
I don´t know who i am, what is reality, or what you guys are.

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On 18.5.2024 at 2:12 AM, Javfly33 said:

At the same time I see the usual pains or obsessions of my mind are still there, so it is difficult to say if there is real progress being made or I´m again making a story about enlightment or liberation when in reality there isn´t liberation yet. 

If my mind is still in certain chains, for me that can not be proper liberation. No matter if the apparent 'real self' have been seen and is even seen a few minutes each day. The point is chains are still felt in a very real way.

Notice the judgement inherent in these lines. By labelling certain aspects of what you perceive to be the case in the Here and Now as "good" and others as "bad", you are basically dividing reality into one part that should be glorified and another part which is to be rejected and demonized, thereby labelling God's divine creation as essentially flawed and imperfect.

This is the sneaky vicious cycle that the ego traps itself in: It tries to reach some idealised state of harmony and perfection by constantly pointing out and getting hung up on what it perceives to be disharmony and imperfection... which is like trying to clean a white sheet of paper by constantly rubbing it off with dirt.

So, how do you become liberated? Quite simply by BEING liberated. Let go of judgmental labels, perceive reality from a place of pure innocence and unknowingness. (Note: Letting go of something ≠ rejecting/denying it. If judgement arises, then simply let it be there without getting hung up on it / identifying with it.) If you truly didn't (pretend to) know what reality is - which of course you don't - then there would be no judgement of anything. How can you judge what you don't know? There can only be judgement if you say "oh yeah, I know what this is, and it's good/bad".

Reality is that which you perceive. If you perceive perfection, then that's what is the case. If you perceive imperfection, then that's what is the case. And you don't need to judge reality as perfect to perceive its inherent perfection; the word "perfect" simply means "finished" (lat. perficere = to finish something), and since reality is all there is and all there ever will be, how could it possibly be unfinished? It could only be unfinished if there were something outside of reality which could be added onto it; but since it already contains everything that exists, it cannot ever be unfinished/imperfect. See what I mean?

Anyway, that's my humble dose of bullshit for today. I hope you enjoyed it. ;)

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1 hour ago, Bazooka Jesus said:


Notice the judgement inherent in these lines. By labelling certain aspects of what you perceive to be the case in the Here and Now as "good" and others as "bad", you are basically dividing reality into one part that should be glorified and another part which is to be rejected and demonized, thereby labelling God's divine creation as essentially flawed and imperfect.

This is the sneaky vicious cycle that the ego traps itself in: It tries to reach some idealised state of harmony and perfection by constantly pointing out and getting hung up on what it perceives to be disharmony and imperfection... which is like trying to clean a white sheet of paper by constantly rubbing it off with dirt.

So, how do you become liberated? Quite simply by BEING liberated. Let go of judgmental labels, perceive reality from a place of pure innocence and unknowingness. (Note: Letting go of something ≠ rejecting/denying it. If judgement arises, then simply let it be there without getting hung up on it / identifying with it.) If you truly didn't (pretend to) know what reality is - which of course you don't - then there would be no judgement of anything. How can you judge what you don't know? There can only be judgement if you say "oh yeah, I know what this is, and it's good/bad".

Reality is that which you perceive. If you perceive perfection, then that's what is the case. If you perceive imperfection, then that's what is the case. And you don't need to judge reality as perfect to perceive its inherent perfection; the word "perfect" simply means "finished" (lat. perficere = to finish something), and since reality is all there is and all there ever will be, how could it possibly be unfinished? It could only be unfinished if there were something outside of reality which could be added onto it; but since it already contains everything that exists, it cannot ever be unfinished/imperfect. See what I mean?

Anyway, that's my humble dose of bullshit for today. I hope you enjoyed it. ;)


Know thyself....

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1 hour ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

Let go of judgmental labels, perceive reality from a place of pure innocence and unknowingness. (Note: Letting go of something ≠ rejecting/denying it. If judgement arises, then simply let it be there without getting hung up on it / identifying with it.) If you truly didn't (pretend to) know what reality is - which of course you don't - then there would be no judgement of anything. How can you judge what you don't know? There can only be judgement if you say "oh yeah, I know what this is, and it's good/bad".

