
Does God have infinite memory?

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The Godhead works by forgetting, that's how you maintain the illusion of being human. 

But the Godhead has infinite memory. 

With 100% forgetfulness would you also experience the Godhead? 


Edited by enchanted

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I´m not sure I understand you question.

In my experience, for you to have a body/human, consciousness needs memory. 

If not tomorrow you would wake up as a horse. Yet you keep creating a human body (and the same one) day after day.

That's consciousness using the power memory. 

Edited by Javfly33

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22 minutes ago, Sugarcoat said:

What is the godhead?

Your true actualized being. The state you are when you do 5 meo perhaps. Or when you meditate for a long time.

The most conscious state you can be. When you have infinite knowledge and infinite memory perhaps. 

Edited by enchanted

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10 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

I´m not sure I understand you question.

In my experience, for you to have a body/human, consciousness needs memory. 

If not tomorrow you would wake up as a horse. Yet you keep creating a human body (and the same one) day after day.

That's consciousness using the power memory. 

Leo has said it before in his videos, that in order for you to be a human you have to forget you're god. So God works by forgetting

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Just now, enchanted said:

Your true actualized being. The state you are when you do 5 meo?. Or when you meditate for a long time.

The most conscious state you can be. When you have infinite knowledge and infinite memory perhaps. 

Infinite memory of what? Your past reincarnations or? If there is such 

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8 minutes ago, Sugarcoat said:

Infinite memory of what? Your past reincarnations or? If there is such 

Sure and also that you're God and how you created everything around you. 

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1 minute ago, enchanted said:

Sure and also that you're God and how you created everything around you. 

All that sounds like over complicated conceptualizing . I don’t know tho

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11 hours ago, enchanted said:

Leo has said it before in his videos, that in order for you to be a human you have to forget you're god. So God works by forgetting

God or ultimate Consciousness does not have memory.

Is by the use of memory that creates form. A human is nothing more than Consciousness holding a certain configuration within the endless space that there is. 

You are the empty space where the body appears, not the form. But you are creating the form/human, probably to explore your own creation. 


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15 hours ago, enchanted said:

Leo has said it before in his videos, that in order for you to be a human you have to forget you're god. So God works by forgetting

God is trapped in the reincarnation cycle and his memory gets wiped again and again... doesnt it look like a satanic matrix?

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I always thought of formed objects like accumulations of memory. Shape, size, past experiences...

This would make the human body and mind a kind of storage / memory device for the Mind of God and get wiped clean when they perish.

On a past LSD trip I wondered, what if You experience something, but you are not there to record it, would this be possible? What causes something to be saved into memory?

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There is no memory, only infinite creation

Because past doesn't exist

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Does God have something that it is not? 


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