
Clubs are some of the lamest places on Earth.

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Even just thinking of going to one makes me sick to my stomach. It's just a fucking awful place to be. Full of awful people. Usually blasting some of the world's shittiest music.

And yes, I've been to plenty of all kinds of clubs and did all kinds of things, in my teens/20s. Had all kinds of fun and not fun. 

But fuck, right now, as I'm about to hit 30, it's the last thing I wanna do. Fuck that. No thanks. 

And I cannot help it, but if you're a party chick or a club guy... and you're not 19... I'm sorry, but I think less of you as a human being. And that's being polite.



Edited by ivankiss

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Clubbing is awesome. You just have to find a club where you feel like you belong.

There are many different kinds of techno clubs, for example - I would almost guarantee that some of them will strike a chord with you. It depends on where you live, though, of course.

“We are most nearly ourselves when we achieve the seriousness of the child at play.” - Heraclitus

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Too much judgement l, clubbing can be cool and get you laid 

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How it feels to go to a club when your frontal lobe fully develops:

giphy (13).gif

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Start a club with unique vibes 

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Ever went to a Cacao ceremony with ecstatic dance afterwards?

These are hands down the best dance parties I've ever been to; they are basically the high consciousness equivalent of "normal" clubbing. No annoying plebs and posers, no immature frat boys, no peacocky wannabe alpha males, no airheaded b- and c-words, no awkward schmucks standing around with a cup of beer in their hands and a goofy look on their face, no stupid drunk people doing stupid small talk and cracking stupid jokes; nothing but great energy, good vibes and high spirits.

Try it out if you haven't.

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3 hours ago, ivankiss said:

@Bazooka Jesus Never heard of it. Might check it out at some point, thanks!

Give it a try, brother. There must be plenty of these parties happening in and around Amsterdam. B|

Btw, when are you moving?

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16 hours ago, ivankiss said:

But fuck, right now, as I'm about to hit 30, it's the last thing I wanna do. Fuck that. No thanks. 

Bro I feel you hahaha. I loved going to clubs during my 20's but now I had to admit to myself that I don't enjoy it anymore. Where I live are many cool clubs and good dj's come there but I just don't feel the vibe anymore like I used too.

I still like concerts, outdoor raves and festivals though :D


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I guess it does loose its novelty over time. It’s like how you see ultra hedonists suddenly become ultra religious Lol. Things lose appeal and people change. Things go full circle ⭕️ 

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Posted (edited)

Extatic dance is clubs for hippies. You mind feel more at home at hippy raves 

Personally I mostly go latin music nightclubs/bars to dance and have fun. Everyone is in a great mood, very open and you have a new girl in your arms every few minutes basically which is a cool bonus 

Edited by mmKay

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39 minutes ago, mmKay said:

You mind feel more at home at hippy raves 

Fuck no. I avoid hippies by all means necessary.

40 minutes ago, mmKay said:

Personally I mostly go latin music nightclubs/bars to dance and have fun. Everyone is in a great mood, very open and you have a new girl in your arms every few minutes basically which is a cool bonus 

I think going out with the intention to hit on chicks is lame. That's exactly the kind of people I don't want to party with.

If anything... jazz/rock concerts are my thing. But almost exclusively because of the music. Because I really want to experience the band playing live. Could not care less about drunk, drugged and stinky people around, trying to get lucky, acting like clowns.

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5 hours ago, ivankiss said:

I think going out with the intention to hit on chicks is lame. That's exactly the kind of people I don't want to party with.

You are projecting your pessimism about going out. I literally described the opposite of what you understood 

6 hours ago, mmKay said:

Personally I mostly go latin music nightclubs/bars to dance and have fun. Everyone is in a great mood, very open and you have a new girl in your arms every few minutes basically which is a cool bonus 

There are plenty of ways to scratch your socialization itch besides bars and clubs, do what works for you

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1 minute ago, mmKay said:

There are plenty of ways to scratch your socialization itch besides bars and clubs, do what works for you

What are some of your favorite ways?

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Posted (edited)

20 hours ago, Agrande said:

I guess it does loose its novelty over time. It’s like how you see ultra hedonists suddenly become ultra religious Lol. Things lose appeal and people change. Things go full circle ⭕️ 

Most mature and realistic comment on this thread so far. No judgment and bashing of what was once your thing at a certain age or frame of mind. We will probably be bashing where we're at now 10yrs from now, who knows. Doesn't mean it's bad.




Edited by Princess Arabia

Know thyself....

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On 5/18/2024 at 6:45 PM, ivankiss said:

And I cannot help it, but if you're a party chick or a club guy... and you're not 19... I'm sorry, but I think less of you as a human being. And that's being polite.

Wow, saying this is pretty low; but even then, that age is pretty low at least up it to 25 - not that it really matters.

You must judge and criticize yourself pretty harshly. 

Know thyself....

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31 minutes ago, mmKay said:

You are projecting your pessimism about going out.

Obviously, I am. Not necessarily onto you, just out there.

Plenty of people think what I like sucks ass too. 

5 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

We will probably be bashing where we're at now 10yrs from now, who knows. Doesn't mean it's bad.

It's not necessarily an age thing. In fact, it's not, at all. 

Also; rather judge from an authentic place, then pretend to be judgment - free, or judgement - immune.

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1 minute ago, ivankiss said:

Also; rather judge from an authentic place, then pretend to be judgment - free, or judgement - immune.

No, I get that, I judge too. Don't fool yourself into thinking it's from an authentic place because it all is. How else can it not be. Your judgement is no more special than anybody else's. In fact, it's more inauthentic in believing it's authentic.

Know thyself....

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Posted (edited)

56 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

What are some of your favorite ways?

Dancing bachata/ salsa, contact improv dance, extatic dance, singing with people/ Acapella groups / choirs, doing music ( guitar, drumming, beatbox) , giving massages , teaching personal development in coaching calls,  paying  with animals / my dawg, Hatha  yoga classes , acro-yoga, improv theatre, charity / volunteering for free help to people, going to clubs and bars for non goal oriented results besides perfecting social skills and vibeing ( boosting my own mood and others in the process) performing stand up comedy , language exchanges for German and french , day game cold approach , doing prepared Toastmasters speeches, doing tabletopics in toastmasters and just shooting the sh*t with normie friend and wingmen. I enjoy this forum as well for this purpose . Speaking to myself out loud is good or to the selfie cámara 

I'm looking into ju-jitsu and busking

That's to scratch the social itch in a casual way. Then I have an itch for deeper more meaningful activities 

A big part of me is introverted so sometimes I dont interact with people at all for a week at all 

Edited by mmKay

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1 minute ago, Princess Arabia said:

No, I get that, I judge too. Don't fool yourself into thinking it's from an authentic place because it all is. How else can it not be. Your judgement is no more special than anybody else's. In fact, it's more inauthentic in believing it's authentic.

For a moment I actually thought you were going to make a good point. I was wrong.

No one's judgement is 'more special' or 'more authentic'. We are all constantly judging the crap out of everything. Those who say they don't, are inauthentic.

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