
What is the martial arts trap?

64 posts in this topic

A more detailed explanation of the traps this S. Carmen found himself in life:


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   Again, he further descends into his own trap and wrongness:

   This folks is the power of the sunk cost fallacy, you just keep digging your own grave.

   P.S: I am not defending or justifying Americanism of eastern traditional martial arts, that's just modern capitalism 101 for modern Americans. Guns, knives, and other weapons, let's be honest, have mostly obsoleted traditional martial arts, with some exceptions. I'm just commenting on how his ideology and bias is digging him into a grave mistake.

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10 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

   Again, he further descends into his own trap and wrongness:

   This folks is the power of the sunk cost fallacy, you just keep digging your own grave.

   P.S: I am not defending or justifying Americanism of eastern traditional martial arts, that's just modern capitalism 101 for modern Americans. Guns, knives, and other weapons, let's be honest, have mostly obsoleted traditional martial arts, with some exceptions. I'm just commenting on how his ideology and bias is digging him into a grave mistake.

I agree with most of what he says.   The marketing of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu has been brilliant, but it is not the ultimate fighting syle.  This is just a marketing slogan which has created a money making business.  Although, looking at it more realistically, BJJ is a legitimate martial art.   Their promotion convinced many men that Karate is a joke, by matching mediocore karate practioners against the Gracies in a ring controlled by them and under their rules.

I like this video he did on real Okinawan Karate, similar to what I trained under.



Vincit omnia Veritas.

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