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Can I Outgrow The Orange State When I Want To Be Successfull

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Hey ?

i was watching Leos new video about success and wondered if i could outgrow the orange state if i want to persue success?

I mean if you are not money driven but are passionate about a subject could you be successfull? Or cant you be successfull because if you move on to green state you  adjust your company/career to environmental friendly and non-exploiting subjects so you wont keep up with other businesses who dont?

I am confused? and could need a little help

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Success can be had at any stage of the Graves model, although stage Orange is the one that's predominantly focused on acquisition of material success.

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Everyone in some point of life acts like greedy orange white collar crimes capitalist/cannibalist.

When you experience that is when you start to think about the others and trying to have more equilibrium 

in human social and business relationships.

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