple of videos can destabilize your view on a person.


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sadhguru is consciously holding the body within the dream in order to awaken the creations that are within him (infinite love).

That doesn´t make him a perfect human being but the important thing is the work is doing. 

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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Because he is corrupted by money.

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Its not about Him. its not about him being a Guru, or Enlightened, or perfect/imperfect, flawed/flawless, its about YOU, does the stuff he shares work or not? If it works great, if not then do something else, its no shirt off his back..

Just realize, if You want to do big things in this world then you for sure will have enemies, some do not want this world to change, they want it too stay the same for a variety of reasons, Sadhguru wants it too change, so he has allot of enemies...They crucified Jesus, what did Jesus ever do to anyone that was destructive to anyone else?


Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, Boost said:

Because he is corrupted by money.

🤣🤣🤣 Thats why he Burns most of it on millionarie projects like planting 1 fucking billion trees, rivers, schools, and doing 300 conferences a year all over the world that pays no money.

Because he is corrupted by money...🤦

Edited by Javfly33

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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Posted (edited)

Doesn't matter. Just take what you like and leave the rest. Stop looking at humans as anything special overall. We all bring different things to the table, that's why it's the whole. Nobody inherently has any more value than the next. That homeless man that people look down on could be the reason Sadguru is where he's at and that guru could be the reason that child got molested. Sounds a bit radical and everything is inherently acausal but within the dream it's all cause and effect.

This is how we get disappointed, why we suffer and become delusional when we start to expect things to happen in a certain way. This is chaotic order and nothing is exempt. Embrace Infinity with open arms because that is freedom at it's core and the meaning of unconditional love. Doesn't mean we tolerate bullshit and disrespect but to see all that for what it is and deal with it accordingly in the moment.

Edited by Princess Arabia

Know thyself....

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Posted (edited)

50 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Doesn't matter. Just take what you like and leave the rest. Stop looking at humans as anything special overall.

I don´t think you understand what the word guru means,

A guru is a spiritual device, the same as a meditation technique, or yoga teaching, or a psychedelic.

Is not anymore a person, is only abiding in the dream to awaken beings, if not a guru leaves the body when realization happens. 

Edited by Javfly33

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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12 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

I don´t think you understand what the word guru means,

A guru is a spiritual device, the same as a meditation technique, or yoga teaching, or a psychedelic.

Is not anymore a person, is only abiding in the dream to awaken beings, if not a guru leaves the body when realization happens. 

I know exactly what I meant to say. I don't need a concise definition of what the word guru means to make my point in the context in which I made it. You obviously knew what i meant it to be and not your definition or what the real definition is. My point still stays the same.

Know thyself....

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He's just a guy that's a yogi and has really developed himself. He made a company or NGO and his living his life. He helps communities, teaches yoga and posts a lot of inspirational and helpful perspectives and opinions on social media. He seems to me to be an honest man. I obviously don't know 100% but that is life, we take what information we have at any moment and do with it what we think is best. The only thing I heard that was sketchy was something about his wife dying and his father in law blaming him. I don't really know and never looked into it. I don't hold Sahdguru on some hierarchy where he is above me or anyone. I do like him. 

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But a scientist - how morally broken they have to be for us to ask, whether they are fake? They are first to attack people based on this - but what's their own actual work? Do we get to know somehow, when a psychologist is morally wrong? Are they taking no responsibility or why we see them "doing no mistakes"? If they do not take responsibility at all, they could be clean, but then - if they only mock others, when they have mocked them all, then who is then doing the work?

I think sadhguru is maybe really too easy believer as he would teach all kinds of things, but those things have at least some truth in it. If his students are not "scientifically sure" in what he says, it's also not very scientific to scientifically check him. The people must be sure it's a scientific knowledge, not an inspiring story or useful model - only then you can attack the model by it's not being scientific. Otherwise it's like criticizing poetry about it's scientific facts. There are many different ways to believe.

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3 minutes ago, tvaeli said:

But a scientist - how morally broken they have to be for us to ask, whether they are fake? They are first to attack people based on this - but what's their own actual work? Do we get to know somehow, when a psychologist is morally wrong? Are they taking no responsibility or why we see them "doing no mistakes"? If they do not take responsibility at all, they could be clean, but then - if they only mock others, when they have mocked them all, then who is then doing the work?

