Guest Bazooka Jesus

True Happiness Is Deep, Not High

23 posts in this topic

I just stumbled across this video and thought I'll share it; it's a beautiful pointer towards cultivating the proper attitude to spirituality and life in general:

Note: Cultivating this kind of attitude does not necessarily mean falling prey to toxic positivity. If you feel unhappy, then acknowledge and address the unhappiness instead of bypassing it. You don't transcend negativity by pushing it away and sweeping it under the rug; you transcend it by accepting it as part of the divine game of life and recognize its hidden value. You don't reach the light by rejecting the darkness but by recognizing the light within the darkness. What you resist persists; what you fully embrace will eventually be transmuted into gold.

And secondly, beware not only of the material but also of the spiritual rat race. Many seekers transfer their avoidant & addictive egoic patterns onto the pursuit of spirituality and end up chasing spiritual highs in the same way that a junkie is always chasing the next fix, which keeps them caught up in an endless tug-of-war with reality. True spiritual devotion is not about desperately craving constant highs and trying to eliminate the dreaded lows; it's about recognizing that the highs and the lows are made of the same divine substance, that they are but two sides of the same magnificent coin, that they are complementary expressions of the great Tao without which there could be no experience of reality. It's about recognizing that this whole wildly multi-faceted existence is nothing other than Oneness expressing itself in an endless miraculous variety of shades, forms and colors. The same thing appearing in different styles, costumes and flavors. Unity becoming visible as non-unity.

Remember: No contrast = no experience = no happiness.


And now, the unhappy people and compulsive bypassers of this forum are more than welcome to air their stubborn existential resentment. Don't be shy kids, let it all out. ;)

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I've never experienced a low tbh, although I've never experienced a high either. 

To me it is just the mind blowing stillness of a moment and the passing of time. No Bypassing, no highs or lows, just surrender to the absolute. 


My name is Whitney. 



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You'll need some lucid dreaming for this seriously. Just try it. The states you'll get to, you'll completely forget yourself. It's much better than anything you did before. 

My name is Whitney. 



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Before I was in a state of almost permanent dissonance, and the more openness there is in me, the less this happens. That contrast between high and low is not like that, it is openness or closure. If there is openness, there is happiness, without it there is anxiety. So I look for the maximum openness, to be unhindered in the most total way possible, it is like removing barriers and for reality to perceive yourself in all your depth, then nothing is wrong, it is a living reality, it flows, and it is felt as full. The ups and downs become increasingly rare, although moments of closure can and do occur, openness predominates. a sign is the total cessation of the addictive, including the addictive thought

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1 minute ago, Breakingthewall said:

Before I was in a state of almost permanent dissonance, and the more openness there is in me, the less this happens. That contrast between high and low is not like that, it is openness or closure. If there is openness, there is happiness, without it there is anxiety. So I look for the maximum openness, to be unhindered in the most total way possible, it is like removing barriers and for reality to perceive yourself in all your depth, then nothing is wrong, it is a living reality, it flows, and it is felt as full. The ups and downs become increasingly rare, although moments of closure can and do occur, openness predominates. a sign is the total cessation of the addictive, including the addictive thought

How would you describe that openness? 

My name is Whitney. 



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39 minutes ago, Buck Edwards said:

How would you describe that openness? 

Openness is when your psyche moves away and reality loses its limits. Your psyche is a kind of constantly running software that encapsulates reality, circumscribes it to a time frame, and defines it. If the timeline disappears, and all the definition too, the opening remains. In the opening, reality manifests itself as what it is, depth, and from that depth life flows. Life has a concrete character, it is concretely what you are. Anyway desires happens, frustration, etc but the ultimate nature of reality is perceived as alive, powerful, intelligent, wonderful. 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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Nice. Even though I'm not a fan of the word happy or happiness. I prefer content and peaceful. 



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13 hours ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

I just stumbled across this video and thought I'll share it; it's a beautiful pointer towards cultivating the proper attitude to spirituality and life in general:

Note: Cultivating this kind of attitude does not necessarily mean falling prey to toxic positivity. If you feel unhappy, then acknowledge and address the unhappiness instead of bypassing it. You don't transcend negativity by pushing it away and sweeping it under the rug; you transcend it by accepting it as part of the divine game of life and recognize its hidden value. You don't reach the light by rejecting the darkness but by recognizing the light within the darkness. What you resist persists; what you fully embrace will eventually be transmuted into gold.

And secondly, beware not only of the material but also of the spiritual rat race. Many seekers transfer their avoidant & addictive egoic patterns onto the pursuit of spirituality and end up chasing spiritual highs in the same way that a junkie is always chasing the next fix, which keeps them caught up in an endless tug-of-war with reality. True spiritual devotion is not about desperately craving constant highs and trying to eliminate the dreaded lows; it's about recognizing that the highs and the lows are made of the same divine substance, that they are but two sides of the same magnificent coin, that they are complementary expressions of the great Tao without which there could be no experience of reality. It's about recognizing that this whole wildly multi-faceted existence is nothing other than Oneness expressing itself in an endless miraculous variety of shades, forms and colors. The same thing appearing in different styles, costumes and flavors. Unity becoming visible as non-unity.

