
Pure Consciousness Is Better?

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Hey, so if being pure consciousness is better than being a body-mind form, why is there the illusion of body-mind?

Why does consciousness create this sick game if it is pure love? Most humans, we are super identified with being human, even if we claim otherwise by having intellectual understanding or even experience... 

How come one can be empty consciousness and why would it be better to be that?? Oh damn my mind wants to understand the un-understandable again...

Please give me some helpful video or your own thoughts... 

PS: How does anyone know that consciousness can exist without a medium through which to function (without something to be conscious of)?  So maybe we can't have pure pure consciousness without any illusion of form...?

Edited by Dodoster

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13 minutes ago, Dodoster said:

why is there the illusion of body-mind?

Illusion of body-mind is associated with ego. Ego is a survival measure. If a child is born without the ego, he will die. He cannot survive, it is impossible, because if he feels hunger he will not feel: I am hungry. He will feel there is hunger, but not related to him. The moment hunger is felt, the child feels: I am hungry, he starts crying and making efforts to be fed. The child grows through the growth of his ego.

Ego is part of natural growth. But that doesn't mean that you have to remain with it forever.

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6 minutes ago, Prabhaker said:

Illusion of body-mind is associated with ego. Ego is a survival measure. If a child is born without the ego, he will die. He cannot survive, it is impossible, because if he feels hunger he will not feel: I am hungry. He will feel there is hunger, but not related to him. The moment hunger is felt, the child feels: I am hungry, he starts crying and making efforts to be fed. The child grows through the growth of his ego.

Ego is part of natural growth. But that doesn't mean that you have to remain with it forever.

Yes but my point is, why is there even a baby, if pure consciousness state is pure love, joy, and all those things... Why is there life at all, if pure consciousness can exist always in itself perfectly content and happy..

 I dont even know how a non entity without attributes can even experience anything,  maybe thats why it twists itself into illusion of form and separation,  in order to be something at all - meaning that maybe being pure consciousness without a medium is not great at all.

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6 minutes ago, WelcometoReality said:

@Dodoster Is anything better or worse than anything else? What does it take for it to be better or worse?

Ok, here's an example: I can say with cerainty that it is better to be free and happy rather than to be a slave to a system and depressed.

So my point,  why if consciousness is pure love and joy etc, why would it create a dream of slavery, suffering and inequality. 

The pc games  humanity creates are always balanced out. This is intelligent design so that the game is fair.

This game of life seems far from fair and this seems to me like the act of unconsciousness.

So maybe there is ultimately not only one as spirituality says,  but two: Consciousness and Unconsciousness - the good and the bad, God and the equally strong Devil.

They both express and fight for this plane... This seems like much more reasonable scenario to me, because if all was one, I'm sure it will figure out a better game design, if it had a choice :P

Edited by Dodoster

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1 minute ago, Dodoster said:

Why is there life at all, if pure consciousness can exist always in itself perfectly content and happy..

Life has no purpose, it is a play. Spiritual progress can happen only in human body, not in a bodiless state.

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@Dodoster It is better from the perspective of the self, but not the Self. From the Absolute's point of view, it does not matter.


Also, I'm not sure there really is a "why." Existence is existence. It just is.


I'm no expert though, so idk.

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Life and existence manifests and we are now here consciously being in it.


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Let's clear some things up, the true nature of yourself and everything else is nothingness. It is that which doesn't die. It is silent. Without quality. Immortal. Because it is the only thing that exist it has nothing to limit it. So it is infinitely intelligent, and creative. So if your nothing what do you do you create a "experience" or being something its genuis. So you have your avatar that you currently inhabit. You need to be a player in order to play in the game.

Your so hooked on negative & positive. And pecieve & relate everything to your survival and self. In till you have a deep enough enlightenment yourself may have many confusions and questions. They are all distractions from being. because the answers you seek come from a deeper reality that won't be found here.


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Yippy. As pure as crystal clear water, beautiful and serene. 

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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3 hours ago, Dodoster said:

Ok, here's an example: I can say with cerainty that it is better to be free and happy rather than to be a slave to a system and depressed.

So my point,  why if consciousness is pure love and joy etc, why would it create a dream of slavery, suffering and inequality. 

The pc games  humanity creates are always balanced out. This is intelligent design so that the game is fair.

This game of life seems far from fair and this seems to me like the act of unconsciousness.

So maybe there is ultimately not only one as spirituality says,  but two: Consciousness and Unconsciousness - the good and the bad, God and the equally strong Devil.

They both express and fight for this plane... This seems like much more reasonable scenario to me, because if all was one, I'm sure it will figure out a better game design, if it had a choice :P

Let's start with how reality is. It is the way it is right? I'm sure you will agree. ? How can it not be?

What is it that wants it to be something it is not? And what is it that puts a label that says that something is good or bad or unfair or evil? 

It is the mind that does that. So what is real? Reality or your mind?

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4 minutes ago, WelcometoReality said:

Let's start with how reality is. It is the way it is right? I'm sure you will agree. ? How can it not be?

What is it that wants it to be something it is not? And what is it that puts a label that says that something is good or bad or unfair or evil? 

