
What is the martial arts trap?

64 posts in this topic

Leo said in his traps video about martial arts trap but then he didn't explain. 

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Didn’t remember but it can be very dangerous if you’re not serious on the rules
You can have a concussion, a bone fracture…

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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27 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

Didn’t remember but it can be very dangerous if you’re not serious on the rules
You can have a concussion, a bone fracture…

Sigh. So can walking the dog.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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11 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

Sigh. So can walking the dog.

Is it a turns of phrase ? 

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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15 hours ago, Butters said:

Leo said in his traps video about martial arts trap but then he didn't explain. 

   The martial arts trap of combat sports, and BJJ:




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Maybe something along the lines of it being attractive for lots of young men and women who might be going into it for wrong reasons who might end up with debilitating long term injuries. People in those sports can be incredibly savage and ruthless even doing sparring practice 

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I thought he meant it in the same way that someone would fall for a trap set in chess, where you attempt to sieze on a situation that you think your opponent missed, but your opponent predicted you would see that and planned many moves ahead so that what you thought was a good move, was actually a blunder. 

I guess in fighting, then could be something like faking someone out so you could land a good hit or attempt a submission. 

I dont think he meant it in a literal sense of pursuing martial arts is a trap because it can harm you physically. (Peter Ralston is an enlightened martial artists)

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Maybe developing ego around it. Injuries are just part of the game. Ie wanting to dominate, wanting to be the best, using it for things other than martial arts.

Edited by Hojo

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The Karate masters of Japan where very careful about preventing injuries.  The thing that was valued was control and development of character.  Hence, the sparing was always non contact.  You had to be able to throw a punch powerful enough to kill at someone’s face and stop it one inch from contact.   I trained and got a black belt under a master and 10th degree black belt from Japan.  He was not happy about full contact Karate and felt it degraded the art.  In America they get hung up on this discussion of which style is the best and if there isn’t full contact it’s not real.  America is a shallow materialistic culture and is too immature to comprehend the spiritual aspects of the martial arts.   And the reality is that it is real the way they practice in Japan. 

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I'll share how starting training kickboxing helped me years ago. It made me calm and more trusting of other people because I know I can easily defend myself. Not immiduately but over the longer term. So knowing some basic fighting skills makes you less fearful and combined with spirituality and areness of self and surrounding probably a better person. 

But, little caveat, the first gym I went to was quite a "rough" gym and I felt judged by some of the coaches. So not sure if they were good. It's really better when it's fun to train. 

Edited by Butters

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On 5/15/2024 at 7:30 PM, Phil King said:

I thought he meant it in the same way that someone would fall for a trap set in chess, where you attempt to sieze on a situation that you think your opponent missed, but your opponent predicted you would see that and planned many moves ahead so that what you thought was a good move, was actually a blunder. 

I guess in fighting, then could be something like faking someone out so you could land a good hit or attempt a submission. 


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On 5/14/2024 at 2:56 PM, Princess Arabia said:

Sigh. So can walking the dog.

No, that's crocodiles ;)

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You see, during a combat sport, committing a mistake or making the other commit a mistake is a difference you learn quick.

In BJJ, you are constantly setting traps for the adversary and so is he doing. This is not a static game but a dynamic dance of giving and receiving and jumping from trap to trap till there is a catastrophic one that ends the fight.

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54 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

No, that's crocodiles ;)

I wonder what animal next in a few weeks....rats, cats, wolves.....maybe albino lizards 😜

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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2 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

I wonder what animal next in a few weeks....rats, cats, wolves.....maybe albino lizards 😜

Eagles are the crocodiles of the sky!


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Expecting to not get punch-drunk. On that note, boxing referees end fights wayyy too quickly. The guy who looks like he has no chance is here to persevere and YES he is here to get brain-damage, that is his own choice that he signed up for when he started practicing fighting sports.

Someone who chose boxing as a highly serious career choice (AKA a highly non-casual one), and who is about to persevere despite the opponent being much better, should not be discouraged, especially if they want to. If you think they should be, you're somewhat against boxing/MMA in general which is a completely different topic.

But you should very likely do training and friendly sparring if you get the opportunity for self-defense reasons.

Edited by numbersinarow

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I believe the trap of martial arts is overestimating your ability to fight as an individual. Someone who is assailing you is more likely to have a plan. They might have setup planned like a previous comment pointed out or friends lying in wait to sucker punch you. Or they might just have a weapon.

The best self-defense is running away and avoid fighting all together. Any "moves" you need to make are purely for creating an opening for escape. Martial arts should first and foremost be for self-betterment and increasing you capacity to live a fulfilling life. If violence is the question, the answer is to materially outmatch your opponent 10x, I.E. call the police.

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   Putting aside this crocodile and eagle delusion spreading in this forum as traps, here's another interesting martial arts commentary and trap:



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