Remember: No contrast = no experience = no happiness.


And now, the unhappy people and compulsive bypassers of this forum are more than welcome to air their stubborn existential resentment. Don't be shy kids, let it all out. ;)

One of the best post ever made on the forum.  Excellent.  But the spiritual rat race could probably be omitted.  The big take away is that sadness is also a part of happiness.  That is a holistic, unified perspective.   The problem. Is because most don't  grasp that reality is one - so they want to decide bad and good - and happiness and depression.   It's two sides of the same coin.  You really need awakening to know this is true at the deepest level.  (Not highest)

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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What you are saying basically is that you are Ok with the endless samsaric repetition of highs and lows and you don´t care about Liberation.

Fine, that is Ok. Everyone is at his own path, but don´t think that is Spirituality. Spirituality has one goal and one goal only. Transcendence. Everything else is actually the games and spiritual bypassing. Not the other way around. 

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5 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

What you are saying basically is that you are Ok with the endless samsaric repetition of highs and lows and you don´t care about Liberation.

Fine, that is Ok. Everyone is at his own path, but don´t think that is Spirituality. Spirituality has one goal and one goal only. Transcendence. Everything else is actually the games and spiritual bypassing. Not the other way around. 

Exactly, clear concepts about what we are trying to do. It's important to see clearly. What we are looking for is not knowing things, is breaking the shell of the ego and flow absolutely free. 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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On 17.5.2024 at 4:48 PM, Buck Edwards said:

I've never experienced a low tbh, although I've never experienced a high either.

Ultimately, "high" and "low" are of course just labels. All you ever really experience is THIS.

On 18.5.2024 at 5:02 AM, Princess Arabia said:

Nice. Even though I'm not a fan of the word happy or happiness. I prefer content and peaceful. 

I know what you mean. The thing is, whatever name you give it will never truly capture it. The "happiness" we're talking about here is infinitely subtle and yet at the same time infinitely powerful.

On 18.5.2024 at 5:48 AM, Inliytened1 said:

The big take away is that sadness is also a part of happiness.  That is a holistic, unified perspective.   The problem. Is because most don't  grasp that reality is one - so they want to decide bad and good - and happiness and depression.   It's two sides of the same coin.  You really need awakening to know this is true at the deepest level.  (Not highest)

Yes. Beautifully said.

Isn't it funny how people always conjure up dualities of good vs bad, true vs untrue, real vs illusory in the name of getting rid of all duality? It's like f***ing in the name of virginity, to quote the immortal George Carlin. ^_^


Edited by Bazooka Jesus

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On 17.5.2024 at 11:56 PM, Breakingthewall said:

Before I was in a state of almost permanent dissonance, and the more openness there is in me, the less this happens. That contrast between high and low is not like that, it is openness or closure. If there is openness, there is happiness, without it there is anxiety. So I look for the maximum openness, to be unhindered in the most total way possible, it is like removing barriers and for reality to perceive yourself in all your depth, then nothing is wrong, it is a living reality, it flows, and it is felt as full. The ups and downs become increasingly rare, although moments of closure can and do occur, openness predominates. a sign is the total cessation of the addictive, including the addictive thought

You can drastically alter the way you experience "highs" and "lows", but you will never get rid of contrast altogether. As I keep repeating like a broken record (because almost noone here seems to get it), without contrast there can be no experience of reality (which is of course exactly why contrast/form/the appearance of duality exists, duh. It wouldn't be here if there were no divine purpose for it). This is simply the basic immutable law of existence, and it should be completely obvious to anyone who isn't completely blind.


Edited by Bazooka Jesus

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22 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

What you are saying basically is that you are Ok with the endless samsaric repetition of highs and lows and you don´t care about Liberation.

Fine, that is Ok. Everyone is at his own path, but don´t think that is Spirituality. Spirituality has one goal and one goal only. Transcendence. Everything else is actually the games and spiritual bypassing. Not the other way around. 

True acceptance = transcendence = liberation.

Bypassing = not accepting that which is the case, right here, right now.

As I said in the OP, you don't transcend something by denying and/or running away from it. You transcend it by fully embracing it and transmuting it through the force of love that you are.

Change your perception and you change the world. But you won't ever get rid of it.


Edited by Bazooka Jesus

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5 hours ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

You can drastically alter the way you experience "highs" and "lows", but you will never get rid of contrast altogether. As I keep repeating like a broken record (because almost noone here seems to get it), without contrast there can be no experience of reality (which is of course exactly why contrast/form/the appearance of duality exists, duh. It 

In true non duality theres no I, just pure Love or bliss.

Just because you havent see It, doesn't mean is not there as a absolute practical possibility in your human Life.

And is not something that has to happen on a psychedelic breakthrough or meditative samadhi.

You can be sitting on a park with people and Absolute have no experience of Self. Therefore no experience of a world, no experience of having been born, and no experience of other.