Especially this.❤️

Know thyself....

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Posted (edited)

On 18/5/2024 at 2:12 AM, Javfly33 said:

the same time I see the usual pains or obsessions of my mind are still there, so it is difficult to say if there is real progress being made or I´m again making a story about enlightment or liberation when in reality there isn´t liberation yet. 

On 21/5/2024 at 1:12 PM, Javfly33 said:



On 21/5/2024 at 1:12 PM, Javfly33 said:



On 21/5/2024 at 2:37 PM, Javfly33 said:


I thought there were certain obsessions that I could never leave behind. a quite wild distortion of hatred caused by highly toxic people in my family with whom I lived as a child. There was a large component of violence in me that I channeled as best as possible but that always threatened to turn against me. This has been the driving force that has pushed me to go to the bottom. At a certain point, you break the capsule of the self. This does not mean that you go through life like Jesus Christ, you can spend all day thinking about sex and stuff, but your mental landscape has lost its limits, it has become bottomless depth, and from that depth springs the substance of existence, your true nature, quite clearly, then the obsessions and other dysfunctions of the self lose most of their strength as they become marginal, since if you perceive reality as something unlimited everything tends to become smaller in comparison, until it almost disappears, even life and death. 

Then, if I were you, I would push harder, deeper, without fear. Destroy your self again and again, until it becomes weak. Open your being to the unlimited, that's the work that you have to do in life. Then the fire that is in you will burn clear, clean, to outside, not to inside, because inside is not a self anymore to be burnt 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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2 hours ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

This is the sneaky vicious cycle that the ego traps itself in: It tries to reach some idealised state of harmony and perfection by constantly pointing out and getting hung up on what it perceives to be disharmony and imperfection... which is like trying to clean a white sheet of paper by constantly rubbing it off with dirt

On 21/5/2024 at 1:12 PM, Javfly33 said:



On 21/5/2024 at 1:12 PM, Javfly33 said:



On 21/5/2024 at 2:37 PM, Javfly33 said:


The ego is right doing that. That's intuition, the ego intuits the trap and intuits the freedom. That's the way of liberation. Get contented with less is a mistake 

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41 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

The ego is right doing that. That's intuition, the ego intuits the trap and intuits the freedom. That's the way of liberation. Get contented with less is a mistake 

Hehehe... sneaky ego.


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28 minutes ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

Hehehe... sneaky ego.


5 hours ago, Bazooka Jesus said:


On 21/5/2024 at 1:12 PM, Javfly33 said:



On 21/5/2024 at 1:12 PM, Javfly33 said:



On 21/5/2024 at 2:37 PM, Javfly33 said:


The ego simply follows the evolutionary movement that corresponds to it, like everything that exists in the cosmos. If the ego longs for something, it is because it must long for it, just as a plant moves towards the sun, the ego moves where it should. some egos move toward total liberation. Others, like yours, go around thinking that they have already found the key to the enigma, when it is obvious that they remain in the territory of the mind. But they are too proud to humble themselves, so they never break the barrier. others, like the op, advance with frankness, they are too smart to weigh themselves down with pride, knowing that this works against them. It's all very simple, but at the same time very difficult. break the capsule, open yourself to unlimited reality.

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Posted (edited)

@Bazooka Jesus 

Moving towards Liberation and having that goal as a reality, is not a bad thing, is not 'resisting' or 'rejecting life'. I see you usually make that point but is not correct and I will explain you why.

Is not about rejecting things or losing things, you are already what you are, is just that now you are entangled with things you are not. 

So when Liberation comes, you will still be who you are right now, the difference will be, there will be no knots, no entanglement.

So you are not losing anything.  You are just removing the sticky glue you got all over yourself with things that are not you. 

