
Chris Mitchell's Kundalini Teachings: Red Flags and Concerns

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Hey everyone,

I've been in Chris Mitchell's “Kundalini Awakening” Facebook group for the past 4-5 years, and while alot of what he teaches  is great, I've seen some serious issues. The biggest problem is that people in the group often give away all their authority and critical thinking to him, treating him as some ultimate master. This blind following is concerning.

Chris controls people "in the name of Kundalini" and demonizes anyone who challenges him. I've seen him ban members who try to teach or post about other teachings, labeling these actions as coming from the ego rather than Kundalini. This kind of behavior stifles open discussion and personal growth, turning the group into an echo chamber.

I got into spirituality because my best friend had a Kundalini activation in 2019, which led us to find Chris's group. Initially, it was helpful. However, my friend has since become lost in this fantasy world, labeling anything not aligned with Chris's teachings as "entities" or demonic spirits. It's frustrating because Chris himself doesn't seem truly awake, and most of his followers will never awaken.

Does anyone here have experience of Chris Mitchell and his teachings? Would love to hear from you.


Edited by ivarmaya

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Too insulated. Seek out diverse perspectives on spirituality.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I’m glad to hear from you, Leo.

I get why you would think that. Frankly, you don't have any knowledge of the variety of teachings I do or don't practice. I'm not here to qualify myself to you, but for perspective, I practice multiple different teachings, including Chrism's teachings, and will continue to do so. I understand some of his magic and will continue to learn more, but I'm aware of his serious limitations.

By this post, I was attempting to raise awareness about these issues because many people might be experiencing the same thing, feeling shame, losing their sense of self, and constantly searching for something they will not find. Many people come into this community during a spiritual emergency or psychosis, where nobody understands them, so to them, the community is everything. Breaking free can be extremely hard, especially when you're confronting that reality has no ground.

Those people don't need to hear "Too insulated. Seek out diverse perspectives on spirituality." It's like telling a girl in an abusive relationship to understand the past traumas of her narcissistic boyfriend, the last thing people need to hear at this point.

I understand that Kundalini is the expression of truth, but Chrism's teachings don't hold it all. That's where most people go wrong. It's important to discuss these concerns openly and with compassion for those who are struggling.

Love you.

Edited by ivarmaya

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I meant that that guy's group is too insulated.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Just watched this guys stuff on kundalini, seems to me that he has just identified with the idea and has made it his whole personality. 

One of his video names is "I give myself to you my Kundalini" as if its some kind of entity. This is utterly wrong, I would tell your friend to stay away, then again your friend may have fallen into the same trap, identifying with it without actually being in the kundalini process.

Edit: looking at more of his videos, he's got stuff like "cathers and the kundalini" associating French castles with kundalini, as if there is some real relevance between the two.. wtf is that?

Someone with a true understanding of kundalini would never conflate such irrelevant perspectives with it.


Edited by Francis777

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@ivarmaya Read Ken Wilber's book: The Religion Of Tomorrow, where he lists many of these advanced spiritual traps.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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santatagamana is one of the most clear and straight to the point, no bullshit kundalini sources in my opinion.

I believe in the religion of Love
Whatever direction its caravans may take,
For love is my religion and my faith.

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