5 hours ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

True acceptance = transcendence = liberation.

As I said in the OP, you don't transcend something by denying and/or running away from it. You transcend it by fully embracing it and transmuting it through the force of love that you are.


I agree with that Though. 

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Spirituality has nothing really to do with Emotions and high/lows and what Your feeling directly, Spirituality is about Experiencing and Realizing that part of Yourself that is non physical, as we are not the Body or Mind, both Body/Mind hold all ability to Suffer right?

But with Joy and Bliss the road to Realization is more Easily done, Your at Ease when Joyful and Blissed  out, but this has to come with a Balance, the Balance is there no identification or neediness associated with it, if there is then its not leading You to Realization of the Reality that You are..

With Bliss as a Natural Occurrence in Your Life, then "What about Me" drops, Your no longer in Survival Instinct Mode, so much of what ppl do, even though it doesn't look like it on the surface, are in Survival Instinct Mode, building walls of Self preservation around them deeper and deeper, with True Bliss Experience this is all gone, you still have common sense, Your not going to cross the street without looking both ways, but your level of Perception and Experience goes way beyond this and Life just opens up for You, everything about You increase in Profoundness and Intensity, all Your Creativity, Compassion, Intelligence, Awareness goes up tremendously, and Your touched by nothing on the outside, You enjoy a ice cream but if you never have it again it doesn't matter...


Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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5 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

You can be sitting on a park with people and Absolute have no experience of Self. Therefore no experience of a world, no experience of having been born, and no experience of other.

Yes. And at some point you (or rather consciousness) will return to the experience of self. Why? Because without the contrasting experience of self, there could be no experience of no self.

You can only experience the unity of Tao through the everlasting interplay of Yin & Yang (aka. Duality). This is the great divine paradox of existence.


Edited by Bazooka Jesus

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11 hours ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

You can drastically alter the way you experience "highs" and "lows", but you will never get rid of contrast altogether. As I keep repeating like a broken record (because almost noone here seems to get it), without contrast there can be no experience of reality (which is of course exactly why contrast/form/the appearance of duality exists, duh. It wouldn't be here if there were no divine purpose for it). This is simply the basic immutable law of existence, and it should be completely obvious to anyone who isn't completely blind.


Contrasts always occur, but resistance to what is can cease, that's what we're talking about. then there are no ups and downs, there is continuous flow. In that flow different things happen, which are clearly perceived as the flow of existence.

enlightenment is basically opening your perception by stopping resisting. The reality is flowing anyway, that's it's nature, you can be open to it or closed. 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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1 hour ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

Yes. And at some point you (or rather consciousness) will return to the experience of self. Why? Because without the contrasting experience of self, there could be no experience of no self.

You can only experience the unity of Tao through the everlasting interplay of Yin & Yang (aka. Duality). This is the great divine paradox of existence.


There is a point where you never return.

Is called Accepting that you are Dead, there is no world or illusion, is all You and you accept It finally.

Thats why all Enlightened beings say enlightment is NOT an experience. You can not lose It or come back.

Once there is enough claritiy to Who you are you Absolutely can not construct the illusion again.

Thats why i think 99% of what people call enlightment are Mystical experiences, Unity experiences, etc... but are really not enlightment. They are mind stuff.

But not true death, not true enlightment.

For example, right now i feel absolutely Dead , and i know i can not ever come back of this. Is impossible.

Edited by Javfly33

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2 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

There is a point where you never return.

Is called Accepting that you are Dead, there is no world or illusion, is all You and you accept It finally.

Thats why all Enlightened beings say enlightment is NOT an experience. You can not lose It or come back.

Once there is enough claritiy to Who you are you Absolutely can not construct the illusion again.

Thats why i think 99% of what people call enlightment are Mystical experiences, Unity experiences, etc... but are really not enlightment. They are mind stuff.

But not true death, not true enlightment.

For example, right now i feel absolutely Dead , and i know i can not ever come back of this. Is impossible.

Sadhguru says most ppl that reach Enlightenment, at that same moment leave the Body, they merge with existence, oneness, absolute, only the ones that know the mechanics of Life, Masters per say, can stay on, either they create their own Karma or some other way I guess...

Like Eckhart Tolle I don't think he is Enlightened, I think he is a sort of Saint, a Great Teacher, has a high level Experience (after his experience from Depression to Bliss, he didn't know what was going on, he sat around enjoying it for a few years then did some research on it, studying the various spiritual practices and methods, then came to his own conclusions, he's basic in his teaching but its very effective)..

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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5 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

.For example, right now i feel absolutely Dead , and i know i can not ever come back of this. Is impossible.

How can "you" feel "dead"? The fact that there appears to be a you that feels something seems to indicate that there is still a kind of personal identity present, doesn’t it?

No offense, but "I feel absolutely dead" sounds very much like an experience to me.

And besides, nothing is impossible in infinite reality. If consciousness could once seemingly fall asleep, then it can seemingly fall asleep again.


Edited by Bazooka Jesus

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