So im not talking about rejecting pleasure or stuff or activity in life. Is simply arriving at a place of clarity. Instead of being identified with all sort of things, you stop that. And you remain as you are. 

When I say entanglement I don´t only mean thoughts or beliefs. There are knots of entanglement that go very deep, Im talking about karmic structures that come beyond your current understanding. In a way 'written' as software and every piece of creation is carrying some of it. 

You should not be scared because everything that is not you should burn to ashes anyway, why you want dirt in your windshield? ;) 

Edited by Javfly33

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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4 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:


Then, if I were you, I would push harder, deeper, without fear. Destroy your self again and again, until it becomes weak. Open your being to the unlimited, that's the work that you have to do in life. Then the fire that is in you will burn clear, clean, to outside, not to inside, because inside is not a self anymore to be burnt 

Yeah 😎🤘

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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Posted (edited)

39 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Notice that when I say entanglement I don´t only mean thoughts or beliefs. There are knots of entanglement that go very deep, Im talking about karmic structures that come from past lives and since the moment of creation. 


Totally agree. When you see the depth of the game, you realize it's difficulty. Then you realize that you are the intelligence in movement, pushing, creating, and realize that it's difficult, but not too difficult . It's something to be done. 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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Posted (edited)

9 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

Totally agree. When you see the depth of the game, you realize it's difficulty.

Yeah, In a way it seems is  'written' as software and every piece of creation is carrying some of it.

For example, the only way I can have my body with the genes of my parents, is if I absolutely pick up everything that comes with it. Is not only the genes, is the whole memory of creation that is forming this body and not Rihanna body.

Rihanna body is another 'memory' that appears in creation. Lately I don´t see so much persons, but rather bags of memory walking around. 

When the memory is completely glued to you, there is no space, is suffocating, you can´t breath. You can´t breath life, you breath life with a filter that is very dirty. 

For some of us that that memory was incredibly suffocating, so it has pushed us to seek freedom from it and remove the filter completely. So that at one point the idea is, we only breathe life and only life. Nothing else. 

For others, if the suffocation is not that much and they can still somewhat breath, they might not be want to remove the filter yet. But im sure at one point they will. It will end up getting too dirty, is a matter of time. 

Edited by Javfly33

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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not knowing is perhaps one of the greatest things about reality, it’s a joy and blessing to live in the unknown 

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4 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

Yeah, In a way it seems is  'written' as software and every piece of creation is carrying some of it.

For example, the only way I can have my body with the genes of my parents, is if I absolutely pick up everything that comes with it. Is not only the genes, is the whole memory of creation that is forming this body and not Rihanna body.

Rihanna body is another 'memory' that appears in creation. Lately I don´t see so much persons, but rather bags of memory walking around. 

When the memory is completely glued to you, there is no space, is suffocating, you can´t breath. You can´t breath life, you breath life with a filter that is very dirty. 

For some of us that that memory was incredibly suffocating, so it has pushed us to seek freedom from it and remove the filter completely. So that at one point the idea is, we only breathe life and only life. Nothing else. 

For others, if the suffocation is not that much and they can still somewhat breath, they might not be want to remove the filter yet. But im sure at one point they will. It will end up getting too dirty, is a matter of time. 

The karma of your family line is transmitted for thousands of generations and becomes saturated. Wild living beings have no karma, they live and die according to natural law, the fact of being alive is the truth. But humans are kept alive artificially and karma accumulates. the lie. wildlife you live and die in the purity of truth. Human life accumulates lies until a critical point, and at that point the individual either self-destructs, or breaks the border of what is human and transcends

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8 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

The karma of your family line is transmitted for thousands of generations and becomes saturated. Wild living beings have no karma, they live and die according to natural law, the fact of being alive is the truth. But humans are kept alive artificially and karma accumulates. the lie. wildlife you live and die in the purity of truth. Human life accumulates lies until a critical point, and at that point the individual either self-destructs, or breaks the border of what is human and transcends

With karma I mean , a certain way of thinking about the world, people and self, deep ingrained in your energy structures.

