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Device that cures addictions

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I apologize for the clickbait title.


I bought a "Bio Tuner" device from the company called Sota and it improved my productivity a lot.

Officially on the website they sell it as a neurostimulator that produces calmness but unofficially it has been invented back in 60s or so to cure russian generals from alcoholism, also some musician apparently used it to cure his opium addiction in like 2 days.

They say it uses frequencies that stimulate neurotransmitters so you don't have to go through the abstinence period and wait so long for them to get back to normal.


I bought it a month ago because I had too much stress in college and it's like electronic meditation but  you're still calm after using it.

I could actually pick up crime and punishment and read 100 pages without getting bored or distracted.

Some people apparently started lucid dreaming every night but it didn't happen to me.

I'm not trying to shill here, it's a pretty damn expensive device and the customs in my country charged me unlawful but legal fees.


So yeah if any of you want to try it and have the money go for it and please tell us whether it did anything.


Edit: forgot to mention, I have nothing like social anxiety anymore, interacting with people is so natural it's unreal, I could talk to a pretty girl without thinking about sex once

Edited by ToaTokuchi

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Leo has touched on this on numerous videos I’m sure, as well as others, But a large part of addiction stems from an uneasiness with ourselves and a lack of compassion within ourselves (and for ourselves)  - A byproduct of that is lower frequencies and vibrations, hence, lower moods, and levels of consciousness, which leads to an intense desire to escape

Getting to the core of things, being OK with sitting in the present moment… and having compassion for ourselves (esp our addictive & “unlovable” states!) is the way to increase the electrical impulses within these things that we call neurotransmitters, which are just figments anyway

Edited by mindfulstepz

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There are many ways to accomplish this work, many of them very rudimentary & likely necessary… once those are achieved, addictions and compulsive obsessive thought actions begin to dissipate naturally.  No sooner.

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