
Help them... but not too much... cuz they'll stop paying

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On 18/5/2024 at 10:35 AM, ivankiss said:


This just became super obvious to me.

Have you seen this? Have you experienced this?

It's everywhere.

No one truly wants to help nobody.

Cuz that would make us all equal, eventually.

And there's no fat juicy profit there.

God damnit. The game is so rigged it's not even funny anymore.

Tell you what though... feels so fucking good to peel off these remaining layers of illusion.

Life is so much brighter without foolishly believing that people have your best interest in mind.

this transmission was meant for you. 

I say this as I sense a bit of frustration, perhaps lingering resentment in your post. Although perhaps I'm wrong. 

Edited by thurT

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On 5/27/2024 at 7:32 AM, puporing said:

Sure, I can explain based on what generally people value here:

Intimate Relationships

Tried that, due to gaps in consciousness I always end up being someone's "free therapist" or punching bag, getting tricked that they might have basic integrity. Cannot find anyone that understands Love. People generally want to "imprison you" or use you as some "thing" to show off, and put you into a box with a "specific role" in mind, look a certain way, talk a certain way, and if you deviate from that all hell gets loose (generally). And those who are already in "relationships" don't generally give a fk about everyone else that they might come across. It's like other people just don't exist anymore. Same is true with "family systems", if you're not part of someone's family you don't exist to them very much nor do they give a fk about you.

Why do people even want babies? Do they even consider how painful that process is for the mother? And how it basically enslaves them? Usually no. They just take for granted someone with ovaries should have babies, like some kinda biological incubator. So imagine being boxed into this thing that most people think this is what you're good for and only what you're good for.


I have no true families I can hardly avoid my biological parents, who are similar to the above, try to box me into something they want of me and most likely transphobic.


So far I have not had a single job where someone in position of power doesn't try to manipulate, abuse, take advantage of me. If you're a biological woman most people in position of power will never promote you or give you your fair pay for your abilities. They will pay you the lowest of the low because they think you don't know better as a "woman". And when I tried to be self employed, I still run into bad people like certain customers who will trash your stuff on purpose, business "partners" like Airbnb trying to get out of paying you damages, other people that might be in the picture of your business constantly trying to screw you over and steal from you and you have very limited ways to fight back that don't require lots of money. 

Thanks for the explanation. I acknowledge its validity and sense. I could add many shitty things to what you already mentioned, but I'll add only one: I don't like the fact that you and I need to murder other living things to stay alive. What kind of bastard would design such shit?


On 5/27/2024 at 7:32 AM, puporing said:

Have you found any Light yet? There's much Light to uncover which leads you back to Heaven.

I don't know what you mean by "light" and "heaven". For me, heaven is found inside this hell (Earth). Beauty, goodness, intelligence, mystery, love, excitement, peace, joy, and satisfaction are heaven; and thankfully exist in this world. I have witnessed, experienced, and enjoyed heaven many times. And I want to witness, experience, and enjoy even more of it (with more variety and quality) in the future. :)

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saneness is sameness

don't help anyone

until it's clear

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1 hour ago, jimwell said:

I don't like the fact that you and I need to murder other living things to stay alive. What kind of bastard would design such shit?

Lmao, yes it's a hard one to swallow.. esp if you see their beingness as the same. You can try being "reducetarian" to start. 

1 hour ago, jimwell said:

I don't know what you mean by "light" and "heaven".

There's an actual heaven that is your true being that's not "here" or same as here, though it still connects to here. Your true being is filled with Light, like a bright sun.

1 hour ago, jimwell said:

For me, heaven is found inside this hell (Earth). Beauty, goodness, intelligence, mystery, love, excitement, peace, joy, and satisfaction are heaven; and thankfully exist in this world. I have witnessed, experienced, and enjoyed heaven many times.

That's all good too, those qualities apply to the heaven I'm referring to and increased there, and is a constant state. 

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪  天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 

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It’s worse than that they truly don’t know how to help you. Your job is to help yourself while using them to bounce ideas off of. The first lie was false advertisement, false expectations, the clean dream. 

Edited by integral

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How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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