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The Trap of seeing traps

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have done some thinking after leo's last video, and I really agree with what he said in the end, how you can see entire teaching as helping as to spot traps.
But, in the same way that to you have to be sceptic about your own scepticism order to transcend it, going meta about in regards to the whole trap perspective can be very enlightening. 
I became aware of how I am looking for traps always, it gives me a sense of superiority, as I am the only one that can spot those traps, and I avoid trappy scenarios.
That is a problem, fighting traps is part of life, trying to catch that cheese and not get caught, by understanding the trap, you can beat it.
For example

As I follow and explore my purpose, that has to do with nature, i've found my self developing a sort of nature worshiping Ideology.
Ideology is a trap, Leo makes this very clear and I feel like this is core to his teaching. I resisted this tendency for a while, as it felt vary green and childish.
But now I feel that I've found an exception to my ideology aversion, I dive deeper into green, into the heart.

I share this because I sense that generally in the world (especially in my surroundings) there is hate towards green that is developing. This in itself made me curious, why does it bother people when you expose your naivety and hope? It's alright to disagree but what I received was aggression.
And this same aggression I must say I sense from Leo in his latest couple of videos, addressing maturity and naivety around traps.
It is scary to be naive, you open your heart and it might break in disappointment, but that's ok, as leo has said, most traps are not catastrophic, and as a green I feel that opening up is what it's all about. 
I've resisted my greenery for the last two years, trying to climb further and develop, it's time to relax, and from my green stage and values go down the spiral and fill neglected aspects. And this is why I feel should happen on a collective scale as well.
Yes, green has many fallacies, but we first have to evolve to green, and we are resisting it. It makes sense, as society as a whole has been primarily orange (at least its centre of power) we have achieved a lot as a species, now it's time to take it easier, slow production, consume less and focus about healing. maps are useful, as long as you know where you are


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