I think sadhguru is maybe really too easy believer as he would teach all kinds of things, but those things have at least some truth in it. If his students are not "scientifically sure" in what he says, it's also not very scientific to scientifically check him. The people must be sure it's a scientific knowledge, not an inspiring story or useful model - only then you can attack the model by it's not being scientific. Otherwise it's like criticizing poetry about it's scientific facts. There are many different ways to believe.

There's some degree of skepticism around the claims. 

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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On 20/5/2024 at 7:58 PM, Princess Arabia said:

I know exactly what I meant to say. I don't need a concise definition of what the word guru means to make my point in the context in which I made it. You obviously knew what i meant it to be and not your definition or what the real definition is. My point still stays the same.

Your point is because you think you are special and you have to make this dream your own. You take Yourself too seriously to be humble and Accepting a guru to guide you to Truth. That is your problem and most people problem. 

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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13 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Your point is because you think you are special and you have to make this dream your own. You take Yourself too seriously to be humble and Accepting a guru to guide you to Truth. That is your problem and most people problem. 


Know thyself....

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Is Leo legit?

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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1 hour ago, Carl-Richard said:

Is Leo legit?

Is AI legit? 

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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1 minute ago, Buck Edwards said:

Is AI legit? 

Depends on how it is used. Likewise, with any teaching it is how you interpret it.

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12 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

Depends on how it is used. Likewise, with any teaching it is how you interpret it.

With Sadhguru it is not a "Teaching" he has said this many times, nor it is a Philosophy or Intellectual pursuit, its a Method, a Technique or Science of Sorts, where as many out there, Leo I would say as well, its more Teaching, Philosophy or Intellectual pursuit, as where is the method, I don't see it, just talking and explaining their way of understanding.  Now in today's age there has to be some talking and explaining, Q&A for sure, otherwise no Interest would be there, ppl are not Aware and Sensitive/Willing enough to just sense the presence of someone in the know, so transmission of Spiritual Knowing or Power for lack of a better word is not as possible today because ppl are addicted and identified too much to Words and Intellect...

Sadhguru shares :

1) Basic Life Lessons that are practical and useful for eg, Now is all there is, Past is Memory, Future is Imagination, both are very useful tools but don't Live there, Live totally NOW...Accept the Inevitability of the Moment, it is as it is, nothing can be done about it, other than Accepting or non Accepting, Accepting allows You to be open to a new possibility, non Accepting closes that door, your stuck in the past/memory... Responding vs Reacting, Responding corresponds with being Conscious/Aware, Reacting is opposite of this..

2) Basic and Advanced Yogic practices - Shambhavi Mahamudra, Shooyna, Shakti Kriya, Complete Yogasana Course (18 weeks I think to become certified, has to be done at the main Ashram in India), Sadanapada (a 7mth stay at the Ashram in India, where one is put on a Sadhana schedule and Volunteering schedule, and time with Sadhguru and Swami's), Bramachariya opportunities (this is by appointment only, one has to apply for it and go thru a strict interview and other process to be accepted), and many other events and opportunities...

3) Consecrations, Sadhguru has done many many Consecrations, the most significant was the Dylanalinga  which is a temple that has a living alive Linga(like a living Guru) that ppl can sit with and imbibe the energy and benefits that it gives...

4) Treks to Himalayas and such journeys, very significant for one on the Spiritual path..   

5) Many other courses and such that enhance one's sensitivity and willingness to progress on the path, none of this has to do with talking, philosophising and/or intellectualizing..


Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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Dunno what to make of it. I've a good online friend from India, not really a spiritual guy though. He seems to believe that Sadghuru did kill his wife and is using connections with the PM Modi in nefarious ways. The people over there may know better than us, but in the end, if you get value from his teachings, that's great.

Apparently the villain in the recent movie Monkey Man is a caricature of Sadghuru.

It's a very polarizing topic, a shame that it's come to that. 

Whichever way you turn, there is the face of God

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