Revolutionary Think

I'm finally free from having to share my life with people!

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I've done so much growth in the past year it's been awesome! I've deleted twitter, tiktok, facebook well facebook a long time ago. Any kind of form of time suck in my life that had to do with spending large quantities of time on the internet I've mostly purged from my life. In the past I was over sharing so much about myself to complete random strangers and getting involved with so much crap I should never have been involved in to begin with. Now complete opposite. I no longer feel this need to post YouTube videos about my life and the strong opinions I have "waiting for the day I go viral". I have a job at the airport and I love being around airplanes. I enjoy my days off more because they are more meaningful now that I have a job. 

I AM NO LONGER LOOKING FOR A SAVIOR AND ME TO BE A SAVIOR TO OTHERS. This toxic garbage internet culture is always trying to make us feel small and inadequate. I know I have a choice though to unplug and live my life the way I see fit. I have started doing this and I've never felt better. I explore more of my immediate area and get to know things about my area and the people in it. I spend way way less time online. Instead of that I journal with a pen and a paper about my life and the things I've learned from trails tribulations and past mistakes. I cleaned my room and reset my mind by going on a vacation and I got a job I enjoy and I'm excelling in after that. The internet is just as bad as any herion or fentanly if you use it the wrong way. Used in moderation and for specific purposes it's ok but, not as a crutch to constantly bitch, seek fame fortune etc. and for a whole bunch of random strangers to "understand you" or "make you famous". I understand this now and look forward to more years of learning, happiness, and growth with my newfound wisdom. 

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11 hours ago, Revolutionary Think said:



God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty. We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes virtuous and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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great job! It remind of Leo's video the Root Solution to People Pleasing and Loneliness - check that if you haven't, it changed my life

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3 hours ago, Tboy said:

great job! It remind of Leo's video the Root Solution to People Pleasing and Loneliness - check that if you haven't, it changed my life


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Thank you for your post, it resonated deeply with me and i discovered the same introject within me. An echo of my younger wounded self. 

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I gradually unlearned this when I was solo traveling, Being in the moment and savoring every experience at that time feels refreshing.

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On 5/21/2024 at 6:37 AM, Rayster said:

I gradually unlearned this when I was solo traveling

SAME! I love solo travelling. When I was young and in elementary school my parents went on trips with me to Canada and Mexico and I lived in the US. After their nasty divorce we didn't travel for 3 years straight and I was so sad. I thought that plane tickets and hotels were super expensive and I could never afford them by myself. When I was in College I learned about hostelling. I was still afraid of solo travel because when I went on trips with my parents I relied on them to get everything together like the luggage, personal items, etc. When I went solo travel though for the first time in Washington D.C. at first I was nervous but, eventually I got the hang of solo travelling and eventually did it internationally and I felt amazing. The best feeling was I wasn't at those places to prove anything to anyone or impress anyone with anything. I was living in the moment and enjoying every minute of it and strengthening my independance. Best money I ever spent. 

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