It is the mind that does that. So what is real? Reality or your mind?

It seems like reality includes the mind right now though, doesn't it? Without the mind, we won't be able to write these posts... It's real because it IS, right? Even though it might not last forever, it IS now?

-1/12 is Infinity 

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30 minutes ago, WelcometoReality said:

Let's start with how reality is. It is the way it is right? I'm sure you will agree. ? How can it not be?

What is it that wants it to be something it is not? And what is it that puts a label that says that something is good or bad or unfair or evil? 

It is the mind that does that. So what is real? Reality or your mind?

Or mind cannot be found in the present moment when inveatigated deeply actually,  mind is like always couple milliseconds lagging in past? 

Sort of like the tail of a commet?? This makes a lot of sense to me actually!! Thanks, my mind needed to know visually why it is unreal and now it can agree with the theory again :D

Edited by Dodoster

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8 hours ago, Dodoster said:

Why does consciousness create this sick game if it is pure love? Most humans, we are super identified with being human, even if we claim otherwise by having intellectual understanding or even experience... 

How come one can be empty consciousness and why would it be better to be that?? Oh damn my mind wants to understand the un-understandable again...

Its not a separate thing. You are consciousness, it is all there is really. But you as consciousness is confused, and you believe the ideas and thoughts are really you. Then you may think there is you and consciousness. But ideas and thoughts are output, not self defining. 
Actually the thoughts and ego and emotions are real and happening, but they are not yours, what you are is the thing that is aware of them.
Look into yourself, you are aware of everything your body/mind feels/sees.. What you are is just the thing that is aware of these thoughts.

Once you as consciousness realizes you are just awareness, just seeing the world unfold, then you are enlightened.

So basically, your consciousness is confused and thinks it is your thoughts and body.

But if you really look, there is only being. There is only awareness of everything.
If you "observe" a thought, who is it that observes the thought? That is what Leo means i believe, by asking yourself "who am I".
There is something that is aware of you asking that question. But what is aware can never ask you a question. 
So you can only be aware of what you are not. Awareness cannot be aware of itself. You can't use the Buddha to seek the Buddha.


Personally, i do not think we are all one consciousness. In my experience i am a consciousness.


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The body and mind and thoughts are not a self, they never were a self. They give the impression of self, all these thoughts.
And your true self, being pure awareness, somehow has come to believe this to be so.

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4 hours ago, Dodoster said:

It seems like reality includes the mind right now though, doesn't it? Without the mind, we won't be able to write these posts... It's real because it IS, right? Even though it might not last forever, it IS now?


4 hours ago, Dodoster said:

Or mind cannot be found in the present moment when inveatigated deeply actually,  mind is like always couple milliseconds lagging in past? 

Sort of like the tail of a commet?? This makes a lot of sense to me actually!! Thanks, my mind needed to know visually why it is unreal and now it can agree with the theory again :D

Warms my heart to see that you don't take my word for it, but try to anchor it within your own experience. ?

The thought appears in reality right? But the content of the thought is never real?

If that is the case what is a tree without thought and words?

What separates the tree from the ground it stands on?

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8 minutes ago, WelcometoReality said:

The thought appears in reality right? But the content of the thought is never real?

If that is the case what is a tree without thought and words?

What separates the tree from the ground it stands on?

The thought is real, the tree is real, the ground is real. None of these are a self however, they are just reality.
The brain is able to make these distinctions thanks to study and learning.

Consciousness is aware of all of the above.

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7 minutes ago, zazed said:

The thought is real, the tree is real, the ground is real. None of these are a self however, they are just reality.
The brain is able to make these distinctions thanks to study and learning.

Consciousness is aware of all of the above.

If they are real, they are not an illusion, I thought they are illusion to be transcended?

As Mooji says: A mirage looks real, you can swear it's real, but it's not there. I agree that the experience of those is real, but not the stuff itself. Right, on to transcending now xD 

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4 minutes ago, Dodoster said:

If they are real, they are not an illusion, I thought they are illusion to be transcended?

Some say this, but i think it is terminology.
They are real, but the illusion is, you think they are you, you think they are the core of your existence.

What you are is awareness, this body and thoughts is not you, but you are aware of everything this body is doing.
To say it is an illusion is an overstatement, to say it is essentially unimportant this body and thoughts, i agree.

There is only one thing to say about enlightenment:
You are that which perceives.

The body exists within reality
The thoughts exist within reality
-> You perceive everything, body, mind, thoughts, feelings, sight, hearing, etc... And the thing perceiving all these things is you. Not the thing commenting about these perceptions, those are thoughts, they are not you.

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19 minutes ago, zazed said:

The thought is real, the tree is real, the ground is real. None of these are a self however, they are just reality.
The brain is able to make these distinctions thanks to study and learning.

Consciousness is aware of all of the above.

The thing is, if we say those are real, that creates a duality - consciousness,  me, here, subject - things there.

Even on the level of mind we can talk about this:

If the working hypothesis is that consciousness is the only real thing,  the one, then there could be nothing else real.

The tree can be real only if it's viewed entirely as consciousness, only one substance. No separate real tree, but part of the connected whole (same as everything else, including my body and thoughts).


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