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Arguments for or against prison planet

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Posted (edited)

I recently learned about the Prison planet/soul trap theory. I would love to hear arguments/support/evidence which may prove or disprove it. 

Edited by No_Manny

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Lets see, we farm animals to obtain energy for ourselves, maybe higher beings farm and clean up our energy in our sleep and when we die which is of course not necessarily negative but it might also generate similar levels of unnecessary suffering which could improve as time goes on just like it will with farm animals.


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Posted (edited)

They could be farming human fat. Its something you cant get by openly farming humans. If humans knew they were on a farm they wouldn't eat.

Edited by Hojo

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The soul trap or prison planet theory suggests that human souls are trapped or imprisoned on Earth, unable to escape or progress to higher spiritual realms. Here are some arguments to disprove this theory:

Lack of concrete evidence: The soul trap theory is largely based on speculation and anecdotal accounts rather than concrete evidence. There is no scientific proof or empirical data to support the existence of a soul trap or prison planet.

Diverse spiritual beliefs: Different cultures and religions have varying beliefs about the afterlife and the journey of the soul. The soul trap theory is not universally accepted and contradicts many traditional spiritual teachings.

Personal spiritual experiences: Many individuals report having near-death experiences or spiritual awakenings that involve feelings of peace, love, and connection to a higher power. These experiences often suggest that the soul is not trapped but free to transcend physical limitations.

Evolution of consciousness: The concept of soul evolution implies that souls are on a journey of growth and learning through multiple lifetimes. If souls were truly trapped on Earth, it would hinder their progress and development.

Free will and choice: The idea of a soul trap contradicts the concept of free will and personal choice. If souls were imprisoned against their will, it would raise ethical questions about the nature of existence and spiritual autonomy.

Overall, while the soul trap theory may be intriguing to some, there is limited empirical evidence to support it, and it conflicts with many established spiritual beliefs and experiences.



While the soul trap or prison planet theory is not widely accepted and lacks empirical evidence, some arguments that could potentially support this theory include:

Reincarnation cycles: Proponents of the soul trap theory may argue that the cycle of reincarnation on Earth is a form of imprisonment for the soul. They might suggest that souls are continuously reincarnated without their consent, keeping them bound to the physical realm.

Collective suffering: The prevalence of suffering, injustice, and inequality on Earth could be interpreted as evidence of a soul trap. Advocates of this theory may argue that the challenges and hardships faced by individuals are part of a larger system designed to keep souls trapped in a cycle of suffering.

Spiritual amnesia: Some proponents of the soul trap theory suggest that souls are subjected to a form of spiritual amnesia upon entering the physical realm. This amnesia prevents individuals from remembering their true spiritual nature and purpose, contributing to the feeling of being trapped.

Control by higher beings: The soul trap theory often involves the idea that higher-dimensional beings or entities are responsible for trapping souls on Earth. These beings may manipulate human consciousness and reincarnation processes to maintain control over souls.

Limited spiritual growth: Supporters of the soul trap theory may argue that the challenges and distractions of the physical world hinder spiritual growth and evolution. They might suggest that souls are kept in a state of ignorance or illusion that prevents them from reaching higher levels of consciousness.

It's important to note that these arguments are speculative and not based on scientific evidence. The soul trap theory remains a controversial and fringe belief within the realm of spirituality and metaphysics.

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