For example, i think i told you in the past there are guys that sexually like to be kicked in the balls by women, this is an extreme fetish but is overall a fetish of weakness, inferiority, debilitation, these people like to be humiliated, feel as inferior, almost hated by the women. The energy structures that form and make survive this kind of 'inertia' that´s what i call karma. And for women to exist to do this, there has to be the other polarity of that karma, which is to get off on humiliating and manipulating the weak. Trying to feel empowered by that.

I think, at the end of it, they are sides of the same coin. The karmic structures are formed because of ego, but the mindfuck is they are not form in the life on a individual, they come from generations (as you have said), but of course they develop in complexity through time. 

Since is impossible to 'delete' the memory structure that creates this kind of inertias, i think the only way is to consciously distance yourself from it, simply see it as something you picked up. Along with the body, one also picked up the whole karmic structure. One can not delete it because the body goes with it, but we should strive for freedom to be a Life that is not marked by anyone. Not of this life nor from other lifetimes. 


Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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Posted (edited)

On 22.5.2024 at 10:37 PM, Javfly33 said:

@Bazooka Jesus 

Moving towards Liberation and having that goal as a reality, is not a bad thing, is not 'resisting' or 'rejecting life'. I see you usually make that point but is not correct and I will explain you why.

Never ever have I said that "moving towards liberation is a bad thing". This is a complete misunderstanding and a gross distortion of what I am trying to tell you.

I am saying that you don't reach liberation by rejecting the game but by loving it. Without all of those things that you demonize and label as "chains" and imperfections, there could be no game and therefore no experience of reality. Your so-called karma is not some useless rotten heap of garbage that you just need to throw overboard and then everything will be hunky dory; it's a divine gift that enables consciousness to experience and explore itself. You don't become free by hating and rejecting your karma; if anything, this will only add to your "karmic load" and make it even heavier. Of course, there are things that you can do to make your karma more light, less dense, more transparent; this is the whole objective of the game of life. But liberation has nothing to do with trying to get rid of anything. Liberation is simply the recognition of the inherent divinity and perfection of all of creation, the "good" as well as the "bad".

Think of what it's like to play some first-person ego-shooter video game where your game character stumbles around in a post-apocalyptic hellscape and finds himself fighting off zombies with a chainsaw. From the perspective of the game character, the whole thing is a goddamn nightmare; for you (the player) it's a fun game with awesome graphics, cool characters and kick-ass action. The game character thinks it's all very very hard and very very difficult and very very serious; the player is having an absolute ball. The game character is part of the game and is therefore perpetually "stuck in it"; the player is outside of the game and is therefore eternally "free of it". The game character resents the difficulty of the game; the player welcomes and takes delight in the challenge. The game character will never be liberated; the player is already liberated. The game character loathes the game and just wants to get out of it, the player loves the game and can't get enough of it.

So, pick your perspective. And don't listen to those confused souls who are telling you that you should wage war against God's own creation in the name of "radical openness".



Edited by Bazooka Jesus

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6 hours ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

But liberation has nothing to do with trying to get rid of anything. Liberation is simply the recognition of the inherent divinity and perfection of all of creation, the "good" as well as the "bad".

Liberation is dissolving into Infinity for ever. 

Stopping the cycle of birth and death.  

But first for that you have to feel in a certain sense of Liberation while you have a physical body for some quite time, so when time come you can consciously exit the body and not reincarnate again. 

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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11 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Stopping the cycle of birth and death.

Where is birth and death in the Here and Now?

These are just mental stories.

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11 minutes ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

Where is birth and death in the Here and Now?

These are just mental stories.

Yes, but they have importance. 

Birth and death are relative and not absolute, but just because they are relative does not mean they don´t exist.

My car is also a story in the Here and Now, but if i go now to the parking ill find my car parked there.

The dream has rules, we have created them, now we have to play by them.

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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4 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Birth and death are relative and not absolute, but just because they are relative does not mean they don´t exist.

They exist as mental stories.

Liberation = freedom from mental stories.

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